The best Mother's Day sayings

Mother's Day sayings: The top 40 really best congratulations & greetings

Stefan Petri

Mother's Day is just around the corner and you're still looking for the perfect words to show your mom how amazing she is? Don't stress! We've put together the top 40 really best Mother's Day sayings for you. "All the best for Mother's Day!" - That's even better. Whether funny, heartfelt or profound - here you'll find the right saying that's guaranteed to make your mom smile. You can send these sayings via WhatsApp or in print! Let's go, let's find the perfect words!

No influence is as strong as a mother's.

Sarah Josepha Hale


10 short Mother's Day sayings from the heart

  1. Mom, you are my heart and soul. Thank you for everything!
  2. To the world you are a mom, to me you are the world.
  3. All the best for Mother's Day - you are the best!
  4. Mom, your heart is the place where my love lives.
  5. For the best mom - today and every day!
  6. Thank you for always being there, mom. All the best for Mother's Day!
  7. Mom, your love makes every day more beautiful.
  8. Without you, everything would only be half as beautiful. Thank you, mom!
  9. Mom, you are my anchor and my star. All my love!
  10. You make life sweet, mom. Love for Mother's Day!
Mother's Day cards with handletterings in different sizes on a table in front of Blum
Handlettering Mother's Day: loving sayings for heartfelt congratulations. Click here!

10 funny Mother's Day sayings

  1. Dear mom, I didn't get myself into trouble today! Happy Mother's Day!
  2. Mom, I promise I'll learn to cook this year... maybe. All the best for Mother's Day!
  3. For Mother's Day, I wanted to give you the best gift in the world, but they just won't let me crawl into the box.
  4. Happy Mother's Day to my favorite roommate!
  5. Mom, thank you for always supporting me, even when I put your nerves to the test!
  6. To the coolest mom I know - sorry for all the gray hair!
  7. Thank you for never telling me that one of my artworks was ugly. All the best for Mother's Day!
  8. Happy Mother's Day! How does it feel to be raised by a genius?
  9. Being a mom is no easy task, that's why they chose you! All the best!
  10. Dear mom, you taught me so much, except how to make coffee. I'll learn that in the next life. Happy Mother's Day!
Balloons with hand lettering birthday in the foreground
Handlettering birthday cards: sayings for invitations and congratulations - Click here now!

10 heart touching Mother's Day sayings that will make your mom cry

  1. Mom, through your eyes I have seen the world and through your heart I have felt love. Thank you for everything.
  2. You only held my hand for a while, but you'll always have my heart. I love you, mom.
  3. Mom, for the countless tears you cried in secret and for the endless love you always showed - thank you.
  4. In every phase of my life, you were the light that guided me home. I can't thank you enough.
  5. You are the reason I am standing here today. Without you, I would be nothing. Thank you for being my everything, mom.
  6. Every time I fall low, you are the hand that picks me up. Your love is my unshakable foundation.
  7. Mom, even though I don't always say it, I know that every decision you made was a demonstration of love. Thank you for loving me so much.
  8. You raised me with a heart full of love and welcomed me with open arms no matter what. I am so grateful to be your daughter/son.
  9. Mom, you gave me life and taught me to live it to the fullest. I will never forget your sacrifices.
  10. To the woman who gave me the gift of life wisdom and unconditional love, my heart is always yours.
There is no perfect mother, but there are a million ways to be a good one.

