Welcome to our in-depth guide on keyboard shortcuts for Affinity Photo. This article is your key to more efficient and smoother photo editing. Affinity Photo offers a wealth of features, and knowing the right keyboard shortcuts can significantly increase your working speed and simplify the editing process. We'll show you how to go from beginner to expert with simple keystrokes, switching tools faster, changing views and tackling complex editing tasks with ease. Whether you're new to Affinity Photo or want to take your skills to the next level, this article will help you unleash the full potential of your creativity.

Table of Contents

Editing shortcuts

Change document sizeAlt + Ctrl + I
Change canvas sizeAlt + Ctrl + C
Select multiple objectsShift-click
Select overlapping layer contentsAlt-click
Reset selection box.
Switch magnetic alignment on/off;
Erase with the pixel toolCtrl
Switch between the color selectors for outline/fill (or color 1/color 2) in the "Color" and "Color fields" panelX
Swap the color selectors for outline/fill (or color 1/color 2)Shift + X
Set the color selectors for outline/fill (or color 1/color 2) to black and white.D
Set the color selectors for outline/fill (or color 1/color 2) to "Without fill"/ (only for international and selected keyboards)
Switch between overlays for the cutting tool (when the cutting tool is activated)O
Mirror the spiral for the golden ratio (when the cutting tool is activated)Shift + O
Change the attribute displayed in a panel or dialog boxDrag on the text name of the attribute

Action (Transform)key
Restricted horizontal, vertical or diagonal movementShift -drag
Rotate in steps of 15 degreesShift -drag the rotation/corner handle
Rotate around the opposite cornerDrag the corner handle and hold the right mouse button.
Cancel a scaling, shifting or creation of contentESC
Scale from the centerCtrl -Drag from a corner handle
Mirrored tiltingCtrl -Drag
Move step by step 1 Arrow keys
Move step by step (by the modified distance) 1 Shift + arrow keys
The distance for the incremental shift can be adjusted via Edit > Settings > Tools.

Keyboard shortcuts for working with vectors

Scale without changing the aspect ratioShift -drag from a corner handle
Edit lines while drawingCtrl
Create an acute node (sharp corners)Alt-drag the handle
Align the handle of a curve in 45° incrementsShift-drag the handle
Create a straight line segment while you are drawingDrag + right-click
Convert to smooth nodeRight-click
Convert to point nodeAlt-click
Convert to curvesCtrl + Enter
Select the next node of a curve]
Select the previous node of a curve[

Shortcuts for files

New documentCtrl + N
New from clipboardCtrl + Alt + Shift + N
Open documentCtrl + O
Close document/close program (if no document is open)Ctrl + W
Change document/viewCtrl +Tab
Save documentCtrl + S
Save asCtrl + Shift + S
ExportCtrl + Alt + Shift + S
PrintCtrl + P

Shortcuts for tools

Switch between fill and gradient toolG
View toolH
Move" toolV
The color pipetteI
Crop toolC
Switching between the selection toolsW
Switch between drawing pen/knot toolP
Zoom toolZ
Clone toolS
Switch between the shape toolsU
Switch between the text toolsT
Switch between the "Dodge", "Burn" and "Sponge" toolsO
Switch between the retouching toolsJ
Switch between the painting toolsB
Switch between the erasing toolsE
Switch between the selection tools with selection frameM
Freehand selectionL

Action (only for Liquify Persona)button
"Liquify - Push forward" toolP
"Liquify - Move left" toolL
"Liquify - Swirl" toolT
"Liquify - Distort concave" toolU
Liquify - Turbulence" toolB
Liquify - Grid Clone" toolC
Liquify - Reconstruct" toolR
Liquify - Freeze" toolF
Liquify - Thaw" toolW
Liquify - Zoom" toolZ
"Liquify - View" toolH

Action (only for Develop Persona)button
White balance" toolW
"Remove red eyes" toolR
"Remove blemishes" toolL
"Paint overlay" toolB
Erase overlay" toolE
Overlay gradient" toolG
Crop toolC
Zoom toolZ
View toolH

Action (only for export persona)button
Slice toolS
Slice selection" toolL

Action (Panorama Persona only)button
"Transform source image" toolA
"Add to source image mask" toolL
"Delete from source image mask" toolU

To avoid accidentally switching to other tools, simply activate the option Switch tools with modifier key in the settings under Tools.

