Love sayings: Top 200 beautiful & short sayings for him and her

Love sayings: Top 200 beautiful & short sayings for him and her

Stefan Petri

Love is the most beautiful feeling we humans can experience. It gives our lives a deep meaning and fills our hearts with infinite warmth and security. Love sayings are a wonderful way to express these deep emotions and show our loved ones how much they mean to us. Whether in moments of happiness, romance or even in times of longing and missing - a loving saying can touch hearts, give comfort and spread joy. And it's so easy to send a few warm words to a loved one. Use our list of free love sayings and make someone feel deeply loved by you.

In this table of contents, you'll find a diverse selection of love sayings for every occasion. From short and pithy messages that go straight to the heart, to profound and thoughtful words that reflect the depth of love - there's something here for everyone. Let yourself be inspired and find the perfect words to express your love in a special way.


Because sometimes it's the little words and gestures that have the biggest impact. Have fun browsing and discovering - and above all sharing your love! Love is like a delicate plant. It needs sunshine and needs to be nurtured so that it doesn't die.

Table of contents

I love you sayings

Love sayings beautiful and short sayings: Woman and man
  1. Forever and ever - I love you.
  2. You are my heart and my soul.
  3. Without you, everything is nothing.
  4. My heart beats only for you.
  5. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
  6. Every second without you is a second lost. I love you endlessly and can no longer imagine life without you.
  7. You are my first thought in the morning and my last at night. I love you more than words could ever describe.
  8. Your love is my greatest treasure that I will cherish forever. Thank you for making my life so wonderful.
  9. In your arms I find peace and happiness. You are my home and I will love you forever.
  10. With you by my side, I feel complete. Your love gives me the strength to overcome everything. I love you with all my heart.

Love is sayings

Love sayings beautiful and short sayings: Heart
  1. Love is when you find great happiness in the little things.
  2. Love is when two hearts beat to the same beat.
  3. Love is when you are the reason why I smile.
  4. Love is when the happiness of others is more important than your own.
  5. Love is when you feel safe in each other's arms.
  6. Love is like a delicate plant that needs to be nurtured and cared for every day in order to grow and flourish.
  7. Love is the magic that turns an ordinary day into something special and two lives into a shared adventure.
  8. Love is when you don't want to change the other person, but accept and love them as they are.
  9. Love is the bridge that connects two souls and shows them that they are stronger together.
  10. Love is the feeling we are all looking for, the feeling that makes us complete and fills our hearts with warmth and light.

Love is like...

Love sayings beautiful and short sayings: handmade hearts and bicycle with couple
  1. Love is like a delicate butterfly that lands gently on your heart.
  2. Love is like a ray of sunshine that lights up your life.
  3. Love is like a song that never ends.
  4. Love is like a puzzle in which you are the missing piece.
  5. Love is like an adventure that we experience together.
  6. Love is like an ocean, deep and full of secrets, sometimes stormy, but always fascinating and infinite.
  7. Love is like a garden that needs to be tended with dedication in order to produce its most beautiful Blum.
  8. Love is like a starry sky, infinitely wide and beautiful, showing you the way in the darkness.
  9. Love is like a book, each page a new chapter, full of surprises, suspense and romance.
  10. Love is like a warming fireplace on a cold winter's day, giving you security and warmth.

Short love sayings

Love sayings beautiful and short sayings: Heart painted
  1. You are my everything.
  2. My heart belongs to you.
  3. Everything is better with you.
  4. Love at first sight.
  5. You and me - forever.
  6. You are my home, no matter where we are.
  7. Love is what you give me every day.
  8. You make my life complete.
  9. I would be lost without you.
  10. Your love gives me strength.

Love sayings for him

Love sayings beautiful and short sayings: Hearts
  1. You are my hero and my protector.
  2. I feel safe in your arms.
  3. Your love makes me strong.
  4. With you by my side, I can do anything.
  5. You are my rock in the surf.
  6. Your eyes shine brighter than all the stars in the sky and I find happiness in your smile. I love you more than words could ever say.
  7. Every moment with you is a gift that fills my heart with infinite joy. You are my dream come true.
  8. Your love is the compass that shows me the way. With you, I feel safe and loved wherever we go.
  9. You are not only my partner, but also my best friend. With you by my side, the world feels right. I love you from the bottom of my heart.
  10. Your tenderness and your strength make you the most wonderful person I have ever known. Thank you for making my life so rich.

