Thought-provoking sayings are so effective because they inspire us and give us the opportunity to reflect on our own existence. These profound words enrich our lives, awaken profound thoughts, help us through disappointments and remind us of the important things in life. Whether as words of wisdom, loving messages or WhatsApp statuses - thoughtful sayings can touch hearts and open up new perspectives. In this blog post, you will find a selection of such sayings that will make you think and can help you in various situations in life. I have always chosen the sayings so that the first 10 are relatively short and the other 10 are a little longer.
Table of contents
- Sayings about life to think about
- Thought-provoking sayings about feelings to think about
- Inspirational sayings about love to think about
- Family sayings that inspire us
- WhatsApp wisdom to share
- Sayings about disappointments and the lessons learned
- Sayings to think about trust
- Psychological sayings to think about
Sayings about life to think about
- Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.
- It's not the years in our lives that count, but the life in our years.
- The best things in life are not the ones you get for money.
- Live every day like it's your last, because one day you'll be right.
- Life is like a book. Every day a new chapter.
- Sometimes you have to take the wrong paths to find the right ones.
- The art of life is to dance in the rain instead of waiting for the sun.
- Life is short, but there is always time for courtesy.
- If you don't dream of flying, you won't grow wings.
- The most difficult time in our lives is the best opportunity to develop inner strength.
- Life is like a book. Some chapters are sad, others are happy and exciting. But if you never turn the pages, you will never know what the next chapter has in store for you.
- At the end of our lives, it is not the years we have lived that will count, but the moments when we were truly alive. These precious moments are what make up our lives.
- Life is not always fair, but it always offers us the opportunity to emerge stronger and wiser. The challenges we overcome shape our character and our future.
- We spend so much time planning the perfect life that we often forget to simply live. Life is happening now, in this moment. Enjoy it and be present.
- Life is not about waiting for the storm, it's about learning to dance in the rain. The true beauties of life often reveal themselves in the most difficult times.
- Sometimes life is like a camera. Focus on the good, develop the negative and if something doesn't work out, take a new picture.
- Life is not made up of the moments when we breathe, but of the moments that take our breath away. It is these extraordinary moments that we never forget.
- The art of life is not to never fall down, but to get up again every time. Every fall is an opportunity to learn something new and come back stronger.
- Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans. Sometimes we have to let go of our plans in order to experience the true adventure of life.
- Life is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the journey, cherish the little moments and learn from every experience. In the end, it's not the destinations that count, but the memories and lessons learned along the way.
Thought-provoking sayings about feelings to think about
- Feelings are the language of the soul. Listen carefully.
- Sometimes a look is worth a thousand words.
- True feelings cannot be forced.
- Feelings are like waves, we can't stop them, but we can learn to surf them.
- Sometimes you have to feel the pain in order to recognize the joy.
- The deepest feelings are those that we can hardly put into words.
- It is not the external circumstances that make us happy or unhappy, but our feelings towards them.
- Feelings are like butterflies - the more you chase after them, the more they flee from you.
- The most beautiful moments in life are those in which our heart overflows with joy.
- Those who show feelings demonstrate courage and strength.
- Feelings are the language of the soul. Sometimes we just have to be quiet and listen to them in order to understand what our inner self is trying to tell us.
- The deepest feelings are often the ones we find hardest to put into words. They reside in our hearts and speak through our actions and our looks.
- Feelings are like waves in the ocean. We cannot control them, but we can learn to ride them and let them carry us.
- It is not the external circumstances that make us happy or unhappy, but our feelings and reactions to them. We have the power to shape our inner world.
- True strength is not shown in not having feelings, but in accepting them and growing through them. It takes courage to be honest with ourselves and others.
- Sometimes we need to feel the pain in order to truly appreciate the joy. Feelings give depth and color to our lives, they make us human.
- The most beautiful moments in life are often the ones we share with others. Shared joy is doubled, shared pain is shared and alleviated.
- Feelings are like an inner compass that shows us where our heart really wants to go. If we follow them, we often find the right path.
- It is in the silence of the heart that we hear true feelings the loudest. It is important to take time for yourself and listen to your inner voice.
- Sometimes it is the small gestures that express the greatest feelings. A smile, a hug or a loving word can mean more than a thousand great deeds.

Inspirational sayings about love to think about
- Love is not what you expect to get, but what you are willing to give.
