TutKit in action: Designing a Christmas brochure - with this content

TutKit in action: Designing a Christmas brochure - it's easy as snow with this content!

Matthias Petri

Did you know? We regularly use TutKit.com content ourselves as part of our own agency client projects. How do we do that? We'll show you in our blog series "TutKit in Action". You'll quickly see: You too can save an enormous amount of time with our assets. Start the video on designing a Christmas brochure now.

Are you still missing suitable motifs for your Christmas brochure, Christmas card or Christmas banner? Would you like to display your website on a tablet or monitor without photographing the scene? Or do you need a map to show the locations of your company?

Then take a look at the first video in our blog series "TutKit in Action". I'll show you specific practical examples of how you can use TutKit.com content for your projects or those of your customers. Easy as snowflakes:

Designing a Christmas brochure - download the contents of the video

Have you been inspired and want to try out what we've shown you? Click through to the content used in the video:

Concrete, practical, inspiring: About our new blog series "TutKit in Action"

In addition to TutKit.com, we also run the 4eck Media agency. Here and there, we regularly create design materials, for example for our blog, for our newsletters and social media posts as well as for the websites and print products of our agency clients.

We don't have to search long for suitable images, graphics or backgrounds - it's often enough to start the TutKit.com search. How we then use the assets and templates for our own and our clients' projects will be shown in our loose blog series "TutKit in Action".

Learn from our approach and experience to achieve your design goals even faster! This is exactly what we report on - from our own practice - for your personal practice .

Published on by Matthias Petri
Published on: From Matthias Petri
Matthias Petri founded the agency 4eck Media GmbH & Co. KG together with his brother Stefan Petri in 2010. Together with his team, he runs the popular specialist forum PSD-Tutorials.de and the e-learning portal TutKit.com. He has published numerous training courses on image processing, marketing and design and has taught "Digital Marketing & Communication" as a lecturer at FHM Rostock. He has received several awards for his work, including the special prize of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Website Award in 2011 and as Kreativmacher Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 2015. He was appointed Fellow of the Federal Competence Center for Cultural & Creative Industries in 2016 and is involved in the initiative "We are the East" as an entrepreneur and managing director on behalf of many other protagonists of East German origin.
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