Saleswoman, Sales Manager, Sales Representative, Restaurant Specialist ... If you want to apply for a position in the sales and distribution areas, you will find exemplary, inspiring cover letters here. Take a look and create your cover letter.

Cover Letter Sales & Marketing
You can use the basic structure of the examples for your own cover letter or adapt individual formulations to your situation. Remember that you should change all text passages accordingly to create an appropriate and authentic application. Good luck with your application!

A successful application actually starts with the photo, as it conveys the first impression and attracts attention. A professional application photo can make a difference and immediately impress the potential employer. Therefore, it is crucial that your photo is of high quality and presents you in a favorable light. To ensure that your photo meets the requirements, read our article "Creating an application photo: important tips". Here you will find valuable advice and instructions on how to create a perfect application photo. Did you do everything right? Check your application and optimize your photo to leave a lasting impression.
1| Application with the Goal of Changing Employers
Klara Muster is unsatisfied with the current team at her current employer and is applying for another position for this reason. She sends an application as a saleswoman to her desired company.
Application as a Saleswoman
Your job advertisement on, reference number 12345
Dear Ms. Muster.
Do you want to hear the cash registers ringing more often in your fashion store? Congratulations: Here comes a profitable employee.
The advice I provide to my customers is based on ten years of experience in selling high-quality clothing. Through my engaging and friendly manner, I have managed to build a regular customer base who exclusively want to be dressed by me and therefore visit our store repeatedly.
Three approaches helped me to consistently meet and sometimes exceed the monthly targets: Firstly, customers practically display their wishes on their faces - you just have to read them. Secondly, there can always be a little more for pretty much any customer - upselling that pays off. And thirdly, a consistently friendly smile also helps in difficult situations like a complaint and ensures that customers return.
So if you are interested in a noticeable increase in sales, I look forward to an interview.
Kind regards

After you have sent your application to the employer, you will be invited to an interview. Are you prepared for it? We know the questions that will be asked during the interview. You can better prepare for the interview by reading our two articles: Questions in the Job Interview: Best Preparation for an Interview and Question about Strengths and Weaknesses in the Job Interview. These articles provide you with valuable insights and tips on how to answer typical questions confidently and how to convincingly present your strengths and weaknesses. Use these resources to go into the conversation confidently and self-assured.
2| Application from Unemployment
The business where Hans Muster was previously employed had to close due to insolvency. He is applying from unemployment.
Application as a Salesperson
Your job advertisement on, reference number 12345
Dear Mrs. Sample Woman.
Whether on Monday morning or Saturday evening: One plus one inevitably equals two. With this reliability and my commitment, I sit at your cash registers, even on weekends.
Even during peak times, the conveyor belt always runs smoothly for me, ensuring that product after product quickly returns to the shopping cart. Even in the event of longer waiting lines, my demeanor remains friendly and accommodating. This is evident, for example, in the fact that I sometimes fill the bags for stressed customers with children, belongings, and dozens of items. This saves nerves on both sides and above all time. Friendliness means: satisfied customers who are happy to come back.
It is a pleasure for me when the store is running smoothly, and an even greater pleasure when the products are presented neatly in a row. So, if the cash register ever stops, you will find me at your shelves, tidying up and rearranging.
After the business where I was previously employed had to close, I can start with you immediately. Before that, I look forward to an interview with you to get to know each other.
Kind regards

Regardless of the vacancy, the structure of the CV remains unchanged as it corresponds to a standard. However, the design of the CV should be chosen depending on the position and the corporate design of the company you are applying to. A well-matched layout can significantly improve your chances by emphasizing your professionalism and adaptability. In our article "Classic or Modern CV" you will learn which designs are suitable for different industries and corporate styles. These tips will help you choose the right style and make a positive first impression. Keep reading and perfect your CV.
3 | Application with the goal of changing employers
Hanna Muster has been working successfully as a Sales Manager for years. Feeling that she has achieved everything possible in her current job, she now wants to face new challenges. She sends a Sales Manager application and uses the following cover letter.
Application as Sales Manager in Germany
Your job ad on, Reference number 12345
Dear Mrs. Sample.
As a successful Sales Manager, my first question is always about the desired profit for the coming quarters. By providing your answer to this, you lay the foundation for my further actions.
Through strategic preparation, consistent implementation, and subsequent analysis of success, I have consistently managed to increase the turnover of my area of responsibility in the past five years.
These successes also reflect my communication skills, customer orientation, and convincing power - in my opinion, only through these can a continuous increase in turnover be achieved.
I am eager to take on the responsibility for further expanding your market share and tapping into new potentials in the German-speaking region. Working at eye level with customers and based on their specific challenges, I develop solution concepts even in complex customer situations that satisfy all parties involved.
In my professional advancement, I am now interested in conquering new markets. Since I am still committed to my current position until the end of January, I can start with you from February 1, 2025. Are you interested? Then I look forward to you answering my question about your profit goals in an interview.
Kind regards

4 | Application from permanent employment
Hans Muster’s CV points to numerous positions in the software product sales field. Accordingly, he confidently presents himself in his cover letter for Sales Representative, with which he applies for a position promising him more financially.
Application as Field Sales Representative
Your job ad on, Reference number 12345
Dear Mr. Mustermann,
Insight into human nature and a toolbox full of methodology and strategy - get exactly that on board of your company, for sustainable customer retention & profitable network expansion.
As you can see from my documents, my professional career consistently follows the traces of customer communication. Specialty: Software Sales. Whether in acquiring new customers, taking care of existing customers, presenting at trade shows, or conducting workshops - with me, you rely on experiences gained through multiple successful sales positions.
My negotiation skills result in closing strength. For my current employer, I recently acquired three new major contracts, which will boost the company's revenue in the long run.
Are you also interested in satisfied and new customers? Then I would be happy to accept your invitation to an interview. Considering my qualifications and my wealth of experience, I find a salary of €45,000 appropriate. Get ready for a Sales Representative who is worth it!
Kind regards

5 | Application after relocating for family reasons
Hanna Muster has been working successfully as a team leader in a restaurant. Due to relocating, she is now looking for a new job in her new hometown and sends out her Restaurant Application.
Application as Restaurant Hostess
Your job ad in the Musterstädter Zeitung from 20.1.2020
Dear Mr. Mustermann.
Are you looking for a reliable and punctuality-loving organizational talent with leadership experience and a background in gastronomy? Congratulations, you have now found it.
My conscientious and warmly friendly nature has led to my last position as the manager of a renowned restaurant in Musterhausen. I have always managed to meet the operational requirements adequately, motivate my employees appreciatively, and delight our guests with a service-oriented approach.
In early January, I moved to Musterstadt for family reasons. I would be happy to contribute as your new employee to the success of your restaurant and the joy of your guests in the future.
I would be delighted if you would like to convince yourself of me during a joint meeting and discuss how I can contribute to the concrete success of your restaurant as your new employee.
Kind regards
Are you still looking for designs for your application documents? Take a look around and discover high-quality templates that you can easily edit.
If this article and these examples are useful to you, don't forget to familiarize yourself with our other articles as well:
- Taking a professional application photo
- How to take a professional photo yourself
- German CV vs. Resume: The 5 biggest differences
- Classic or modern resume
- Download resume templates in Word and PDF – Free
- Structure and contents of a cover letter
- Resume: What is important? Structure, content, useful tips
- Questions in a job interview
- Strengths and weaknesses in a job interview