Tobias Raphael Ackermann

Emotions come suddenly and unpredictably. This emotional life makes the soul tangible. Music, images and stories touch us in a magical, often invisible way. Tobias Raphael Ackermann is a light emotionist. He photographs and emotionalizes landscapes and cities and fictional characters whose work he depicts and whose stories he tells. Tobias R. Ackermann works as a photo artist, entrepreneur and author for commissioned work and his own photo projects. He has been working as a traveling photo artist since 2013 and publishes specialist articles and guides on all aspects of light-based photography as the author "Lichtemotionist Tobias R. Ackermann". For the practical experience of photography, photo courses in nature and "photo walks" in cities take place again and again.

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So far published
Fall photography: photo shoot tips

Photographing nature expressively