In the world of work, talents have become the most valuable currency. The product no longer determines the success of a company, but the people behind it do. Companies today face the greatest challenge of their time: winning over the best minds before the competition does. Recruiting is now a discipline fit for kings. But how do you ensure that the best talents actually knock on your door and not on the competition's? The answer lies in a clearly structured, agile recruiting process that stays ahead in every phase. We show you how to emerge as the winner in this battle.

What is Recruiting?

Recruiting is the process of searching, attracting, and selecting candidates to fill open positions in a company. The success of an organization largely depends on how qualitatively and swiftly this process is conducted. As the competition for qualified professionals intensifies, companies strive to employ the most effective methods to search for and evaluate candidates.

What is recruitment

In a company, recruiting is usually handled by the Human Resources department (HR department). In larger organizations, a specialized recruiter or recruitment manager is often responsible for this. In some cases, companies enlist the help of external specialists - known as headhunters - who specialize in searching and attracting candidates for complex or highly qualified positions. Headhunters often work for recruitment agencies or run their own consultancy agency, assisting companies in finding the best professionals on the market.

The Key Phases of Recruiting

Recruiting involves several key phases that help in finding and selecting the most suitable candidates for open positions in the company.

  1. Establishing the job requirements: The first step in recruiting involves defining the exact requirements for the position. This includes describing the tasks, necessary skills, experience, qualifications, and expected personal qualities of the candidate.
  2. Searching for and contacting candidates: In this phase, various methods are used to find suitable candidates. Companies can publish job advertisements on specialized websites, use social networks, tap into internal resources, or engage recruiting agencies.
  3. Evaluating and selecting candidates: Upon receiving applications, an initial review of resumes and cover letters is conducted. This is followed by interviews, tests, and other assessment methods to narrow down the number of candidates to those who best meet the requirements.
  4. Interviews and final selection: The final phase includes conducting the final interviews with the selected candidates. These are often a series of discussions with various representatives of the company, including management. This phase may also involve additional checks, such as reference checks or background checks on the candidate, before the final decision on hiring is made.
My success has been the result of efforts I undertook to hire the best people in the world.

Steve Jobs

Methods and Channels of Recruiting

Recruiting includes various methods and channels for searching and attracting candidates. Different approaches are used depending on the company's needs and the type of position to be filled. Below, we examine the most important methods and channels of recruiting.

Internal and External Recruiting

Internal Recruiting involves searching for candidates within the company. This approach is often used to promote employees who are already working in the company and familiar with its culture and processes. The advantages of internal recruiting include saving time and costs, as well as motivating employees through career opportunities.

External Recruiting aims to find candidates outside the company. This can include posting job ads on various platforms, participating in job fairs, using social networks, and collaborating with recruiting agencies. External recruiting allows for the infusion of new ideas and experiences into the company, which can be beneficial for its development.

Utilizing Social Networks and Online Platforms

Social networks and online platforms have become effective tools in modern recruiting. Platforms such as LinkedIn, Xing, Facebook, and Twitter enable recruiters to not only post job ads but also actively search for candidates by analyzing their profiles, networks, and professional achievements. These channels are particularly useful for finding professionals who are not actively job hunting but may show interest in a suitable offer. They also serve as a means of positioning. For example, even humorous Instagram or TikTok videos can positively contribute to employer attractiveness and boost results for recruiting.

A very positive example is Dr. Enrique Cruz, who positions himself as a humorous and professional orthodontist via social media, making him very interesting as an employer for professionals. See here: => 200,000 followers => 1.1 million followers

Recruiting and positioning via social media

Using specialized online platforms such as Indeed, Glassdoor, and Monster also helps to reach a broad target audience and find suitable candidates. These platforms offer access to resume databases and provide tools to analyze and manage the hiring process.

Collaboration with Recruiting Agencies

In situations where the HR department cannot find a candidate with the required qualifications or when time is of the essence, companies often engage recruiting agencies. These agencies specialize in personnel search and have access to closed talent pools, enabling them to quickly find suitable professionals. Recruiting agencies carry out their work professionally and provide the company with qualified candidates in a short time.

However, this approach also has a downside - the costs of their services. The services of recruiting agencies can be expensive, but sometimes it is more cost-effective to use their help and fill a position quickly than to endure profit losses over several months due to a missing professional. In such cases, it is important to weigh what is more profitable for the company: paying the agency for a swift hiring or the opportunity costs resulting from the lack of specialists.

Hiring the right people takes time, the right questions, and a healthy dose of curiosity.

Richard Branson

Recruiting and Its Synonyms

Lately, many terms from English have migrated to the German language that have a similar or even identical meaning to our term "Recruiting." These terms are frequently used in the professional world, which can easily lead to confusion if one does not know their exact meanings.

To avoid misunderstandings and to know exactly what these terms entail, let's clarify together. This will help you navigate better in the modern world of human resources.

Here is a list of these terms and an explanation of how they differ from or resemble "Recruiting":

  1. Headhunting: This is a narrower term than Recruiting. It refers to the targeted search and addressing of highly qualified professionals who are usually not actively looking for jobs. Headhunters often work with executives or rare specialists.
  2. Talent Acquisition: This term is commonly used to describe a more strategic and long-term approach to personnel procurement. It includes not only recruiting but also building talent pools and developing an employer brand. In contrast to traditional recruiting, Talent Acquisition focuses on acquiring talents that could be beneficial to the company in the future.
  3. Personnel Procurement: This is the direct translation of the term "Recruiting" and covers the entire process of searching and selecting personnel, including posting job ads, selecting candidates, and finalizing employment contracts. There are virtually no differences from Recruiting.
  4. Staff Recruitment: This term is also closely related to Recruiting but emphasizes more on the process of "acquiring" employees. It highlights the active efforts of the company to attract candidates through various channels and methods.


Managing Human Resources is a very comprehensive topic that covers many aspects, from personnel procurement to employee career development. Recruiting is a central part of this system and ensures that the company has the right talents to achieve its goals.

Effective recruiting requires an understanding of various methods and channels, such as internal and external recruiting, the use of social networks and online platforms, and collaboration with staffing agencies. Each of these approaches has its own advantages and disadvantages, and their proper application allows the company to quickly and efficiently fill open positions and attract qualified professionals.

Thank you for taking the time to delve into this important topic. If you are interested in specialized areas of recruiting, we recommend you to read our articles on Executive Search and Direct Search, where you can learn more about specialized methods for searching for executives and key personnel.

What is recruiting: Definition, Examples, Methods

Published on by Vitalii Shynakov
Published on: From Vitalii Shynakov
Vitalii Shynakov has been working in the areas of online retail, marketing and customer satisfaction since 2012. Until 2022, he was the head of personnel development and online sales department of four successful stores. He has been part of the team since 2024.