Unicorn pictures and coloring pages to download and print out

Why do children like unicorns so much?

Vitalii Shynakov

What do we know about unicorns? Actually, everyone knows that they are a magical horse with a single horn. I, for example, first came across unicorns in the game Heroes of Sword and Magic. And 20 years ago, they weren't as popular as they are today. Where do they come from, why do they only have one horn and what kind of magic do they have? In this article, I'll shed some light on why unicorns have become so popular in today's culture that even tech companies with a billion-dollar valuation are now called unicorns in English.

Before you start learning more about unicorns, we want to mention that you can download a set of coloring pictures of unicorns from our website. If you have children, feel free to use it to make them a friend.


Unicorns - who are they?

The word unicorn conjures up images of beautiful animals with horns on their foreheads, similar to horses or goats. We often imagine unicorns as elegant creatures that live in mystical and fantastical forests and have magical powers. But did you know that unicorns have appeared in many cultures throughout history, for example in the ancient Babylonian civilization?

In mythology, the indomitable unicorn is described as powerful, independent, hard to catch or defeat (and impossible to forget). Over time, unicorns came to symbolize purity, intelligence and innocence. Unicorns also come to the rescue in times of need.

In European literature and art of the last thousand years, the unicorn was often depicted as a white horse with a long straight horn with spiral grooves, cloven hooves and sometimes a goatee. In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, it was usually described as an extremely wild forest animal, a symbol of purity and grace, which can only be captured by a maiden. In medieval bestiaries, it is said that its horn can make poisoned water drinkable and cure diseases.

Unicorn as an epic heraldic animal

Children are particularly fascinated by this magical creature. Soft toys, bags, bottles, lunch boxes, clothes and other baby paraphernalia - we see unicorns everywhere. These unicorn-inspired products are designed in bright and bold colors, with the unicorn depicted as a long angel on a pony, surrounded by other fantastical elements.


Before we get into why kids are obsessed with unicorns, let's get some basic facts about unicorns:

  • The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.
  • The name "unicorn" comes from the two Latin words "uni" and "cornu", which means "a horn".
  • The first description of a unicorn can be found in the ancient Greek writings of a Greek historian named Ctesias.
  • Just as a puppy is called a whelp, a baby unicorn is called a sparkler.
  • Unicorns don't actually have wings, but they can fly.
  • Unicorns have magical healing powers. It is often said that their horn is strong enough to beat an elephant.
Medieval unicorn depiction
Stylistic medieval depiction of a unicorn.

Why do children love unicorns?

Unicorns are magical creatures: the magic associated with unicorns is prevalent in literature, children's poems and other tales, which is one of the main reasons why children love unicorns.

Over the years, children have been told about fairies, elves, angels, dragons and demons, and the plot revolves around the battle between good and bad deeds. The magical healing power of the unicorn's horn is described in detail in many writings. The mystical descriptions and designs of unicorns confirm children's worlds full of magic and fantasy. Unicorns transform them into a prince or princess who reigns in an imaginary fairytale world, a world of the spiritual and pure that is completely opposite to the existing human world.

Exceptionally beautiful: Children are naturally fascinated by beauty and color. The celestial beauty of unicorns awakens their curiosity and imagination. For children, unicorns also represent joy and adventure in connection with rainbows, clouds and bright colors. There is no doubt that unicorns are symbols of comfort and support for children.

Inspiring, hopeful: In pop culture, unicorns appear wise, confident, helpful, gentle and kind. This ability to believe in themselves and the idea that magic exists within you inspires and motivates children. It makes them believe that unicorns are real and that they can achieve anything with their skillful power and magic.

Always ready to help: In children's stories about unicorns, they are often portrayed as the heroes of the story, helping other animals and angels. This characteristic of helping others appeals to children and they develop a soft spot for unicorns.

Friendly: Unicorns are always involved in one adventure or another, they are sociable and outgoing creatures. They socialize very quickly and make friends with strangers. This is another characteristic of a cheerful and playful environment that fascinates children. A bit like the elves in Lord of the Rings.