- True love begins where there are no more expectations.
- Love is the strongest power in the world, and yet it is the most humble.
- Love is the key that opens the doors to happiness.
- Sometimes love is like the wind, you can't see it, but you can feel it.
- The greatest healing takes place in love, because it knows no boundaries.
- Love is when the other person is more important than yourself.
- In love and in war, everything is allowed, but true love only knows peace.
- It is not words but deeds that prove true love.
- Love is not just a feeling, but a decision that you make every day.
- Love is not what you expect to get, but what you are willing to give. True love is selfless and generous, it does not seek its own advantage but the good of the other. It is prepared to make sacrifices and compromises in order to secure the happiness of the person you love.
- True love begins where there are no more expectations. It exists free of conditions and demands. When you truly love someone, it is not because you expect something in return, but because you can't help it. Love is strongest when it is unconditional and free of expectations.
- Love is the strongest power in the world, and yet it is the most humble. It often shows itself in the smallest, most inconspicuous gestures. A gentle look, a tender touch, an encouraging word - these are all signs of genuine love that mean more than big, loud words. Love is quiet, but it has the power to change everything.
- Sometimes love is like the wind, you can't see it, but you can feel it. Its presence can be felt, even if it remains invisible. Love is a force that flows through us and fills us with warmth and security. It is always there, even if we are not always consciously aware of it.
- The greatest healing takes place in love, because it knows no boundaries. Love has the power to heal every wound and soothe every pain. It is the balm for the soul that lifts us up and gives us hope. In love we find comfort and strength to carry us through the most difficult times.
- Love is when the other person is more important than yourself. It means putting the well-being of the person you love above your own. True love is selfless and cares about the happiness of the other person. It is prepared to give everything and demand nothing just to see the loved one happy.
- Everything is permitted in love and war, but true love only knows peace. It brings harmony and understanding into our lives. True love is not a fight, but a partnership in which both sides take care of each other and are there for each other. It creates an atmosphere of peace and security.
- It is not words but deeds that prove true love. Love is shown in the actions we do for each other. An attentive listening ear, a loving breakfast, a supportive gesture - these are all expressions of love that often say more than a thousand words. Actions speak louder than words and show the depth of feelings.
- Love is not just a feeling, but a decision that you make every day. It requires conscious choice and commitment every day. Love means choosing the other person again and again, even when the going gets tough. It is a continuous effort to nurture and strengthen the relationship.
- Love finds its way, no matter how rocky the path. True love overcomes all obstacles and difficulties. It is strong enough to withstand all trials and overcome all challenges. No matter how hard the path may be, love will always find a way to endure and grow.

Family sayings that inspire us
- Family is where life begins and love never ends.
- Family is the most important asset in life, it gives us support and security.
- You can't change the family, but you can learn how to deal with it.
- In the family we are ourselves, without masks and facades.
- A family is like a tree. The branches may grow in different directions, but the roots hold everything together.
- Family means that you are never really alone.
- The home of the family is the heart.
- The love of a family is the greatest gift you can have.
- Family is not just an important part of life, it is life.
- Family is where we find the people who know us best and love us anyway.
- Family is where life begins and love grows.
- Family is the home of the heart.
- A strong family can overcome any obstacle.
- Family is a harbor where we always find refuge.
- The best memories are the ones we share with our family.
- Family is like an invisible bond that connects us all. No matter how far apart we are or what paths we take in life, this bond remains strong and unbreakable. It is love and trust that keep us together and always lead us back to our origins.
- A family teaches us what true love and unconditional support mean. It is the place where we are accepted unconditionally, with all our faults and weaknesses. In the family we find support and comfort, even in the most difficult times. It is the foundation on which we build our lives.
- A family is like a garden that needs constant care and attention. Each individual contributes to making the relationships grow and flourish. It is the responsibility of each family member to show love, respect and understanding so that the garden can flourish. The fruits of this garden are the countless beautiful memories and the strong bond that lasts a lifetime.
- The family is the first place where we learn what it means to be part of a community. It is here that we learn the importance of cohesion, forgiveness and cooperation. It is in the family that we learn the first lessons of life and are taught the values that will guide us throughout our lives.
- It is in the arms of the family that we find the greatest comfort and the deepest security. No matter how turbulent life outside may be, we find peace and security at home with our family. The memories we create with our family are the treasures we keep in our hearts forever. They are what give us strength and hope in difficult times.

