Digitalization has long been more than just a buzzword. It is advancing, changing our working environments permanently - and affecting us all. So let's seize the opportunities and help shape the change. This is exactly where we want to support you even more intensively in future and show you the benefits of digital and agile working in a practical way. We will take you by the hand and digitize your workflows, because digital skills are the key to sustainable professional success.
Despite all the drama, there is also a good side to the recent times, as digitalization has given many a company a boost: What a friend of mine had been denied in her job for years was suddenly possible during the crisis: working from home. Virtually overnight, her company was able to make the necessary adjustments to key processes. And along the way, we received more membership inquiries for than ever before. And these are just two examples of many.

The cards have been on the table for a long time: digitalization was already advancing inexorably - in both business and private contexts. Whichever report or statistic we look at, there are concrete figures that point to the progress of the digital transformation. Two examples:
- While the net turnover of online retail in Germany was a "meagre" 1.6 billion euros in 2001, the figure reached an impressive 85 billion euros in 2021. And the trend is rising.(Online Monitor 2021, German Retail Association, p. 6)
- Between 2016 and 2018, around 1.5 million German SMEs completed digitalization projects - ten percent more than in the previous period.(KfW SME Digitalization Report 2019, p. 12)

Such surveys underpin what we experience on a daily basis: On the private side, series are streamed, products are ordered from online stores and video chats are held with relatives ... And on the professional side? What about digitalization in your day-to-day work?
Whether employees, the self-employed, managers, departments or entire companies: The right time to build up and expand digital skills and thus survive in the competition in the medium to long term begins now at the latest.
The rapid pace of change requires each and every one of us to continue our training in digital topics. In exemplary words: Anyone who can manage dozens of emails excellently, knows how to start the next video conference, is adept at using currently popular social media platforms or can edit documents via smartphone, tablet and desktop computer and keep them synchronized in the cloud - will remain in demand on the job market. It is precisely in these areas of digitalization and effective working that we want to support you even more than before with

Additional focal points: digital skills, new work, effective working
We know from our own daily team experience: The solutions for overcoming digital challenges exist. Our existing range of topics is expanding so that you can apply them and benefit from the opportunities of digitalization.
For example, we recently invested in a series of training courses and created in-house tutorials that address the pressing issues of digitalization for companies and provide practical answers that are suitable for everyday use: How do you position your company and build a brand? How do you increase the visibility of local offers online? How can you successfully launch your own blog or take off with your podcast? What advantages do online solutions such as Google Sheets, Google Docs and Google Slides offer you - and how do you use these web-based programs?
As usual, we publish working materials such as checklists and templates to accompany the training courses to make it even easier for you to implement or integrate new processes.

Even more choice: present more beautifully, sell more
We launched six years ago to offer you an easily accessible platform for individual training. At the same time, we created a portal where you can download helpful digital assets to save time when designing your own work.
While we are now setting additional priorities with digitalization, new work and effective office work, we are also continuously expanding our existing offering in the areas of image, photo, video and text. So you can look forward to new design templates, PowerPoint presentations, text templates for social media, textures, background images, photo presets, Photoshop actions, brushes and illustrations in the future too.
Whether you want to create an employee magazine, design a business card or a roll-up for the next trade fair appearance, whether you want to prepare an image for a blog post or creatively stage a photo for an advertisement: use our assets and design templates to shorten your time from the idea to the final result.

Set yourself up for success with
It may sound strange, but digital transformation, your office work and offline and online marketing have one thing in common: it's all about design! Just as you might design the next advertising image for a product, you can also help shape your own activities in the office and the transformation to digital processes.
We at would like to accompany you on all these paths - with video training that will help you personally and with digital assets that will save you time and ultimately money in your daily work. We hope that you will continue to set yourself up for success with
Yours, Matthias Petri and the team