Unicorn coloring pages download 3
Pink, with a shimmering mane and shiny hooves - it beckons you into a fairytale fantasy land. According to legend, only a unique princess can catch a unicorn and not every girl manages to see and befriend a unicorn.

Gradually, unicorns stopped being just a symbol with religious significance and became an integral part of both secular literature and pop culture. Their presence can be felt in works such as William Shakespeare's "The Tempest" and François Rabelais' "Gargantua and Pantagruel". As an obligatory element in children's fairy tales, unicorns are becoming increasingly popular. They appear, for example, in the Grimm Brothers' fairy tale "The Brave Tailor", in Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" and later in "The Chronicles of Narnia", a fantasy novel in which Clive Lewis reinterprets biblical motifs.

Cute unicorns have become an integral part of the world's image thanks to American entrepreneur Lisa Frank, who founded a school supplies company in 1979. Her products, including notebooks, pencil cases and other accessories decorated with colorful drawings of unicorns, pandas and dolphins, quickly captured the hearts of children around the world. Lisa Frank created not just a brand, but a whole universe full of magic and color, in which every item was reminiscent of magic.

Now I will believe
that there are unicorns ...

William Shakespeare

The Tempest, Act III, Scene 3

The unicorn also appeared on television. A well-known example is the film version of "Harry Potter". And in Joanne Rowling's work, this animal appears in the most classic form from the New Age.

Unicorns live in the universe of "Gravity Falls". In the animated series, they are selfish and lie to people (even though they look pretty). In this way, they are somewhat reminiscent of their predecessors from the writings of Leonardo Da Vinci.

Social media and marketing have played their part in giving unicorns a new status in modern pop culture. In 2017, they experienced a new surge in popularity when Starbucks launched a Frappuccino with the name "Unicorn". The pink and blue drink immediately flooded the internet with photos. Children's toy brands were not left out and began to produce unicorns in all sizes and formats: There was even an unusual poopsie unicorn that can produce poop, with a potty and diapers. Hasbro unicorn toys also became heroes of the popular animated series "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic", which increased their popularity with children and adults alike.

Pop culture: Epic battle with a unicorn
Mixed representation of cartoon characters and unicorns in pop culture.

Unicorn coloring pages on Tutkit.com

On our site you will find unicorn coloring pages in different styles so that everyone can find something to their taste. Download unicorn coloring pages on our site. Here you'll find magical horses with a luscious mane, and some of them are even decorated with wings, giving them extra mystique and beauty. We have put together a large selection of coloring pages suitable for children of different ages. The simplest of them can be used from the age of three with parental guidance. The more complex coloring pages are suitable for children from the age of six and are a great way to encourage their creativity before they go to art school or simply to be a source of inspiration for their creativity.

You can easily print out the unicorn coloring pages you like directly from the site. But we suggest not just coloring it, but inventing your own fascinating fairy tale together with your child by using motifs from different drawings. This creative process will not only entertain your child, but also help them to develop their imagination and creative thinking. Together you can come up with characters, plot and development of events, inspired by the pictures of the unicorns on the coloring book. Such games are particularly suitable for children aged five and over who already have a large vocabulary and enjoy listening to stories. Turn your fairy tale into a real adventure in the world of magic and fantasy!

Coloring pictures with unicorns to print out
The picture shows an example of a unicorn coloring picture that you can download by following the link Coloring pictures with unicorns - over 200 coloring pages to print out.

Unicorns are beautiful fairytale creatures that capture the hearts of many people with their beauty and mystery. On our site we not only offer pictures of unicorns, but also many other pictures to download. To familiarize yourself with the whole range, go to the Colouring pictures & colouring pages category and enjoy the variety of pictures available. There you will find many interesting pictures that are suitable for coloring and creative activities.

Published on by Vitalii Shynakov
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From Vitalii Shynakov
Vitalii Shynakov has been working in the areas of online retail, marketing and customer satisfaction since 2012. Until 2022, he was the head of personnel development and online sales department of four successful stores. He has been part of the TutKit.com team since 2024.
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