WhatsApp wisdom to share
- Sometimes we have to take the wrong paths to find the right ones.
- The art of life is to dance in the rain instead of waiting for the sun.
- The best things in life are not the ones you get for money.
- If you don't dream of flying, you won't grow wings.
- The most difficult time in our lives is the best opportunity to develop inner strength.
- Live every day as if it were your last, because one day you will be right.
- It's not the years in our lives that count, but the life in our years.
- Life is an adventure to be lived, not a problem to be solved.
- You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start now and change the end.
- The greatest gift of life is the freedom to live it the way you want.
- Sometimes we have to take the wrong paths to find the right ones. Mistakes and errors are not setbacks, but valuable lessons. Every detour brings us new experiences and insights that ultimately lead us onto the right path.
- The art of life is to dance in the rain instead of waiting for the sun. Instead of waiting for perfect conditions to occur, we should learn to make the most of the here and now. Challenges and difficulties offer us the chance to grow and strengthen our resilience.
- The best things in life are not the things you can get for money. Friendship, love, health and peace are priceless goods that truly enrich our lives. These treasures cannot be bought, but can only be acquired through authentic relationships and experiences.
- If you don't dream of flying, you won't grow wings. Big dreams and visions are the first step towards extraordinary achievements. Without the courage to dream, we remain trapped in our own limitations. Dreams give us the motivation to grow beyond ourselves.
- The most difficult time in our lives is the best opportunity to develop inner strength. It is the challenges and trials that shape our true character. In the darkest hours, we often discover our greatest strengths and abilities.
- Live each day as if it were your last, because eventually you will be right. This wisdom reminds us to live life to the fullest and never miss an opportunity. Every day is a new chance to pursue our dreams and create precious memories.
- It's not the years in our lives that count, but the life in our years. Quality over quantity - it is more important how intensely and consciously we live our lives than how long we live. Every moment can be precious if we consciously experience and appreciate it.
- Life is an adventure to be lived, not a problem to be solved. Instead of seeing life as a series of challenges and problems, we should see it as an exciting journey. Every experience, good or bad, contributes to our growth and wisdom.
- You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start now and change the end. We cannot change our past, but we have the power to shape our future. Each new day gives us the opportunity to rethink and improve our decisions and actions.
- The greatest gift of life is the freedom to live it how you want. Freedom means having control over our own lives and making our own decisions. This freedom is a precious commodity that enables us to live a fulfilled and authentic life.

Sayings about disappointments and the lessons learned
- Disappointments are only stops on the road to happiness.
- Sometimes disappointment leads us to the best lessons in life.
- Disappointment is a sign that it's time to move on.
- Through disappointment we learn to strengthen ourselves.
- Not every disappointment is a loss, some are a gain in knowledge.
- Disappointments teach us to examine our expectations.
- The deepest disappointment can bring about the greatest change.
- Disappointments are the driving force for new opportunities.
- Every setback is a preparation for the next success.
- The most valuable experiences often grow out of disappointments.
- Disappointments are just stops on the road to happiness. They remind us that not everything in life runs smoothly and that sometimes it takes detours to reach our goal. These stops give us the opportunity to pause, reflect and redefine our course.
- Sometimes disappointment leads us to life's best lessons. When our expectations are not met, we are forced to look for new paths and solutions. These situations offer us valuable lessons that help us make wiser decisions in the future.
- Disappointment is a sign that it is time to move on. It shows us that we are at an impasse and that it is better to look for a new path instead of sticking to old plans. This realization can be the first step towards something much better.
- We learn to strengthen ourselves through disappointments. Every disappointment we experience challenges us to mobilize our inner reserves and emerge stronger. They are touchstones that teach us about our own resilience and stamina.
- Not every disappointment is a loss, some are a gain in knowledge. Sometimes we have to lose something in order to gain something more valuable - be it wisdom, self-awareness or a new perspective. Disappointments force us to rethink our priorities and values.
- Disappointments teach us to examine our expectations. They show us that we may have had too high or unrealistic expectations and that we need to learn to be more realistic and calm. This helps us to avoid future disappointments and to live more happily.
- The deepest disappointment can bring about the greatest change. Sometimes it is the most painful moments that make us change our lives fundamentally. These changes can lead us to new, better paths that we would never have taken otherwise.