Jill Churchill


10 Mother's Day sayings that will make your mom think

  1. Being a mother is not just about bringing children into the world. It means tirelessly and selflessly paving a path for her children to walk safely and empowered, and always being ready to catch them when they fall. This unwavering commitment shapes not only the children, but the future itself.
  2. The bond between mothers and their children is woven with the threads of time, love and unconditional understanding. It is this bond that teaches us to place trust and confidence in the world, and it is this bond that always leads us home into the arms of love.
  3. Mothers are the first teachers of life, the architects of the next generation. They teach us not only how to speak, read or write, but also how to cultivate compassion, resilience and hope in an often challenging world. Their lessons are the foundations on which we build long after they are gone.
  4. A mother's silent sacrifice is often a hidden painting of love and sacrifice that cannot be expressed in words. It is a silent art spun in the early mornings, the sleepless nights and the countless worry lines - all in the name of love for her children.
  5. Mothers show us that the real heroics are in the everyday. It's the countless little things - a comforted cry, a reassuring hug, a lesson taught - that come together and change the world in secret. Their influence may be silent, but it reverberates through generations.
  6. Mothers are the silent gardeners of our souls. They plant the seeds of kindness, strength and understanding that become a rich, flourishing garden throughout our lives. We reap the fruits of their love in every act of kindness we pass on.
  7. A mother's wisdom is like a lighthouse that guides us through the stormy seas of life. Her words are often gentle, but her influence is strong enough to guide us safely through the darkness and show us the way to safe harbor.
  8. A mother's eyes reflect the stars of hope and faith, teaching us that we can achieve more than we ever dared to dream. This unwavering belief in our possibilities shapes our goals, our dreams and ultimately our destiny.
  9. To be a mother is to live in a perpetual state of giving - not just of material things, but of yourself. Her love, her time, her patience, and often her dreams are given to children in the hope that they will one day cherish and honor these gifts.
  10. Mothers teach us that true strength lies not in the loudness of a command, but in the gentleness of a touch. In their arms we find comfort and in their example we find direction. Their legacy is not written in words, but in the hearts of those who love and raise them.
Templates for birthdays and christenings, including envelope, thank you card, invitation, folded card, menu card and wish poster
36 templates based on six different designs for birthdays and christenings - Download now!

5 tips on how to get your Mother's Day greetings across even better

  1. Personalize: Personalize your Mother's Day greetings. Refer to special moments or characteristics that make your mother special. A personal anecdote or a memento that is important to both of you can make your message very special.
  2. Handwritten: A handwritten card or letter has a profound impact. Writing by hand shows that you've taken your time and adds weight and warmth to your words.
  3. Inject creativity: Use creative elements such as poems, quotes or even small pieces of artwork in your greetings. A homemade card or a small DIY gift can add a very personal touch to your message.
  4. Express emotions: Don't be afraid to express feelings in your words. Phrases like "I love you" or "I appreciate everything you've done for me" can evoke a strong emotional response. Honesty in your emotions makes your greetings more sincere and touching.
  5. Planning and timing: Think about how and when you deliver your greetings to make the biggest impact. Perhaps start the day with breakfast in bed and hand over your card, or plan a small event where the family gets together and you can read out your greetings in person.

On Mother's Day, take the time to do something together with your mother that she really enjoys, such as a walk through her favorite park or a visit to a café that she likes. Think about a gift that reflects her interests and personality to show how well you know her; a book by her favorite author or a gift certificate for an experience together can be very personal and meaningful. It's often the small gestures that go a long way, such as doing a chore for them or cooking their favorite meal to show your appreciation. Use this special day to thank your mother for all she does every day and to tell her how much you appreciate her strength and support. Create lasting memories by capturing the day with photos or even a short video that can serve as precious mementos later on.

In addition, it can be very touching to write a personalized message that expresses what you may not always say: how grateful you are for their unfailing love and patience. Consider starting a tradition, like planting a Blum or starting an annual Mother's Day project that you both undertake together. "Happy Mother's Day" - it can mean so much more than a simple greeting. Remember that it's not just about material gifts, but more importantly about showing your mom that she is appreciated and loved. A simple phone call or message to mothers who live further away can also mean a lot and show them that you are thinking of them. Finally, it's important to recognize and celebrate each mother's individuality; every mother is unique, and Mother's Day is a wonderful opportunity to honor her special qualities and the special role she plays in your life.

Need birthday sayings? Then be sure to check them out here:

910, 934, 882, 726,584, 579, 542, 614, 248
Published on by Stefan Petri
Published on: From Stefan Petri
Together with his brother Matthias, Stefan Petri runs the popular specialist forum and the e-learning platform, which focuses on the training and further education of digital professional skills.
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