Are you in the mood for a good laugh? Do you need something to really train your laughter muscles? Then you're in the right place! We have a whole collection of really funny jokes in stock for you. From clever wordplay to hilarious situations, everything is included. So, get comfortable and get ready for a true fireworks of humor!

But be careful: These jokes are not suitable for children's ears. The title "Jokes for Adults" is already a hint - it might get a bit risqué here and there. So, if you blush easily, this might not be for you.
For everyone else: Sit back and enjoy the fun! Laughter is healthy and drives away bad mood in an instant.
So, let it rip and have a great day!
In the middle of the night, the husband wakes his wife and hands her pills and a glass of water:
– Here, take this.
– What kind of pills are these?
– For headaches.
– But I don't have a headache.
– About time!
He: – You are my donut.
She: – Donut, because I'm fat???
He: – No. Because you're sweet...
– ... and have a hole.
Okay, I've gotten used to the cat staring at us during sex.
But today she also vomited.

– Hey, baby! Do you want long-lasting and multiple sex?
– No.
– Then I'm the right one for you!
"Life is more pleasant without an asshole..." - the staff unanimously concluded this when discussing the boss's vacation.
– So, guys, what about the '50s?
– No, today we'll go for something younger!
The husband to the wife after sex:
– Hanna, did you really not just pretend?
– No, Thomas, I actually slept!
– You're such a loser. Even your girlfriend left you for me! That's a stone in your garden!
– No, that's more like a tree trunk in your bed!
After a wild night:
– That was really great! You screamed so loud!...
– I'm just afraid of the dark...
– All inconveniences will eventually come to an end, believe me.
– But you're an optimist.
– No, I am a gravedigger.
I always knew I wasn't the most handsome. But it's too much when the ladies of the night pretend to wait for the bus when they see me at the bus stop...
– Why do married men get fat?
– A bachelor comes home in the evening, looks in the fridge, sees what he has there, and goes to sleep sadly. A married man comes home in the evening, looks in bed, sees what he has there, and goes sadly to the fridge.
– Lisa, what are you dreaming of?
– I dream of going out with a famous singer!
– Oh, Lisa, that is not something for women, to go out with a famous singer...

– Darling, I had the best night of my life with you!
– Not a night, but literally two minutes...
The man is always ahead of the woman in everything: He arrives first to the date, expresses his love first, and falls asleep first…
– Doctor, my butt hurts.
– Where exactly?
– Right at the entrance.
– As long as you refer to that spot as the entrance, it will continue to hurt.
The woman playfully says to her husband: – A romantic evening and sex with a beautiful lady are waiting for you very soon.
The man: – What, are you going on a business trip?
"Sex only after marriage" sounds like "This link is available only to registered users."
Folk wisdom: "If the nights are warm, starry, and romantic at the end of August - you will give birth in May…”
A 40-year-old mother went on vacation with her 20-year-old daughter. The 30-year-old diving instructor had never faced such a difficult choice...
Jokes for adults to die laughing
From Vitalii Shynakov