In the cold snowy landscape, the Santa Claus is rushing on his sleigh through the snow. The coloring template that you can download for free awakens creativity in young artists. So, don't hesitate: Download the picture now and let your imagination run wild! If you wish, you can also color the picture directly in your browser.

Download Sleigh & Santa Claus in a Snowy Landscape as a Coloring Template

  • The picture shows Santa Claus on a sleigh in the middle of a snowy landscape.
  • Get the picture completely free of charge.
  • It is a high-quality JPG file with 4000 px x 4000 px.
  • Particularly suitable for printing and coloring
  • You can also color the picture online here.

Exciting Stories about Santa Claus

The Santa Claus is perhaps one of the most well-known figures of the festive season. A symbol of joy and gifts, based on the legends of Saint Nicholas and other traditional figures. Today's representation, especially his ride on the sleigh through the snow, has evolved through poems and stories. In Nordic countries, where winter is often long and dark, the idea of Santa Claus brings warmth and hope. Revelations about his origin stories are always wondrous discoveries for young and old. If you'd like to see more of such wintry pictures, you can also check out the additional coloring picture of children at a snowball fight.

Santa Claus in a Winter Setting – Coloring Fun for the Whole Family

The Santa Claus on his sleigh is a popular motif that invites children of all ages to color. With their high quality, the coloring template can be wonderfully printed. While coloring, you experience with the little ones the joy of bringing this iconic figure to life in their favorite colors. Especially in the circle of family, coloring can be a delightful break in the pre-Christmas stress. Why not have a small family session where everyone can take home their version of the wintry wonder as a memento?

Sled & Santa Claus in snowy landscape as coloring template

Published on by Dr. Jens Hammerschmidt
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From Dr. Jens Hammerschmidt
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