Shortcuts for editing

UndoCtrl + Z
RedoCtrl + Y
Copy reduced to oneCtrl + Shift + C
Transfer styleCtrl + Shift + V
Transfer effectShift + Alt + V
Paste withinCtrl + Alt + V
Paste without formatCtrl + Alt + Shift + V
FillShift + F5
Restore (Inpainting)Alt + Backspace

Keyboard shortcuts for working with layers

Select all layersAlt + Ctrl + A
GroupCtrl + G
UngroupCtrl + Shift + G
DuplicateCtrl + J
InvertCtrl + I
All the way to the frontCtrl + Shift + ]
One forwardCtrl + ]
All the way backCtrl + Shift + [
One to the backCtrl + [
Show allCtrl + Alt + Shift + H
Unprotect allCtrl + Alt + Shift + L
New layerCtrl + Shift + N
Merge downwardsCtrl + E
Merge selectedCtrl + Shift + E
Merge visibleCtrl + Alt + Shift + E
Switch between layers for frequency separationF

Keyboard shortcuts for painting

Pick up a new brush colorAlt-drag
Change the opacity of the selected layer content or brushNumeric keys (4 = 40 %, 43 = 43 %, etc.)
Increase/decrease the brush width] [
Reduce/increase the brush width with screen displayCtrl + Alt-drag (left/right)
Reduce/increase the brush hardness with screen displayCtrl + Alt-drag (up/down)
Painting a brushstroke along a straight lineClick and then click with the Shift key
Switching the brush properties (for width, hardness, shape/spacing or rotation):Ctrl + Alt + left-click
Setting the brush properties on the page (after setting the previously mentioned "switch option")For width: Ctrl + Alt + left-click + drag (left/right)
For hardness: Ctrl + Alt + left-click + drag (up/down)
For the shape of the brush tip: Ctrl + Alt + left-click + drag (left/right)
For the distance of the brush tip: Ctrl + Alt + left-click + drag (up/down)
For the rotation of the brush tip: Ctrl + Alt + left-click + drag (left/right)

Shortcuts for text

Open "Character" dialog boxCtrl + T
Open "Typography" dialog boxCtrl + Shift + T
Spelling optionsCtrl + Shift + ;

Action (navigation)key
Moves the insertion point one character to the leftLeft
Moves the insertion point one character to the rightRight
Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the wordCtrl + Left
Moves the insertion point to the end of the wordCtrl + Right
Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the linePos1
Moves the insertion point to the end of the lineEnd
Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the text frameCtrl + Pos1
Moves the insertion point to the end of the text frameCtrl + End
Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the current paragraphCtrl + Up
Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraphCtrl + Down
To select the text between the start and end position of the insertion point when moving the insertion point, hold down the key at the same time.
Action (delete)key
Deletes the character to the left of the insertion pointBackspace
Deletes the character to the right of the insertion pointDel
Deletes from the insertion point to the beginning of the wordCtrl + Backspace
Deletes from the insertion point to the end of the wordCtrl + Del

Action (formatting)key
Larger textCtrl +>
Smaller textCtrl +<
Enlarge text preciselyCtrl + Alt +>
Reduce text preciselyCtrl + Alt +<
SuperscriptCtrl + Shift + =
SubscriptCtrl + Alt + -

Action (Typography)key
Narrower (width/undercut; steps of 10 ‰)Alt + Left
Next (width/undercut; steps of 10 ‰)Alt + Right
Even narrower (width/undercut; steps of 50 ‰)Alt + Shift + Left
Even wider (width/undercut; steps of 50 ‰)Alt + Shift + Right
Increase paragraph indentAlt + Down
Decrease paragraph indentAlt + Up
Increase paragraph indent preciselyCtrl + Alt + Down
Decrease paragraph indent preciselyCtrl + Alt + Up

Action (special characters)key
Line changeShift + Enter
Protected spaceAlt + Space
semi-four spaceAlt + -
SquareAlt + Shift + -

