Beautiful sayings for life - laughing woman

Beautiful sayings: short & long words of wisdom with lots of pictures

Stefan Petri

Welcome to a collection of the most beautiful sayings (long & short) that I use again and again for special people in my life. In these lines you will find short and long words of wisdom that touch the heart and make you smile. Whether for birthday wishes, weddings, children, love or just to make someone happy - beautiful sayings are perfect for all kinds of situations.


I've made it a habit to send my best sayings to friends, family and colleagues to put a smile on their faces and let them know I'm thinking of them. This collection is a selection of my favorite quotes and words of wisdom that I've collected over the years. Every single line is carefully chosen and comes straight from the heart.

Let these words inspire you and find the right saying for every occasion. Enjoy browsing and sharing!

Table of contents

Beautiful messages for WhatsApp with emojis

Beautiful sayings for every occasion: Forest
  1. You are my sunshine ☀️
  2. A day without you is like a day without sunshine 🌞
  3. Being happy means having you 😊
  4. Your smile makes my day 😊❤️
  5. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me 🌟
  6. May your day be as beautiful as your smile and as wonderful as you 🌸😊
  7. Every moment with you is a gift 🎁 I'm so glad you exist ❤️
  8. No matter how far apart we are, you are always in my heart 💕
  9. You're the reason I wake up with a smile every morning 😊🌞 Thank you for being here 🌼
  10. The best things in life are the people we love, the places we visit and the memories we make - with you 🌍💖✨

These sayings for WhatsApp , Telegram or Viber are perfect to send in a direct message and make someone happy.

Beautiful sayings for birth

Beautiful sayings for every occasion: Child with balloons
  1. A miracle is born
  2. Welcome to this world, little miracle
  3. A new life begins
  4. The journey has just begun
  5. A little star sees the light
  6. A little miracle is born, a new life begins. May your path be lined with love, happiness and endless blessings
  7. Welcome, little miracle! Your arrival fills us with indescribable joy and we look forward to accompanying you on your journey through life
  8. With your birth, you have made our world brighter and more beautiful. May your life be filled with happiness, health and love
  9. A new life has begun, a precious treasure has been born. May your path be accompanied by happiness and infinite love
  10. Welcome to this earth, little treasure. Your arrival is a gift that fills our hearts with infinite joy. May your life be a wonderful adventure
Those who think they are good have stopped getting better.

Mark Twain

American writer

Inspirational sayings with a picture

Beautiful sayings for every occasion: Heart
  1. A picture is worth a thousand words
  2. Pictures capture moments that words cannot describe
  3. A photo is a pause button for life
  4. The best memories are the ones we capture in pictures
  5. A picture captures the heart of a moment
  6. A photo is a poem without words that tells our story
  7. Pictures are the diary of our lives, written with light and shadow
  8. Every picture tells a story without saying a single word
  9. We keep the most beautiful memories in pictures that stay with us for a lifetime
  10. With every picture we take, we capture a fleeting moment for eternity

Heartwarming greetings for beautiful moments

Beautiful sayings for every occasion: Heaven
  1. The happiness of small things makes life great
  2. A beautiful moment can light up a whole life
  3. The most beautiful moments in life are the ones we share with loved ones
  4. Every beautiful moment is a gift of life
  5. Beautiful moments are like stars - they shine even in dark times
  6. The most precious memories are those made from beautiful moments
  7. Sometimes it's the little moments that touch the heart and stay with you forever
  8. Every day holds beautiful moments, you just have to see them
  9. Beautiful moments are the quiet joys of life that fill our hearts with happiness
  10. Beautiful moments arise when we welcome life with open arms and an open heart

Funny Whitsun sayings

Beautiful sayings for every occasion: Hikers
  1. Happy Whitsun! May your days be as colorful and cheerful as the Blums in spring
  2. Whitsun is the time to relax and unwind. Just leave the stress of everyday life behind you
  3. Whitsun is like Easter, only without the eggs. Enjoy the days off!
  4. Whitsun: the perfect time to get out into nature and fire up the barbecue
  5. Whitsun is the best time to enjoy spring to the full - and not stress yourself out too much
  6. Happy Whitsun! May your days be full of sunshine, laughter and delicious food
  7. It's not just nature that blooms at Whitsun, but also a good mood
  8. Whitsun: the days when you finally have time to enjoy life
  9. Whitsun is the time to put your feet up and simply do nothing for a change
  10. Happy Whitsun! Time to enjoy the blossoms and the extra days off

