Gabor Richter

Gabor Richter is an image retoucher and digital artist. He specializes in digital image editing for agencies and photographers in the fields of people, fashion, weddings and advertising. As an artist, Gabor Richter is known for his sometimes very unusual and creative work. Realistic images are too boring for him, his compositions captivate with a lot of imagination and dedication to the extraordinary. As a trained media designer, Gabor Richter has knowledge of design and creative brainstorming. A combination of these skills, sound photographic knowledge and great attention to detail form the basis on which he has developed his own style.

Gabor Richter – your author for Adobe Photoshop , Adobe Photoshop Elements , Adobe Lightroom , DxO Color Efex Pro

So far published
Photoshop Tutorial: Create posters in the style of Tomb Raider

Create an action-packed scene

Photoshop Tutorial: Create posters, design movie posters

The complete workflow

Create movie poster in the style of Riverdale - Photoshop tutorial

From shooting to post-production

Create posters in Punisher style: Cinematic Look in Photoshop

From shooting to post-production

Smartphone photography and app photo editing: tips & tricks

Mobile workflows for Android and iOS

Photoshop for beginners: editing for intermediate users

Clearly explained: Layers, masks, tools, filters

Retouching with Dodge and Burn - crash course

Different Photoshop techniques: how and for what!

Image editing with Photoshop Elements: Composing

Follow an instructive path of image editing!

Comic Style - The Photoshop Cartoon Effect: Vol. 2

Perfect your cartoon characters!

The morphing workflow in Photoshop - morphing images

How two portraits become one face

The crime scene look - workflow in Photoshop

Create a harmonious composition from several images

Photoshop Elements: Tutorial for beginners and advanced users

Simply edit images professionally

Logo development for photographers

Color, form, font and emotion

BLACK FOREST - The workflow in Photoshop

How to turn a good photo into an excellent scene

Comic Style in Photoshop: The Cartoon Training Vol. 1

Comic style in Photoshop

Double Exposure Tutorial for Photoshop: Character Portrait

Creative character portraits with expression and a message!