In the world of digital document management, Adobe Acrobat Pro DC is an indispensable tool. Whether it's creating, editing or reviewing PDF documents, Acrobat Pro DC offers a wealth of features to make your day-to-day work easier. But did you know that you can increase your efficiency and productivity even further by mastering some of the most practical keyboard shortcuts?

Keyboard shortcuts are more than just a quick way to execute commands. They are an important key to a smoother, more efficient workflow. By using these shortcuts, you can use the mouse less often, which in turn reduces the time you spend navigating menus and selecting options. This saves valuable seconds that can add up to hours over the course of a working day.

In addition, keyboard shortcuts help you stay focused. Instead of having to keep switching between keyboard and mouse, the shortcuts allow you to keep your hands in one place and concentrate fully on your work. This is particularly useful if you are working on large documents or if you have to meet tight deadlines.

In the following sections, we present a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts for Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. These shortcuts cover a variety of functions - from navigation and document editing to commenting and reviewing. While you don't need to memorize every single shortcut, knowing the most important combinations will speed up your workflow considerably. So without further ado, let's dive into the world of keyboard shortcuts and discover how they can revolutionize your experience with Adobe Acrobat Pro DC!


Keyboard Shortcuts DescriptionAcrobat Shortcuts
Selection toolV
Select text (when selection tool is active)Shift + arrow keys
Select/unselect next word to the right (when the selection tool is active)Shift + Ctrl + right arrow key
Select/unselect next word to the left (with active selection tool)Shift + Ctrl + left arrow key
TouchUp reading direction toolShift + Ctrl + U
Tool for editing textT
Switch between TouchUp tools (text, reading direction, object)Shift + T
Redaction toolShift + Y
Object selection toolR
Edit objectO
Crop toolC
Link toolL
Open output preview~
JavaScript debuggerCtrl + J
Insert blank pageShift + Ctrl + T
Delete pageShift + Ctrl + D
Insert filesShift + Ctrl + I


DescriptionAcrobat shortcuts
Text editingE
Highlighting or current markingU
Switch between selections (highlight, underline, strikethrough)Shift + U
Graphic selectionD
Switch between graphic markers: Cloud, arrow, line, rectangle, oval, polygon line, polygon, pencil, eraserShift + D
Create text fieldX
Stamp, attach file or audio commentJ
Switch between stamp, attach file and audio commentShift + J
Switch to the next comment or form fieldTab
Switch to the previous comment or form fieldShift + Tab
Opens pop-up for comment with focusEnter key
Closes comment pop-up with focusEsc

Working with forms

Form descriptionAcrobat shortcuts
Align selected fields to the leftL
Align selected fields to the rightR
Align selected fields on topT
Align selected fields at the bottomB
Align selected fields horizontallyH
Align selected fields verticallyV
Center selected fields horizontallyShift + H
Center selected fields verticallyShift + V
Show tab orderShift + N
JavaScript instructions for documentsShift + D

Voice output

DescriptionAcrobat shortcuts
Activate and deactivate speech outputShift + Ctrl + Y
Voice output for the current page onlyShift + Ctrl + V
Voice output from the current page to the end of the documentShift + Ctrl + B
Interrupt speech outputShift + Ctrl + C
Pause speech outputShift + Ctrl + E
Navigation DescriptionAcrobat shortcuts
Activate/temporarily activate hand toolH/space bar
Previous screenPage up
Next screenScreen-down
First pagePos1
Last pageEnd screen
Previous pageLeft arrow key
Next pageRight arrow key
Scroll upUp arrow key
Scroll downDown arrow key
Scroll (with active hand tool)Space bar
Switch to menusF10
Switch to the toolbar (in the browser and in the application)Shift + F8
Switch to the next tabCtrl + Tab
Switch to the previous tabShift + Ctrl + Tab
Switch to the next search result and highlight in the documentF3/ Ctrl + G
Switch to the previous search result and highlight in the documentShift + F3/ Shift + Ctrl + G
Close current documentCtrl + F4
Open context menuShift + F10
Close context menuF10

Working with PDF portfolios

F10 DescriptionAcrobat shortcuts
Switch to the next line in the file list on the left-hand sideTop arrow key
Switch to the previous line in the file list on the left-hand sideDown arrow key
Goes to the next higher level within a folder in the file listBack button
When the focus is on the back button in a folder, this button is pressedEnter key/space bar
If the line in the file list for a subfolder is activated, it is called up or an attachment is opened in preview modeEnter key
Switch to the first line within a file listPos1
Switch to the last line within a file listEnd
Switch to the next/last line set for display on screenPage-down/Page-up
Select all filesCtrl + A
Deselect all filesShift + Ctrl + A
Extend selection by adding above/below the selected lineShift + up/down arrow key
Include row in focus in the selection or exclude it from the selectionCtrl + space bar

Commands for navigation window

DescriptionAcrobat shortcuts
Open or switch to navigation windowShift + Ctrl + F5
Switch between document, message bar and navigation windowF6
Activate next/previous navigation window (window button)Arrow key up/down
Activate next navigation window (focus: navigation window)Ctrl + Tab
Switch to the previous window areaShift + F6
Switch between elements in the current windowTab
Switch to the next/previous object in the navigation windowDown/up arrow key
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Shortcuts for Adobe Acrobat - Keyboard shortcuts at a glance

Published on by Stefan Petri
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From Stefan Petri
Together with his brother Matthias, Stefan Petri runs the popular specialist forum and the e-learning platform, which focuses on the training and further education of digital professional skills.