Reflective sayings for the Christmas season

Beautiful sayings for every occasion: Christmas
  1. Merry Christmas and a blessed festive season
  2. Time for love and emotion, it's just chilly outside today
  3. Christmas is when hearts light up
  4. Peace, joy, Christmas time
  5. A blessed Christmas to you and your loved ones
  6. May the Christmas season bring you peace, love and joy, and may the New Year be full of happy moments
  7. Christmas is a time of giving, love and joy. May your heart overflow with happiness at this special time of year
  8. Christmas is a time when wishes come true. May your life be filled with wonderful moments that you keep in your heart forever
  9. Christmas is a time to pause, reflect on the year and show our love and gratitude to those around us
  10. May the magic of Christmas fill your heart with warmth and give you unforgettable moments that you will cherish forever

Thoughtful sayings that make you think

Beautiful sayings for every occasion: Blum
  1. Thoughts are the beginning of actions
  2. He who thinks recognizes the way
  3. In doubt lies the truth
  4. Thinking is the key to understanding
  5. Every thought shapes our world
  6. Sometimes we need to stop and think in order to find the direction our heart is pointing us in
  7. Reflection means looking deep inside yourself and finding the answers to life's questions
  8. The greatest discoveries often begin with a simple thought that makes us reflect and opens up new paths
  9. In the silence of reflection, the true desires of our heart and the goals we want to achieve are revealed
  10. Reflection is like a journey into the depths of our being, where we find the wisdom and clarity that will take us further in life

Happy weekend sayings

Beautiful sayings for every occasion: Plant
  1. Have a great weekend!
  2. Enjoy your weekend!
  3. Weekend is pure relaxation
  4. Time for fun and relaxation
  5. Happy weekend!
  6. The weekend is here, time to unwind and leave everyday life behind. Enjoy your time off!
  7. May your weekend be full of beautiful moments, laughter and relaxation. You've earned it!
  8. A weekend full of joy and relaxation from someone who appreciates you. Make the most of it!
  9. The weekend offers us the perfect opportunity to recharge our batteries and spend time with our loved ones. Make the most of it!
  10. A great weekend is just around the corner! Time to do the things you love and leave the stress of the week behind you. Enjoy it to the full!

Motivational sayings for the day

Beautiful sayings for every occasion: Hand
  1. Every day is a new beginning
  2. Make the most of your day
  3. Today is your day
  4. Believe in yourself
  5. You can do it!
  6. Every new day is an opportunity to achieve something great. Use it wisely and with a full heart
  7. Let today be your springboard to new heights. Go out and show the world what you're made of!
  8. Every day brings new opportunities and possibilities. Open your heart and mind to recognize and take advantage of them
  9. Today is the perfect day to pursue your dreams and be the best version of yourself. Believe in yourself and go your way
  10. Start each day with a smile and positive thoughts. Your attitude determines your direction and chances of success

Romantic wedding sayings

Beautiful sayings for every occasion: Hikers
  1. Two hearts, one love
  2. Forever and ever
  3. Love triumphs
  4. Together into the future
  5. A bond for life
  6. May your love be as strong and enduring as a rock in the surf. Happy wedding day!
  7. Your adventure together begins today. May your marriage be characterized by love, joy and unforgettable moments
  8. Love is when two hearts beat to the same beat. Congratulations on your special day!
  9. A wedding is the beginning of a wonderful journey filled with love and happiness. May your path always be accompanied by sunshine
  10. With every day you spend together, may your love grow and blossom. All the best for your wedding!