Love sayings for her

Love sayings beautiful and short sayings: Lovers
  1. You are my queen.
  2. Your smile brightens my day.
  3. You are my greatest happiness.
  4. Your love makes me happy.
  5. With you, every moment is special.
  6. Your heart is my home and your love is what drives me every day. You are the woman of my dreams and I love you endlessly.
  7. Your beauty and grace enchant me every day anew. You are the light in my life and I will love you forever.
  8. In your eyes I see the future I have always wished for. With you, my life is complete and full of love.
  9. You are the melody in my life that makes me dance every day. Your love is the most beautiful gift I have ever received.
  10. Your warmth and affection are what make me strong every day. With you by my side, I feel invincible. I love you with all my heart.

Beautiful love sayings

Love sayings beautiful and short sayings: Lovers
  1. Your love is like a warm summer rain that refreshes my heart.
  2. You are the most beautiful chapter in my life book.
  3. Our love is like an endless dream from which I never want to wake up.
  4. I find my happiness in your smile and my home in your eyes.
  5. Your love paints the most beautiful colors in my life.
  6. With you, every day feels like a fairy tale. Your love transforms my world into a place full of magic and beauty.
  7. You are the sunrise in my life that fills every day with light and hope. Your love is what drives me and makes me happy.
  8. Every second I spend with you is a precious moment that I will cherish in my heart forever. You are my greatest treasure.
  9. Your affection and care make my life so much richer. With you, every day is a celebration of love and joy.
  10. Your love is a gift that I can unwrap anew every day. You make my life beautiful and perfect.

Love sayings to think about

Love sayings beautiful and short sayings: Lovers
  1. Love is not just a word, but an action that is proven anew every day.
  2. True love is not recognized by grand gestures, but by the little things you do for each other.
  3. Love means accepting each other's faults and staying in love anyway.
  4. Love is not about being perfect, but about growing and improving together.
  5. Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own.
  6. Love is the art of seeing something special in another person, even if the world doesn't see it.
  7. Sometimes love also means letting go in order to give the other person the freedom they need.
  8. The most beautiful moments in love are those that cannot be put into words.
  9. Love is not what you expect to receive, but what you are willing to give.
  10. Love means sticking together in the most difficult times and emerging stronger together.

Love sayings for special occasions

Love sayings beautiful and short sayings: Lovers
  1. For weddings: May your love be as strong and enduring as a rock in the surf.
  2. For anniversaries: Another year full of love, laughter and unforgettable moments with you.
  3. For birthdays: Every moment with you is a gift, but on your birthday I especially celebrate the joy you bring to my life.
  4. For Valentine's Day: On this special day, I want to thank you for capturing my heart every day.
  5. For engagements: Our future together is the most beautiful adventure I look forward to. I love you with all my heart.
  6. For Christmas: Your love is the most beautiful gift I have ever received. Merry Christmas, my darling.
  7. For New Year: May the new year bring us even more love, happiness and unforgettable moments. I love you.
  8. For Mother's Day: Your love and care make our home a place of happiness. Thank you for being the best partner and mother.
  9. For the first anniversary: A year full of love and happiness lies behind us. I look forward to many more with you by my side.
  10. For Valentine's Day: Every day with you is like Valentine's Day. You are my heart and my soul. I love you.

Good morning love sayings

Love sayings beautiful and short sayings: Lovers
  1. Good morning, my darling. Your smile is the first thing I want to see.
  2. Waking up next to you is the best way to start the day. Good morning, darling.
  3. Every morning with you is a gift. I love you.
  4. Seeing your face in the morning is my favorite moment. Good morning, my heart.
  5. Good morning, my love. You make every day better just by being there.
  6. May your day be as beautiful as your smile. Good morning, my angel.
  7. Waking up with the thought of you makes every morning special. I love you.
  8. Good morning, my darling. With you by my side, the day can only be great.
  9. Your smile in the morning is the sunshine that brightens my day. Good morning, my love.
  10. Good morning, darling. I hope your day will be as wonderful as you are.

Good night love sayings

Love sayings beautiful and short sayings: Lovers
  1. Good night, my love. Sweet dreams of us.
  2. Sleep well, my heart. You are my last thought before I fall asleep.
  3. Good night, my love. I'm already looking forward to the morning with you.
  4. Sleep well, darling. My love will accompany you into your dreams.
  5. Good night, angel. May your dreams be as beautiful as you are.
  6. Sweet dreams, my darling. I can't wait to see you again tomorrow. Good night, angel.
  7. Good night, my heart. You are the star that lights up my night.
  8. Sleep well, my love. Your love warms my heart even in the darkest night.
  9. Good night, my darling. Your closeness gives me the peace and security I need to sleep.
  10. Good night, my angel. With you in my heart, every night is peaceful and beautiful.
Your heart is my home and your love is what drives me every day. You are the woman of my dreams and I love you endlessly.

