How can give impetus to an educational institute? We asked one member: Christian Tietze is constantly launching new and expanded products and services at IBB. He also relies on to ensure a smooth workflow. Find out what he likes about our collaboration in our interview.

A brief portrait of Christian Tietze and the Institute for Vocational Education and Training (IBB)
Christian Tietze is a product developer and is responsible for the new and further development of all IBB products, courses and offers in the graphics/design/interactive media department. Since its foundation in 1985, the institute has developed into one of the largest private education providers in Germany. At over 800 locations, IBB offers a wide range of further education and retraining courses - supplemented by individual coaching and sound application and placement assistance.
Why is setting a precedent with its offering
The product range can significantly speed up and simplify the daily workflow in many areas. In our interview, Christian Tietze reveals why he appreciates our platform so much for the new and further development of the IBB portfolio:
Why did you decide to become a member?
We are always on the lookout for providers of modern, attractive learning material. As many of us have been using the portal for years, the path to was not far away.
How has enriched your everyday life and professional success?
We love the wide range of design templates, illustrations and presets, which are very well coordinated.

What do you particularly like about
It's clearly the full service at From the uncomplicated business interaction to the many well-crafted video trainings including raw material for reworking what you have learned.
What other goals would you like to achieve with
One clearly defined goal, for example, is to increase reach. If and IBB combine their respective expertise in this area, it will definitely be a step in the right direction.
Which tutorials and assets convince you the most?
We are using the offers on the topics "3D and web design" with growing popularity. Video tutorials on Photoshop and print preparation are also popular.

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