In the picturesque setting of a wintry town , an imposing large Christmas tree rises up on the snow-covered market square. Surrounded by children playing, this motif invites you to experience the spirit of Christmas in a creative way. This coloring picture is not only a feast for the eyes, but also an excellent coloring template for all those who want to color in a beautiful Christmas motif. And the best thing about it: you can download the coloring page for free! Just click on the download button and start your creative adventure. If you like, you can also color the picture online.

Winter city & big Christmas tree (coloring picture)
Winter town with a large Christmas tree and children playing in the market square. Download the picture now.

Winter town with snow-covered market & large Christmas tree (coloring picture)

  • A wintry town with a large Christmas tree and happy children playing in the marketplace.
  • You can download the image completely free of charge.
  • High quality, 4000 x 4000 px, JPG file
  • Ideal for printing out and as a coloring page - a great way to pass the time during the Christmas season.
  • By the way: You can also color the picture online.

The magic of the wintry city and the Christmas tree

A wintry cityscape with a large Christmas tree evokes warm memories of festive seasons. Christmas trees have been a symbol of celebrating this special time of year for centuries. Originally celebrated as a pagan symbol of life in the dark winter months, today the evergreen tree stands for joy and hope. The tradition of decorating dates back to the 16th century, when it became common in Germany to decorate Christmas trees with nuts, apples and paper flowers. A large Christmas tree in a marketplace often becomes the centerpiece of festivities and attracts families to spend time together. You can find lots more Christmas pictures to print out and color on our website.

Coloring fun at Christmas time

In the coloring picture, we see the charm of a wintry town come to life - a large Christmas tree surrounded by children playing brings joy and festivity to the marketplace. With its high quality and 4000 px x 4000 px, this picture is ideal for printing out. At Christmas time, this coloring page is a great way to get creative with children. Use colorful crayons and bright colors to make the big Christmas tree shine. Make sure to use wax crayons or felt-tip pens to achieve vibrant colors. Coloring Christmas pictures can not only be a creative activity for children, but also a wonderful opportunity to get together as a family and enjoy moments together.

Winter city & big Christmas tree (coloring picture)

Published on by Dr. Jens Hammerschmidt
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From Dr. Jens Hammerschmidt
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