The loving man to his wife

Happiness after many years of marriage.

Love sayings for WhatsApp

  1. You are my everything. ❤️
  2. Love you infinitely. ♾️❤️
  3. You are my happiness. 🍀❤️
  4. Without you, no me. 🌹❤️
  5. My heart belongs to you. 💖
  6. Writing to you makes my day brighter and my heart lighter. I love you. 😊❤️
  7. Every message from you puts a smile on my face and joy in my heart. 😍❤️
  8. No matter where you are, your words always reach my heart. I love you more than anything. 🌍❤️
  9. Every text from you is like a little love letter that always makes me happy. ✉️❤️
  10. Your messages are the best part of my day. I love you and can't wait to see you again. 📱❤️

Love sayings for lovers

Love sayings beautiful and short sayings: Older couple
  1. You are the beating of my heart.
  2. Everything feels right with you.
  3. In love with you, more and more every day.
  4. You are my greatest happiness.
  5. You are the reason for my smile.
  6. Being in love is the best feeling in the world, especially when it's with you. You make my life so much brighter.
  7. Dreaming, laughing and loving with you is what makes my heart beat faster every day.
  8. In your eyes I find the love I have always been looking for. You are my greatest happiness and my deepest longing.
  9. Every moment I spend with you is proof that love is truly magical.
  10. Being in love means seeing you in everything that is beautiful. You are my inspiration and my greatest treasure.

True love sayings

Love sayings beautiful and short sayings: Couple
  1. True love knows no boundaries.
  2. True love grows with every day.
  3. True love is unconditional.
  4. True love passes every test.
  5. True love is eternal.
  6. True love means accepting each other, with all their faults and weaknesses, and still seeing the best in each other.
  7. True love is like a deeply rooted tree that withstands even the strongest storms and continues to grow.
  8. True love is shown in the small gestures you make for each other every day, and not just in big words.
  9. True love means supporting each other in the most difficult times and emerging stronger together.
  10. True love is the bond that unites two souls and shows them that together they can overcome anything.

Sayings for your partner

Love sayings beautiful and short sayings: Heart
  1. You are my anchor.
  2. Everything is possible with you.
  3. You are my great love.
  4. You make my life complete.
  5. I am strong by your side.
  6. Your love gives me the strength to give my best every day. You are my greatest treasure and my best friend.
  7. You are the person I want to grow old with. Your love and support mean the world to me.
  8. Every day with you is an adventure that I never want to end. Thank you for making my life so special.
  9. You are my safe haven where I always find peace. I love you more than words can say.
  10. Your tenderness and understanding make every challenge easier. You are my heart and my soul.

Sayings about lost love

Love sayings beautiful and short sayings: Car
  1. Lost love hurts deeply.
  2. Memories last forever.
  3. Loss is also part of love.
  4. Strength grows from separation.
  5. Love goes, memories remain.
  6. Sometimes love also means letting go and wishing the other person the happiness that you could not give yourself.
  7. The scars of a lost love remind us how deeply we can feel and how strong we really are.
  8. Even though you are no longer with me, your love lives on in my memories and gives me strength.
  9. Lost love allows us to mature and learn that every person who enters our lives teaches us something important.
  10. The pain of loss shows us how precious real love is and that it lives on forever in our hearts.

Romantic love sayings

Love sayings beautiful and short sayings: Hearts
  1. You are my dream.
  2. Everything is magical with you.
  3. You are my soulmate.
  4. Your love enchants me.
  5. You are my greatest happiness.
  6. Your eyes sparkle like stars and your smile lights up my heart. With you, every moment feels like a fairy tale.
  7. Your love is like a gentle wind that touches my heart and makes my soul fly.
  8. With you by my side, every day is a new adventure full of love and romance.
  9. You are the melody in my heart that makes me dance every day and reminds me of the beauty of love.
  10. In your arms I find peace, security and the infinite depth of our love. You are my heart and my soul.

Love sayings for the wedding

Love sayings beautiful and short sayings: heart clouds
  1. Our love will last forever.
  2. You are my yes-word forever.
  3. Together we are complete.
  4. With you, every day is a celebration.
  5. Our love is our most beautiful treasure.
  6. Today begins our adventure together as a married couple. I promise to always love and honor you.
  7. You are my heart, my soul and now my husband. I look forward to a lifetime of love and happiness with you.
  8. Together we have begun a journey of love, and today we seal it with our promise to be there for each other forever.
  9. With you by my side, every challenge is easy to overcome. Your love is my greatest treasure and I look forward to our future together.
  10. Our wedding is the beginning of a wonderful journey full of love, laughter and unforgettable moments. I love you more than anything.