Shortcuts for the view

Rotate the document viewAlt-scroll while turning the mouse wheel
Reset rotation of the document viewCtrl + Alt + Shift + R
Rotate around the center of the document viewShift + Alt-scroll while turning the mouse wheel
Rotate document view fasterCtrl while rotating the document view
Zoom inCtrl + =
Zoom outCtrl + -
Zoom to fitCtrl 0 (or double-click on the view tool icon)
Zoom to 100%Ctrl 1 (or double-click on the zoom tool icon)
Zoom to 200Ctrl + 2
Zoom to 400 %Ctrl + 3
Zoom to 800Ctrl + 4
Zoom to actual sizeCtrl + 8
Zoom to pixel sizeCtrl + 9
Zoom by shortcutSpace + Ctrl -Drag
Zoom in with shortcutSpace + Ctrl -click
Zoom out via shortcutSpacebar+ Alt-click
Zoom in with shortcut (selection frame)Spacebar+ Alt-drag
Pan using shortcutSpace bar
Scroll vertically (up/down)Mouse wheel
Scroll horizontally (left/right)Shift +mouse wheel
Switch to the next view`
Show rulersCtrl + R
Show guidesCtrl + ;
Show gridCtrl + '
Switch between projection planes of a grid'
Toggle split view (not in Photo Persona),

Select allCtrl + A
DeselectCtrl + D
Invert pixel selectionCtrl + Shift + I
Add to selection (only for the selection frame tools and the "Freehand selection" tool)Ctrl + Alt-Drag
Remove from selectionAlt-drag
Zoom in/outCtrl + B
Sharpen edgesShift + F6
Refine edgesCtrl + Alt + R
Move selection step by step1 Arrow keys
Move selection step by step with modifier1 Shift + arrow keys
Selection from layerCtrl -click on a layer thumbnail or press Ctrl + Shift + O
Create selection from layer brightnessCtrl + Alt-click on the layer thumbnail
Add the content of a layer to an existing selectionShift + Ctrl-click on the thumbnail of the layer
Add the luminance information of a layer to an existing selectionShift + Ctrl + Alt-click on the thumbnail of the layer
Polygon selection (only for freehand selection tool)Ctrl + Shift-click on the page.
1 The distance for the incremental shift can be adjusted via Edit > Settings > Tools.

Shortcuts for the workspace

Show/hide Studio (panels)Ctrl + Shift + H
Show/hide toolbarCtrl + Alt + T
Show/hide program interfaceTab
Hide workspaceCtrl + H

Shortcuts for adjustments and filters

Tone correction (adjustment)Ctrl + L
HSL (adjustment)Ctrl + U
Invert (adjustment)Ctrl + I
Gradation curves (adjustment)Ctrl + M
Black and white (adjustment)Ctrl + Alt + Shift + B
Repeat filterCtrl + F

Shortcuts for the Liquify persona

Mask allCtrl + A
Delete maskCtrl + D
Invert maskCtrl + I

Various shortcuts

Program settingsCtrl + ,

10 practical tips and tricks for Affinity Photo that will improve and facilitate your work with the program

  1. Use adjustment layers : Instead of applying changes directly to your image, use adjustment layers. This way, your original images remain unchanged and you can adjust the settings at any time.
  2. Frequency Separation for skin retouching : Frequency Separation is a powerful tool for professional skin retouching. It allows you to edit the texture and color tone of the skin separately.
  3. Live filter layers : Live filter layers are a great way to apply effects non-destructively. You can add effects such as blurring or distortion and adjust them at any time without affecting the original image.
  4. Macros for automation : If you often have recurring tasks, you can record and use macros to automate these processes.
  5. Using the export person a: The export persona in Affinity Photo is specifically designed to optimize your workflow when exporting images. It allows you to export multiple formats and resolutions at the same time.
  6. Pen and brush tool for precise work : Use the Pen tool for precise path work and the Brush tool for detailed painting and retouching.
  7. Layer masks for advanced editing : Layer masks are extremely useful for selectively editing certain areas of an image without changing the actual layer.
  8. Color management for consistent colors : Pay attention to consistent color management, especially when working for print, to ensure your colors are rendered correctly.
  9. Advanced selection tools : Use Affinity Photo's powerful selection tools, such as the Magic Wand tool, Quick Selection Brush or Lasso tool, for precise selections.
  10. Customizable workspace : Adapt your workspace to your needs. You can move toolbars and arrange tool icons according to your preferences.
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Shortcuts for Affinity Photo - Keyboard shortcuts at a glance

Published on by Stefan Petri
Published on: From Stefan Petri
Together with his brother Matthias, Stefan Petri runs the popular specialist forum PSD-Tutorials.de and the e-learning platform TutKit.com, which focuses on the training and further education of digital professional skills.