Tobias Becker

My name is Tobias Becker. I am a student from Vienna and pass on my knowledge about entrepreneurship, social media marketing and investing as a video course lecturer. I work full-time in the online marketing sector and study business administration with a focus on finance and digital marketing in Vienna. I also run a YouTube channel about shares and show people how they can make their money work for them successfully.

Tobias Becker – your author for Google Slides, Google Docs, Microsoft To Do, Paint.NET, WordPress, Microsoft Project

To website:

So far published
Copywriting - Writing advertising copy: Techniques, tools

From the headline to the call-to-action

Kanban method - agile project management (tutorial)

More overview & transparency

User Story Mapping - Tutorial

The key to understanding your processes

Miro tutorial - Whiteboard tool in practice

For a quick start

Project management basics (tutorial)

That's what matters!

Google Data Studio (Video Tutorial)

Creates an overview. Saves time.

Content marketing - a strategy for success (tutorial)

Finally set for success!

Project management with Jira (Tutorial)

How to use the software

MS Project: Planning, controlling, monitoring projects

The basics. The possibilities.

Design Thinking (training): with method to ideas & solutions

Innovation boost for you and your team!

Lean project management (video course)

Streamline your project processes!

Google Analytics 4 and Google Tag Manager (Tutorial)

Optimize your online marketing

Instagram marketing (tutorial): on course for growth with strategy

Instagram from A to Z

Elementor - Page Builder for WordPress (Tutorial)

All important modules explained!

Snapchat: place ads, build reach (tutorial)

Place your products & services

TikTok Ads Manager: Campaigns (Tutorial)

The boost for your online marketing!

Telegram: Create bots, newsletter marketing (tutorial)

How to use Messenger successfully!

Paint.NET | Tutorial Graphic Design & Image Editing

All important tools & functions explained

Pinterest marketing (tutorial): Develop your online strategy

Pin your success to the pinboards

Speed reading seminar | learn to read faster

Know more in less time

Zoom tutorial | Setting up video conferences

This is how digital communication works!

TikTok marketing: Tutorial for your social media strategy

Get started now!

SEO for YouTube - increase reach (tutorial)

Top ranking for your videos

Microsoft To Do - Video tutorial

To-dos under control!

Digital marketing with Quora (Tutorial)

Increase traffic. Generate revenue.

Earning money with affiliate marketing (complete course)

On the road to success at last!

Google Slides tutorial: Create presentations online

Basics & user knowledge

Google Docs tutorial: Edit documents online

Off to the web-based word processor!

Create your own podcast - the ultimate practical guide

How to get yourself into the conversation