Funny love sayings

Love sayings beautiful and short sayings: Love lock
  1. Love is when you can argue about the toothpaste tube and still stay together.
  2. You are my favorite person - and the world's best fridge scavenger.
  3. Love is when you can put up with me without coffee in the morning.
  4. We fit together like a lid on a pot - sometimes it bangs, but it works.
  5. Love is when you know my quirks and still stick around.
  6. You're the reason why I'm always grinning like a honey cake horse.
  7. Love is when we lie in bed together and steal each other's blankets.
  8. Our love is like a good pizza - hot, spicy and always a bit messy.
  9. You're the yoghurt in my muesli - without you, everything would only be half as good.
  10. Love is when you don't run away when I sing badly.

Long love sayings

Love sayings lots of hearts
  1. Your love is like a lighthouse that guides me through the darkest nights and shows me that I am never alone. You give me the strength to weather all of life's storms.
  2. When I think about our time together, my heart fills with joy and gratitude. You are the person who enriches my life and shows me how beautiful true love can be.
  3. Every second I spend with you is a precious gift. Your love has improved my life in so many ways and shown me what it means to be truly happy.
  4. You are not only my partner, but also my best friend and my biggest support. With you by my side, I feel complete and ready to overcome any challenge.
  5. In your arms I find the peace that I often miss in this hectic world. You give me the feeling of security and safety that I need so much.
  6. Your love is like a beautiful melody that makes my heart dance. Every moment with you is like a gentle rhythm that fills and beautifies my life.
  7. With you by my side, I have learned what it means to love and be loved unconditionally. You are my greatest happiness and my most important person.
  8. You are the sun in my life that fills every day with warmth and light. Your love gives me the strength to start and end every day with a smile.
  9. When I look into your eyes, I find the peace and happiness I have been searching for so long. You are my soulmate and my greatest gift.
  10. Your love has changed my life in ways I never thought possible. You are my rock and the person who always reminds me of what is really important in life.

Creative places for love sayings on small pieces of paper

Love sayings on small pieces of paper are a charming and personal way to show affection. They can brighten up everyday life and are guaranteed to put a smile on your partner's face. Here are some creative and unexpected places where you can leave these loving messages:

In a jacket pocket
Hide a small note in your partner's jacket or coat pocket. It's a nice surprise when he or she uses the pocket and finds the loving message.

Under the pillow
Place the note under the pillow so that your partner discovers it when they go to bed or wake up in the morning. A sweet way to start or end the day.

In the wallet
Place the message in your wallet between your cards or banknotes. Your partner will discover the message the next time they pay or look through it.

In the fridge
Attach the note to the inside of the fridge with a magnet or place it in a food package that your partner uses often.

In the packed lunch
When you prepare lunch for your partner, put a small note in the packed lunch. It will be a nice surprise during the lunch break.

On the bathroom mirror
Attach the note to the bathroom mirror with adhesive tape or a suction cup. Your partner will see it while brushing their teeth or doing their hair.

In the shoes
Place the note in your partner's shoes. This is an unexpected place that makes for a fun surprise.

In the handbag or backpack
Hide the note in your partner's handbag or backpack. These little surprises will keep them happy throughout the day.

In the book
Place the note as a bookmark in a book your partner is reading. He or she will find the message as they read on.

On the car seat
Place the note on the driver's seat or attach it to the dashboard. Your partner will see the message when they get into the car.

In a laptop or notebook
Slide the note into your partner's laptop or notebook. The next time you open it, he or she will discover the loving message.

Under the coffee cup
Place the note under the coffee cup or saucer. When your partner enjoys their morning coffee, the message will emerge.

In the drawer
Hide the message in a drawer that your partner uses frequently, such as the sock drawer or desk drawer.

In a favorite place
Place the note in a place that your partner often visits, such as their favorite armchair or the corner of the sofa.

These little surprises show your partner that you are thinking of them and bring joy to everyday life. Try out some of these ideas and let love blossom in small moments.

Published on by Stefan Petri
Published on: From Stefan Petri
Together with his brother Matthias, Stefan Petri runs the popular specialist forum and the e-learning platform, which focuses on the training and further education of digital professional skills.
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