40 anecdotes and jokes about the church and damn atheists

30 jokes about God, the church, and damn atheists

Vitalii Shynakov

The jokes and anecdotes about God and the Church that you find here are just humor. They are only for entertainment and are not intended to hurt the feelings of sincerely devout people.

Humor is a universal language that connects people. It helps to view the world from a different perspective and defuse tense situations. When it comes to religion and atheism, anecdotes and jokes can be a way to promote understanding between people with different views. Such humor allows for reducing tension, entertaining, and at the same time, provoking thought.

40 anecdotes and jokes about the church

The phrase "The ways of the Lord are inscrutable" sounds like "The management does not assume liability." Or: "Parents are not liable for their children."

Amazingly, if a believer tells another believer that they saw God yesterday, the other won't believe them.

In kindergarten, a girl enthusiastically draws something. The teacher asks:
— What are you drawing?
— God.
— But nobody knows what He looks like!
— They'll know now!

The priest addresses little Gregor:

— Hans, do you pray before eating?

— No, my mom cooks well. :)

Priest Alexander has been collecting donations for a chapel for three years, but so far it has only been enough for an Audi.

— Forgive me, Holy Father, for I have sinned. Last Friday I slept with a man.
— And you didn't call back?
— What?
— Exactly that!

Jokes about the church

A priest who has been excommunicated from the church can work as a bartender. He is used to listening to the confessions of visitors.

A nun went to confession to a priest and said:
— I am sinful, Father, pride overwhelms me. Every day I look in the mirror! And when I do, I admire myself and think, "Oh, how beautiful I am!"
— Well, that's not a sin, sister, that's a mistake!

Life is given only once, and one must live it in a way that after death one cannot be sold as an organ donor.

A priest must simply be rich, otherwise, it would be too easy for Satan to tempt him with money.

A priest is discussing miracles with an atheist. The atheist vehemently protests against their existence. So the priest starts giving examples:
— Suppose a person falls from the bell tower and survives, what is that?
— Uhm... that's coincidence!
— Alright, the priest doesn't give up, and if he falls from the bell tower a second time and survives?
— Well, that's luck! ... replies the atheist.
Then the priest asks him a third time:
— Let's say the same person falls a third time from the bell tower and survives again. What is that?
— Uhm... that... that's habit!

Heavens! I really prayed to finally have someone. But why worms?!

Who can explain why you can call the devil, but not God? Is the devil less busy or just more communicative?

— Father, I have sinned: gluttony, drunkenness, fornication...
— I know, my daughter.
— How?!
— I follow you on Instagram

Jokes about the church and atheists.

— God, why ten commandments? Can't there be just five? — Moses! Do not deal! — Where does it say not to deal?!

— We should blame all the debts of the world on one guy and then kill him.
— I think you just invented Christianity.

All religions try to answer two questions: Why are we alive and why are we so miserable?

The main problem with atheism is that there are thousands of people in the world who should be burning in hell. But there is no hell.

Jokes about atheists

If prayers worked, they would be banned in sports like doping.

An atheist dies and finds himself in heaven. God says to him:
— Well, do you believe now?
The atheist replies:
— Yes, but that doesn't change anything.

A man drives to a meeting, is running late, nervous, and can't find a parking space. He looks up to the sky and says:
— Lord, help me find a parking space. Then I will stop drinking and go to church every Sunday!
Suddenly, a free space appears as if by a miracle.
The man looks back to the sky:
— Oh, never mind. Found one!

Jehovah's Witnesses would have many more followers if they started their conversations with the words:
— We have a liter of vodka. Would you like to talk about God?

A student asks the rabbi:
— Rabbi, why do you always answer a question with another question?
— Why not?

I saw a video where a priest in the church exorcises the devil from an old woman. What ambitions must the devil have to go into a retiree from Berlin!

If God were a woman, I would not only go to hell but also never find out why.

If God created the sun on the fourth day, how did he know that four days had already passed?

Jokes about priests and nuns.

Offerings are the best example that with a gift, the gesture matters. God probably doesn't need a dead billy goat, but it's still nice.

When I was a child, I prayed for a bicycle. Then I realized that God works differently: I stole a bike and prayed for forgiveness.

And God said:
— Let there be light! And the speed of light in a vacuum shall be three times ten to the power of seven!
Then he thought and decided:
— Oh, forget it, let's make it three times ten to the power of eight!

Tell people that there is someone in heaven who created the universe, and most will believe it. Tell them that the paint is not dry yet, and they will stick their finger in to make sure.

The jokes collected here are intended to help look at serious topics with a smile and show that even different beliefs can be a source of joy and unity. The most important thing is not just to laugh, but also to understand each other and accept the diversity of views. We hope that these jokes have not offended you but have lifted your mood and brought some light into your day. Keep looking for humor in everything you do! It makes life more pleasant.

Published on by Vitalii Shynakov
Published on: From Vitalii Shynakov
Vitalii Shynakov has been working in the areas of online retail, marketing and customer satisfaction since 2012. Until 2022, he was the head of personnel development and online sales department of four successful stores. He has been part of the TutKit.com team since 2024.
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