The ability to work effectively in a team is one of the most important selection criteria for most jobs. In an job interview, teamwork questions will test your ability to interact with others. Teamwork questions will also test your leadership skills, your tolerance and your ability to deal with conflict and stressful interactions. Prepared answers to such questions will help you express your thoughts clearly, highlight key technical points and relevant examples from your experience that reflect your effectiveness in the team.

Job interview: The 10 most frequently asked questions about teamwork
Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.

Henry Ford

Preparing for teamwork questions in an interview also shows that you take the job seriously and are willing to contribute to the team's success. You show that you work in a professional and structured way, which increases your chances of being hired. Answers based on real-life examples will help the employer understand how you solve problems within the team and how you motivate and support your colleagues - valuable qualities for any company.


In this article, I have compiled the 10 most frequently asked questions for applicants about teamwork. Knowing them and adapting the best answers to your own needs can give you a decisive advantage in your job interview.

10 questions about teamwork that could be asked in a job interview

Teamwork is an essential part of many jobs where a high level of organization and mutual support between employees is valued. The ability to work effectively in a team is often one of the most important recruitment criteria. The Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) has published a meta-analysis of studies on the accuracy of different types of job interviews, which shows that questions about teamwork are among the most important questions in job interviews. The most frequently asked questions are:

1. how would you describe your previous role in teams?

Background: This question aims to understand the applicant's self-perception and preferred team role. It reveals whether the applicant prefers a leadership role, a supporting role or another specific role.

Sample answer: I am usually the organizer who coordinates tasks and ensures that team members work together smoothly. This role fits with my strengths in planning and structuring projects. For example, in a previous project, I created a detailed schedule and clearly assigned tasks, which led to successful and timely project completion.

2. how do you deal with conflicts within the team?

Background: This question tests the applicant's conflict resolution skills and ability to mediate.

Sample answer: I try to listen to all sides and find a compromise that everyone is happy with. Once there was a conflict in my team about the approach to a project. I organized a meeting where everyone could voice their concerns and together we found a solution that was acceptable to everyone and moved the project forward.

3. describe a successful teamwork experience.

Background: This question is designed to highlight practical examples of teamwork and the applicant's role in this.

Sample answer: In the project "XYZ" I worked with an interdisciplinary team to develop an environmentally friendly solution for waste management. My role was to coordinate the project and ensure communication between the departments. Thanks to our close collaboration and regular meetings, we were able to develop an innovative product that won an award at a trade fair.

4. what do you do if you notice that a team member is not working effectively?

Background: This question assesses the candidate's ability to recognize and address problems within the team.

Sample answer: I try to address and discuss the situation, find out the reasons and find a solution. I once noticed that a colleague was lagging behind. In a private conversation, it emerged that he was having difficulties with a particular task. I organized a short training session and offered my support, which helped him get back on track.

5. how do you motivate your team?

Background: This question explores the applicant's team leadership and motivation skills.

Sample answer: I recognize their accomplishments and try to create a positive and supportive atmosphere. For example, in my last project I introduced weekly team meetings to celebrate successes and discuss challenges together. By recognizing individual contributions, I was able to significantly increase motivation and teamwork. It's also always important that my team colleagues see meaning in what they do. That's why I always try to clarify the respective influence of a task on the achievement of objectives.

6. how do you ensure that everyone in the team is on the same page?

Background: This question tests the applicant's organizational skills and communication skills.

Sample answer: I organize regular meetings and make sure everyone has access to the information they need. For example, in one project I used a central communication tool where we shared all documents and updates so that everyone in the team could see the current status at any time.

7. what will you do if the project falls behind schedule?

Background: This question examines the candidate's crisis management skills.

Sample answer: I will analyze the reasons for the delay and work with the team to develop a plan to catch up. In a previous project, we had technical difficulties that set us back. By conducting a thorough root cause analysis and reallocating resources, we were able to minimize the delay and successfully complete the project.

8. how do you distribute responsibility within the team?

Background: This question assesses the candidate's ability to delegate tasks based on the strengths and skills of team members.

Sample answer: I distribute tasks according to the strengths of each team member. In a marketing campaign development project, I assigned the creative tasks to the design experts and the analytical tasks to colleagues managing our ad campaigns. This allowed everyone to contribute their strengths and we achieved excellent results.

9. what do you do if you disagree with a team member's decision?

Background: This question tests the applicant's conflict resolution and communication skills.

Sample answer: I address my concerns openly and try to find a mutually acceptable solution. I once disagreed with a team member's proposal for implementing a new software solution. I suggested discussing our different perspectives and together we found an improved approach that combined the best aspects of both ideas.

10. how do you celebrate team successes?

Background: This question explores how the candidate shows recognition and appreciation for team achievements and builds team spirit.

Sample Answer: I suggest joint meetings or events to celebrate successes and strengthen team spirit. For example, after the successful completion of a large project, I organized a team dinner where we reflected on our successes and celebrated working together. I also praise my colleagues effusively in front of others. This has always strengthened the bond within the team and motivated us for future challenges.

I hope you have enjoyed this list of questions about teamwork , the explanation of the background and the sample answers, and that they have inspired you to prepare for your next job interview in the best possible way. If you also want to increase your chances of being invited to an interview, be well prepared with your application. With a modern layout and a good structure, you can position yourself as a professional option for the vacancy very early on in the application process. Our high-quality application templates will help you to present yourself better than your competitors:


What should you look out for in a job interview?

Remember that questions about teamwork in a job interview are not just a formality. They give you the opportunity to impress your potential employer with your experience, your ability to deal with conflict and your ability to work together. Your answers can show how you can contribute to the team and how you deal with the challenges of teamwork.

Before the interview, think about examples from your personal experience that highlight your ability to work in a team and adapt to change in a dynamic environment. This will increase your chances of success and may be the deciding factor in you getting the job. In addition to the questions about teamwork, you can expect to be asked about other topics during the interview. We have published separate articles on this. Take a look at them now.

Good luck with your interview!


Job interview: The 10 most frequently asked questions about teamwork

Published on by Vitalii Shynakov
Published on: From Vitalii Shynakov
Vitalii Shynakov has been working in the areas of online retail, marketing and customer satisfaction since 2012. Until 2022, he was the head of personnel development and online sales department of four successful stores. He has been part of the team since 2024.