Loving sayings with children

Beautiful sayings for every occasion: Forest
  1. Children are the greatest gift
  2. Every day is brighter with children
  3. Children are our future
  4. Children bring joy to life
  5. A smile from a child brightens the day
  6. Children are like little rays of sunshine that brighten our lives and fill us with joy
  7. A child's eyes reflect innocence and pure happiness. Enjoy every precious minute
  8. The love of a child is unconditional and pure. It teaches us what is really important in life
  9. Children are little miracles who enrich our world with their innocence and joy. May they always be happy and healthy
  10. The time we spend with our children is priceless. It gives us unforgettable moments and a deep bond

Heartfelt sayings of love

Beautiful sayings for every occasion: Love
  1. Love is the most beautiful feeling
  2. You are my everything
  3. Everything would be nothing without you
  4. Love knows no boundaries
  5. With you I am complete
  6. Love is the anchor of our lives. It gives us support and strength to weather every storm
  7. In your arms I find the home I've always been looking for. Your love is my greatest happiness
  8. Love is when two hearts beat to the same beat and two souls become one. Thank you for being my heart and my soul
  9. The love I feel for you is stronger than words could ever express. You are my greatest treasure
  10. Every day we spend together shows me how precious and unique our love is. I am so grateful to have you by my side

Meaningful sayings about life

Beautiful sayings for every occasion: Forest with sun
  1. Life is a journey
  2. Live every day as if it were your last
  3. Life is what we make of it
  4. Enjoy the little things in life
  5. Life is a gift
  6. Life is not made up of the moments when we breathe, but of the moments that take our breath away
  7. Every day is a new chance to enjoy life to the full and make the most of it
  8. Life is a canvas and you are the artist. Fill it with color, joy and love
  9. In the ups and downs of life, we learn what really matters: Love, friendship and the precious moments we experience
  10. Life is like a book. Some chapters are sad, some are happy, but each chapter makes the story unique and worth reading

Birthday sayings

Beautiful sayings for every occasion: Forest with cherry blossom
  1. Happy birthday
  2. One year older, one year wiser
  3. Celebrate your day
  4. May your day be full of joy
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. On your special day, I wish you all the happiness in the world. May all your wishes come true
  7. May your new year bring you many wonderful moments and unforgettable experiences
  8. Today is your day! Celebrate it to the full and let yourself be celebrated by all the loved ones around you
  9. Birthdays are the days when we celebrate how far we've come and what we've achieved. Happy birthday to you!
  10. May your birthday be the start of a year full of happiness, health and success. All the best for your birthday!

Short and sweet sayings

Beautiful sayings for every occasion: Blums
  1. Dream big
  2. Live, love, laugh
  3. Be yourself
  4. Carpe diem
  5. Stay positive
  6. Life is too short for anytime. Seize every moment and make the most of it
  7. There is true beauty in simplicity. Enjoy the little things in life
  8. A smile is the shortest distance between two people. Smile and the world smiles back
  9. Love is not just a word, it's an action. Show your love in everything you do
  10. Every day is a new beginning. Welcome it with open arms and an open heart

Wisdom from life

Beautiful sayings for every occasion: Water with sun
  1. Life is an adventure
  2. Learn from your mistakes
  3. Be grateful for every moment
  4. Life is a journey, not a destination
  5. Happiness lies within yourself
  6. Life is not always easy, but it is the challenges that make us stronger and show us the way
  7. Every day is a new chance to get the best out of ourselves and pursue our dreams
  8. True happiness does not lie in possessions, but in the moments that touch our hearts and enrich our lives
  9. It's the little things in life that mean the most. Pay attention to them and you will find true happiness
  10. Live your life consciously and mindfully. Every second is precious and unrepeatable

Cheerful sayings for life

Beautiful sayings for every occasion: Butterfly
  1. Enjoy every moment
  2. Laughter is the best medicine
  3. Live life to the fullest
  4. Make the most of every day
  5. Joy is the key to happiness
  6. Life is a celebration. Dance, laugh and celebrate every day as if it were your last
  7. Life is too short to worry. Live in the here and now and enjoy every second
  8. Joy is the essence of life. Find it in the little things and you will experience true happiness
  9. Make your life colorful and live it with passion. Every day offers countless opportunities to find happiness
  10. Live your life with an open heart and a smile on your lips. The world will meet you with joy and love