- Disappointments are the driving force behind new opportunities. When one door closes, another often opens. Disappointments can lead us to discover new possibilities and take paths we would never have considered otherwise.
- Every setback is a preparation for the next success. Setbacks and disappointments are part of the growth process. They prepare us for future successes by making us stronger and wiser. Without these experiences, we would not be able to achieve our goals.
- The most valuable experiences often grow out of disappointments. Every disappointment helps us to develop and mature. They sharpen our focus on what is important and teach us to appreciate the good things in life. These experiences enrich our lives and make us better people.

Sayings to think about trust
- Trust is the foundation of every relationship.
- Trust is hard to gain, but easy to lose.
- Trust means telling someone the truth, even when it is difficult.
- Without trust, every relationship is doomed to fail.
- Trust grows through honesty and transparency.
- A breach of trust is like a broken mirror - even after it has been repaired, the crack remains visible.
- Trust is a gift that has to be earned.
- Trust means showing vulnerability.
- Building trust takes years, destroying it takes seconds.
- Trust is what makes an uncertain world safe.
- Trust is the foundation of every relationship. Without this solid foundation, relationships cannot exist. It is trust that allows us to feel safe and secure and gives us the freedom to be ourselves without fear of betrayal or deception.
- Trust is hard to gain, but easy to lose. It takes time, patience and many positive experiences to build real trust. But a single moment of dishonesty or betrayal can undo all that effort. That's why it's so important to nurture and protect trust.
- Trust means telling someone the truth, even when it's hard. Honesty is the key to a trusting relationship. Sometimes it's hard to speak the truth, especially when it's uncomfortable. But only through honesty can real trust develop and grow.
- Without trust, every relationship is doomed to fail. Relationships are based on the belief that the other person means well and sticks to mutual agreements. Without this trust, relationships break down, leaving hurt and disappointment in their wake.
- Trust grows through honesty and transparency. Open communication and sharing thoughts and feelings are crucial to strengthening trust. When we behave honestly and transparently, we show the other person that they can rely on us.
- A breach of trust is like a broken mirror - even after it has been repaired, the crack remains visible. Trust can be restored, but the scars of betrayal often remain. It takes a lot of time and effort to rebuild trust and heal the relationship.
- Trust is a gift that has to be earned. It cannot be taken for granted, but must be earned through consistent and reliable behavior. Every day is an opportunity to strengthen trust and show that you are worthy of it.
- Trust means showing yourself to be vulnerable. It takes courage to open up and trust the other person. This vulnerability creates a deeper connection and makes it possible to experience real intimacy. Without trust, you always remain at a distance.
- It takes years to build trust and only seconds to destroy it. A careless moment, a lie or a betrayal can destroy years of trust in seconds. That is why it is so important to treat the trust of others with care and respect.
- Trust is what makes an uncertain world safe. In a world full of uncertainty and change, trust provides a firm anchor. It gives us the security of knowing that there are people we can rely on, no matter what happens. Trust creates stability and peace in our lives.

Psychological sayings to think about
- Change begins in the mind, not in the environment.
- Our thoughts shape our reality.
- The first step to healing is recognizing the problem.
- Everyone fights their own invisible battles.
- Happiness is often a choice, not a condition.
- Sometimes letting go is the best way to move forward.
- The way we treat others often reflects our own inner selves.
- Emotional intelligence is just as important as cognitive intelligence.
- You grow by overcoming challenges, not by avoiding them.
- Self-acceptance is the key to inner peace.
- Change begins in the mind, not in the environment. The world around us may seem unchanging, but true transformation begins in our thoughts and beliefs. When we change the way we think, we can reshape our reality and find new paths that lead us to a more fulfilling life.
- Our thoughts shape our reality. The way we perceive the world is strongly influenced by our inner beliefs and thoughts. Positive thinking can enrich our lives, while negative thoughts can cloud our perception and happiness. We have the power to consciously direct our thoughts and thus shape our reality in a positive way.
- The first step to healing is recognizing the problem. We often try to ignore or suppress problems in the hope that they will disappear by themselves. But healing begins with the courage to face the problems, to recognize and accept them. Only then can we find ways to deal with them and grow.
