Michael Baierl

Photoshop artist Michael Baierl (aka Xomi) has now turned his initial passion for photography and image editing into his main profession. Originally working in the market research industry, he now handles post-production for clients such as adidas Outdoor, gives lectures for Apple, supervises major sporting events and retouches for various agencies. His work can be found time and again in various trade magazines - such as Digital-Photo and DOCMA. He has also made a name for himself in the photoshopping scene as an author of video training courses, workshops and coaching sessions.

Michael Baierl – your author for Adobe Photoshop , Adobe Photoshop Elements , Adobe Lightroom Classic , Adobe Lightroom , JPG images , Adobe Camera Raw , Adobe Bridge , Adobe After Effects , Serif Affinity Photo , GIMP , Adobe Fresco , Corel PaintShop Pro , PNG images

So far published
Adobe Camera Raw: Video tutorial on photo editing

Concrete examples, practical guidance

Winter photography: presets, overlays, actions for winter photos

Over 700 assets for cool pictures

Baby and children's photography: 750 assets for photos

Digital camera bag!

Wedding photography: presets, bokehs, brushes, mockups

Presets, actions, mockups, bokehs and brushes

100 Actions Photoshop Elements | Automation for PSE

Just one click: Automatically magical

Lightroom course with tips for an efficient photo workflow

Digital image development from a single source!

Image editing & photo optimization with Photoshop actions

Sixty fantastic image effects as actions!

Looks & Styles with Photoshop

The 1x1 for photo editors!

100 Photoshop actions in one package

From 0 to 100 possibilities!