Emotional certainties about love

Beautiful sayings for every occasion: Clouds
  1. Love is everything
  2. You and me, forever
  3. Love knows no boundaries
  4. Everything is more beautiful with you
  5. Love is infinite
  6. Love is the bond that connects two hearts forever, no matter how far apart they are
  7. With you by my side, every moment feels magical. You are my greatest happiness and my greatest joy
  8. Love is not just a feeling, but a decision that we make anew every day
  9. I see my future, my dreams and my happiness in your eyes. Thank you for being my great love
  10. Love means not only sharing the good times, but also mastering the challenges together and growing from them

Profound sayings to think about

Beautiful sayings for every occasion: Snowdrops
  1. The journey is the destination
  2. Every moment counts
  3. Change starts with you
  4. True strength comes from within
  5. Silence often speaks louder than words
  6. Life is made up of moments that shape and mold us. Pay attention to the traces you leave behind
  7. Every thought you have has the power to shape your reality. Think wisely and consciously
  8. In silence, you will find the answers to the questions that move your heart. Take time to reflect
  9. Change is the only constant in life. Embrace it and grow with every new experience
  10. The deepest wisdoms of life often reveal themselves in the simplest moments. Be mindful and receive them with an open heart

Festive sayings for the wedding

Beautiful sayings for every occasion: Magical forest
  1. Two hearts, one path
  2. Forever united
  3. Love is our foundation
  4. Together into the future
  5. Our adventure begins today
  6. May your marriage always be characterized by love, respect and deep understanding for each other. Congratulations on your wedding!
  7. Today begins your life together as a married couple. May it be full of happiness, laughter and wonderful memories
  8. Love is the most beautiful gift we can give each other. May your wedding be the beginning of a life full of joy and fulfillment
  9. Your love has brought you this far, and now a new chapter begins. May every day of your marriage be a new highlight of your love
  10. A wedding is the beginning of a wonderful journey. May your path together be accompanied by happiness, love and many unforgettable moments

Daily wisdom

Good night greeting - Sunset with fiery red light
  1. Start every day with a smile
  2. Today is a new day
  3. Make the most of every day
  4. Every day is a gift
  5. You are strong and capable
  6. A new day means new opportunities. Seize them and make the most of every moment
  7. Every day is a blank canvas. Paint it with the colors of your dreams and hopes
  8. Start each day with gratitude and a positive spirit. Life will respond to you with joy
  9. Every day brings new opportunities and challenges. Go forward with courage and grow with them
  10. Every morning we have the choice to be happy. Choose it and the day will meet you full of smiles

Final tip for you for beautiful sayings

You will find that sending quotes and sayings via WhatsApp will be a wonderful way to bring joy to others. Here are some tips on how you can make it even better:

  1. Personalize your message: Use the recipient's name in your message to make it more personal. If you know that the recipient has a special occasion (birthday, anniversary, etc.), adapt the quote or saying accordingly.
  2. Choose appropriate quotes: Choose quotes and sayings that fit the recipient's current situation or pick up on the topics just addressed. Make sure that the quotes and sayings convey a positive and motivating message.
  3. Visual design with images and emojis: Add suitable images or emojis to your messages to make them more visually appealing. Use formatting such as bold, italics or strikethrough to emphasize important parts of the quote.
  4. Regularity and routines: Send the messages at fixed times, e.g. every morning or evening, to create a routine and build anticipation. But don't overdo it. Be careful not to send too many messages so as not to flood the recipients.
  5. Encourage interaction: End the message with a thought-provoking question or encourage discussion. Occasionally ask how the quotes and sayings are received in order to get feedback and improve.
  6. Offer variety: Alternate between different types of quotes and sayings, e.g. motivational quotes, funny sayings, life lessons, etc. Introduce theme weeks in which you send a quote on a specific topic every day.
  7. Use technical tools: Create templates for your messages to make sending easier. Use WhatsApp functions or third-party apps to automate sending if you have many recipients.

Example message

Good morning, [name] 🌞

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs
I hope you have a fantastic day and find joy in everything you do! ✨

How are you doing today?

With these tips, you can make your WhatsApp messages even more personal and effective to bring a smile to the faces of those around you every day. Have fun with it.

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Published on by Stefan Petri
Published on: From Stefan Petri
Together with his brother Matthias, Stefan Petri runs the popular specialist forum and the e-learning platform, which focuses on the training and further education of digital professional skills.
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