- Everyone is fighting their own invisible battles. We never really know what someone else is going through. This realization should lead us to be more compassionate and understanding. Instead of rushing to judgment, we should show empathy and offer support wherever possible.
- Happiness is often a choice, not a condition. Many people believe that happiness depends on external circumstances, but it is often an internal choice. We can choose to be happy by practicing gratitude and appreciating the positive aspects of our lives, regardless of external circumstances.
- Sometimes letting go is the best way to move forward. Holding on to things that harm us or hold us back can prevent us from realizing our full potential. Letting go requires courage and trust, but it opens us up to new possibilities and paths that can take us further.
- The way we interact with others often reflects our own inner selves. Our interactions with other people are a reflection of our own inner world. If we love and respect ourselves, we will also treat others with love and respect. Conversely, negative interactions with others can indicate unresolved inner conflicts.
- Emotional intelligence is just as important as cognitive intelligence. While cognitive intelligence concerns our ability to think logically and solve problems, emotional intelligence enables us to understand our own emotions and to recognize and react to the feelings of others. Both are essential for a fulfilling and successful life.
- You grow by overcoming challenges, not by avoiding them. Difficulties and challenges are an inevitable part of life. By facing and overcoming them, we learn valuable lessons and strengthen our character. Avoidance often only leads to stagnation and missed opportunities.
- Self-acceptance is the key to inner peace. Many of us struggle with self-doubt and critical thoughts. Self-acceptance means accepting yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses. This inner peace enables us to live authentically and have healthy, fulfilling relationships.

Profound and short & long sayings for reflection
- You can only see well with your heart, the essentials are invisible to the eyes.
- The greatest discoveries are often made in the quietest moments.
- The things that really make us rich are the things that money can't buy.
- If you look inside yourself, you often find more answers than in the outside world.
- The highest perfection lies in simplicity.
- The depth of a thought is not shown in its length, but in its meaning.
- Still waters run deep - silence often conceals the greatest wisdom.
- A fulfilled life consists of moments of mindfulness and awareness.
- The true journey is not to discover new landscapes, but to have new eyes.
- Our true strength is revealed in the moments of greatest vulnerability.
- You can only see well with your heart, the essentials are invisible to the eyes. In a world that is often fixated on appearances, this wisdom reminds us that the most important things in life - love, compassion and understanding - cannot be grasped with the eyes. It is our heart that allows us to see the true essence of things.
- The greatest discoveries are often made in the quietest moments. In our hectic and noisy world, we easily overlook the importance of silence. It is often in the quiet moments of reflection that we discover the deepest insights and truths. In silence, we hear our inner voice and find clarity.
- The things that make us truly rich are the things that money cannot buy. True happiness and contentment do not come from material possessions, but from the intangible treasures of life - love, friendship, health and inner peace. These values enrich our lives in a way that money never could.
- Those who look within themselves often find more answers than in the outside world. Most of the answers to our most pressing questions lie within ourselves. By taking time to look within, we can find insight and wisdom that is often denied to us by outside sources. Self-reflection is a powerful tool for personal growth.
- The highest perfection lies in simplicity. The pursuit of complexity and abundance can often distract us from the true joys of life. Simplicity and minimalism lead to clarity and peace. By simplifying our lives, we create space for what really matters.
- The depth of a thought is not shown in its length, but in its meaning. A profound thought does not have to be long or complicated. It is often the simplest and shortest statements that carry the greatest wisdom and depth. It is the meaning we attach to them that reveals their true depth.
- Still waters run deep - silence often conceals the greatest wisdom. People who appear quiet and reserved often carry the deepest thoughts and insights. Their silence is not an emptiness, but a source of wisdom that rests in the depths of their being.
- A fulfilled life is made up of moments of mindfulness and awareness. Mindfulness means living in the present moment and fully appreciating every experience. A conscious life allows us to experience and feel more deeply what is happening in the here and now, rather than getting lost in worries about the past or future.
- The true journey is not to discover new landscapes, but to have new eyes. Travel and external experiences can be enriching, but the deepest journey is the inner one. It changes our perspective and allows us to see the world and ourselves with new eyes. This inner transformation is the true discovery.
- Our true strength is revealed in the moments of greatest vulnerability. It is at times when we feel most vulnerable that our true inner potential is revealed. These moments challenge us to overcome our fears and find our strength. Vulnerability is not a sign of weakness, but of courage and authenticity.

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