Even though many companies are desperately looking for skilled workers and lowering entry barriers: Goodly prepared and impactful application documents are and remain the key to a new job. This is also affirmed by application coach Torsten Niermann.

Interview with job application coach Torsten Niermann

Torsten Niermann initially worked in the pharmaceutical industry and gained many years of practical experience at a leading personnel service provider. Now, he works as a freelance author as well as an application and career coach. We asked him about the current labor market situation, the ongoing changes, and the significance of application documents in the era of online forms.

Interview with Application Coach Torsten Niermann

Can you introduce yourself to our readers and tell us what you do when you are not answering interview questions for us?

My name is Torsten Niermann. I have been working successfully as an application coach and author in my own company Niermann Consulting for four years. Additionally, I have many exciting years of experience as a manager in the pharmaceutical industry. My responsibilities there included individually leading, coaching, and developing my employees, as well as recruiting new staff. I have recruited and led entire field sales teams, bringing extensive practical experience in recruiting, sales, and staff leadership.

A significant milestone in my life occurred just a few days ago. I fulfilled my dream of writing a book, which was published on 15.07.2022 by Eulogia Verlag. It is titled "The Application Driver's License" and contains practical tips on applications and careers, as well as answers to the 40 most important questions in interviews.

Privately, I live near Wilhelmshaven with my wife and three sons.

The application driver's license by Torsten Niermann
"The Application Driver's License" by Torsten Niermann

About the Shift in the Labor Market, Insolvencies, and Application Coaching

In recent years, job portals have become increasingly filled with companies looking for new employees. The job market seems depleted. What is your impression?

In recent years, the labor market has clearly evolved into an employee market, meaning qualified applicants often have the choice of which companies they want to work for. The number of job vacancies in many industries exceeds the number of applicants.

In this context, there has been talk of the "war of talents" for years. The term reflects the competition for the best employees, which is rooted in the skills shortage and demographic change. This competition is fierce, as companies are increasingly searching for qualified professionals. Therefore, it is important for companies to strengthen their employer brand and make it attractive to the best talents.

Bankruptcy figures declined significantly during the course of the COVID-19 pandemic due to special legal regulations and economic aid. However, now it seems that company bankruptcies are increasing again amid changing conditions like material shortages, price increases, etc. Have you noticed more movement recently?

Yes, there is clearly movement noticeable as employees in some industries are increasingly seeking new challenges due to uncertainties. The number of insolvencies, which are sure to pick up momentum, will further intensify this trend in the coming months.

So, is it a good time for you as an application coach?

In any case, there is a growing demand for high-quality consultation from an application coach. This is precisely why I founded my company, to help applicants individually who are professionals in their specialized field and see writing an application as a challenge. One cannot necessarily expect an engineer to design professional applications, just as one cannot expect an application coach to operate complex machinery. Each specialist demonstrates what they can do in their respective field.

As an application coach, I support my clients with practical tips and tricks, set up complete application documents in a "full-service" manner, or provide individual coaching for perfect communication in interviews. Through such simulations, applicants gain confidence and security, entering the next interview much more relaxed.

One cannot necessarily expect an engineer to design professional applications ... Each specialist shows what they can do in their field.


Application Coach

Application Documents in the Era of Online Application Forms

Many companies in industries like gastronomy or healthcare are relieved if anyone still applies and have accordingly eased entry barriers with streamlined application forms on websites. What is your opinion on this type of applicant management when traditional applications with cover letters are no longer requested?

On the one hand, it is understandable that due to the shortage of skilled workers, the barriers to entering a company are being lowered. However, most companies still expect professional information about the applicant and at least a free flowing text expressing their own motivation and personal goals. This type of application is less formal than traditional application documents, but it still demands a certain level of effort from the applicant. The technical component remains a challenge for many candidates. It makes sense in any case to seek coaching from a professional in applications, even when no traditional documents are required.

What are the three most common mistakes that applicants make with traditional application letters in your opinion?

In my view, the biggest mistake with traditional application letters is the lack of individuality. Instead of tailoring an application specifically to an employer, standard cover letters are sent. In many cases, application letters start with the phrase "I hereby apply" and then list the stages from the resume. Such applications do not impress decision-makers and usually end up in the rejection pile.

Spelling and punctuation errors, an unsuitable application layout, and stylistic errors are also problematic and can easily lead to rejections. Many applicants also miss the opportunity to explain to the potential new employer what attracts them to the advertised position and what excites them about the company. This is exactly what HR professionals and managers want to know initially.

Standard cover letters, poor spelling, and a lack of connection to the position and target company are three serious mistakes that minimize the chances of being invited to an interview.

Allerdings erwarten die meisten Unternehmen nach wie vor professionelle Informationen über den Bewerber und mindestens einen freien Fließtext, der die eigene Motivation und die persönlichen Ziele ausdrückt.

Torsten Niermann


"The Application License" and Application Templates

In your recently published book "The Application License," it's a step-by-step guide to perfecting applications including many tips for interviews. Could you please tell us more about it?

Many people aim to advance their careers, achieve their goals, and be successful in the long term. Others find themselves needing to apply and seek a new challenge due to a job termination or after completing vocational training. My book "The Application License" offers two essential benefits for all these applicants, regardless of their professional background or current position. It demonstrates how to design informative and inspiring application documents using practical examples and how to communicate effectively during interviews.

Furthermore, the reader also learns to empathize with decision-makers. Answers to questions like:

  • What do decision-makers want to know in a written application?
  • What do HR professionals look for in an application?
  • What tricky questions are asked in interviews and why?

are crucial to "hit the nail on the head" with the application.

Applicants who are well-prepared and able to empathize with decision-makers and their goals significantly increase their chances in the application process. This is what readers learn in my book.

We are pleased that you reference our application templates as examples of professional, modern application layouts in your book. Surely, you have evaluated various providers. Why did you choose our application templates? What do you like best about them?

I have been using TutKit.com application templates for several years and have consistently received excellent feedback from my clients regarding the layout. In addition to informative and individually prepared application documents, the external appearance must be appealing and attractive. Application documents from TutKit.com are professionally structured, use modern colors and fonts, and stand out from other application templates. "Since there is no second chance for a first impression," TutKit.com application templates are my first choice for creating high-quality application documents.


In Action as an Application Coach

Does your individual application coaching focus more on High Potentials or can any random job seeker also contact you and benefit from your services?

As a professional and goal-oriented application coach, I advise people from all industries and hierarchical levels. I enjoy preparing an application for an apprentice one day and conducting an interview coaching session for an executive the next day. My work is never boring, provides insights into a variety of industries and companies, and always focuses on the same goal: portraying an applicant, whether in written applications or interviews, as a person with individual strengths, values, and goals.

Could you provide one or two examples where an application coaching session with you has finally helped a "hopeless case" find a job?

Some applicants struggle to find a new job due to gaps in their resume or lack of qualifications. When uncertainties arise in building the application, these applicants often receive rejections.

I remember a candidate facing two challenges. Firstly, he found it difficult to create a professional application portfolio that would motivate and present him in a goal-oriented manner. Secondly, he had a gap in his resume, which repeatedly led to rejections.

He chose one of the appealing TutKit.com templates, and I created a digital application portfolio and three additional customized cover letters for him. After a short period, he reported to me that he had been invited to several interviews in no time, after always receiving rejections before. He even had to cancel one interview himself because he had already found a position.

Furthermore, I am always delighted to hear feedback from my clients who have submitted their applications and have been invited to interviews shortly after. Just today, a customer who had not applied for 25 years and was therefore unsure how to build applications, told me about it. Such prompt feedback brings me a lot of joy and demonstrates that professional application documents are the ticket to an interview.


We at TutKit.com primarily provide digital competencies for companies in our online courses. How important do you think these skills should be for employees and applicants today?

Digital competencies are becoming increasingly important in a globalized environment. Lifelong learning is now the standard along with flexibility. Most industries expect their employees to proactively engage with PCs and software and be willing to acquire new skills. The online courses from TutKit.com are a practical and relevant way to acquire knowledge and expand one's skills. Applicants who learn proactively and communicate this in their application documents also increase their chances of standing out against competitors who are prone to procrastination and delay everything.

To conclude this interview: What tip would you like to give our readers to remain attractive for their own company and the job market in the long term?

In my opinion, it is extremely important to remain open, interested, and capable of learning, while also knowing one's own strengths and abilities that make an employee successful in the job. The application process is comparable to a sales pitch in many areas. Applicants who know their own added value and can communicate the benefits to the company have many opportunities in the current job market to further develop professionally and personally, and secure an attractive and exciting position.

Individual application coaching or a good professional book on applications can additionally help to highlight one's strengths and design application documents that excite HR professionals and decision-makers, thereby increasing the chances of receiving an invitation to an interview.

Job application coach Torsten Niermann

Application Coach Torsten Niermann

After several years as a certified pharmaceutical representative, Mr. Niermann gained many years of practical experience as a regional manager and field manager in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sector, as well as at a leading personnel service provider for the pharmaceutical industry. In 2018, Torsten Niermann began working as a freelance author and as a application and career coach. Torsten Niermann transfers his practical knowledge and experience as a manager and application coach into high-quality application documents for his clients. He prepares candidates individually for interviews and also works as an author for companies and publishers.

The application driver's license from Torsten Niermann.

„The Application License“

The book "The Application License" by Torsten Niermann talks, among other things, about the most important basics and information for a successful application process, provides simple step-by-step instructions from application to interview process, and offers helpful tips and tricks to increase the chances of being hired. Additionally, the application coach shares valuable insider knowledge from years of experience as a manager in the pharmaceutical industry on 180 pages.

  • "The Application License" (Eulogia Publishing GmbH): 19.99 €, 180 pages, ISBN paperback 978-3-96967-270-9, ISBN e-book 978-3-96967-271-6)

Writing a job application: Tips, examples, and inspiration

For members of TutKit.com: "Writing an application: tips, examples, and inspiration"

If you are at a loss for words when writing your application: With our e-book, you will get practical tips and numerous text examples! First-hand from an employer, you will also find out in video tutorials what you should pay attention to and avoid in your application and interview.

Job applications in the age of online forms - Job coach Torsten Niermann in the interview

Published on by Matthias Petri
Published on: From Matthias Petri
Matthias Petri founded the agency 4eck Media GmbH & Co. KG together with his brother Stefan Petri in 2010. Together with his team, he runs the popular specialist forum PSD-Tutorials.de and the e-learning portal TutKit.com. He has published numerous training courses on image processing, marketing and design and has taught "Digital Marketing & Communication" as a lecturer at FHM Rostock. He has received several awards for his work, including the special prize of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Website Award in 2011 and as Kreativmacher Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 2015. He was appointed Fellow of the Federal Competence Center for Cultural & Creative Industries in 2016 and is involved in the initiative "We are the East" as an entrepreneur and managing director on behalf of many other protagonists of East German origin.