For Windows PC and Mac - all important keyboard shortcuts and formulas in Excel

Keyboard shortcuts and formulas are indispensable tools for working more efficiently in Microsoft Excel and increasing your productivity. Excel offers a wide range of shortcuts and formulas for a variety of functions, be it for formatting cells, inserting new worksheets, navigating in your worksheets or formulas for performing calculations. In our overview of the shortcuts in Excel , we summarize the most important shortcuts and formulas of the spreadsheet program for you.

Quick navigation to the desired Excel shortcut

15 frequently used shortcuts in Excel

DescriptionExcel shortcuts Windows/PCExcel shortcuts Mac
Open documentCtrl + OCommand + O
Save documentCtrl + SCommand + S
Repeat last actionCtrl + YCommand + Y
Step backCtrl + ZCommand + Z
Copy Ctrl + CCommand + C
PasteCtrl + VCommand + V
Cut Ctrl + XCommand + X
Copy cell contents to another cellCtrl + Drag selected cell to another cellOption + Drag selected cell to another cell
Move cell contentsDrag selected cell to another cellDrag selected cell to another cell
Add new row/columnCtrl + +Command + +
Delete row/columnCtrl + -Command + -
Create table from selected cellsCtrl + TCommand + T
Insert line break in cellAlt + EnterControl + Option + Enter
Bold formatting Ctrl + BCommand + B
Open context menuShift + F10 Fn + F12

General keyboard shortcuts for Excel

Discover general keyboard shortcuts in Excel that make it easier for you to use the program. These shortcuts speed up the work process and allow you to execute commands quickly.

DescriptionExcel shortcuts Windows/PCExcel shortcuts Mac
Open documentCtrl + OCommand + O
Save asF12Command + Shift + S
New documentCtrl + NCommand + N
Print documentCtrl + PCommand + P
Close current documentCtrl + WCommand + W
Close current documentAlt + F4Command + Q
Show/hide ribbon Ctrl + F1Command + Option + R
Next ribbon control TabTab
Activate/open selected controlSpacebarSpacebar
Options key Alt + F + TCommand + , (comma)
Help key F1Command + /

Keyboard shortcuts for Excel functions in the menu

The menu in Excel houses a wealth of options, from basic editing functions to advanced formatting and analysis tools. This tutorial will focus on using shortcuts to navigate seamlessly through Excel's various menus.

DescriptionExcel Shortcuts Windows/PCExcel shortcuts Mac
Show/hide ribbonCtrl + F1Command + Option + R
Format cellsCtrl + 1Command + 1
Insert functionShift + F3Shift + F3
Quick analysis for selected dataCtrl + QControl + Q
Create tableCtrl + TControl + T
Name ManagerCtrl + F3F3
MacroAlt + F8Option + F8
Microsoft Visual Basic for ApplicationsAlt + F11Option + F11
Go toCtrl + GFn + F5
DeleteCtrl + - Commund + -
Insert cellsCtrl + +Shift + Command + +
Spell checkF7Command + ;

Excel shortcuts for selection options

The use of Excel is characterized by a large number of selection options and functions. Keyboard shortcuts offer an efficient method of accessing various selection options quickly and efficiently.

DescriptionExcel shortcuts Windows/PCExcel shortcuts Mac
Selects rows of the current cellsShift + space barShift + Spacebar
Selects columns of the current cellsCtrl + SpacebarControl + Spacebar
Selects all cells on a sheetCtrl + ACommand + A
Add adjacent cells to the selectionShift + ClickShift + Click
Add non-adjacent cells to the selectionCtrl + ClickCommand + click
Selects from current position to cell A1Ctrl + Shift + Pos1Shift + Command + Arrow up
Selects from current position to last entryCtrl + Shift + EndShift + Command + down arrow
Same selection in next columnOption + Tab
Same selection in previous columnOption + Shift + Tab
Move right between non-adjacent selectionsCtrl + Alt + right arrow keyControl + Option + Right arrow key
Move left between non-adjacent selectionsCtrl + Alt + Left arrow keyControl + Option + left arrow key
Add to selectionShift + F8Fn + Shift + F8
Cancel selectionEscEsc
Extends selection in one directionShift + arrow keyShift + arrow key
Extends selection to the next filled cellCtrl + Shift + Arrow keyShift + Command + Arrow key
Extend selection modeF8 then arrow keysFn + F8 then arrow keys
Select current areaCtrl + ACommand + A
Select current fieldCtrl + /Control + /
Select line differencesCtrl + \Control + \
Select column differencesCtrl + Shift + |Control + Shift + |

Keyboard shortcuts for text and typography

The correct formatting of text and the design of typography are also crucial in Excel in order to present tables and worksheets clearly and professionally. In this context, keyboard shortcuts offer a practical method of controlling formatting and typography.

DescriptionExcel shortcuts Windows/PCExcel shortcuts Mac
Format allCtrl + 1Command + 1
Format cells, show "Font" tabCtrl + Shift + FControl + Shift + F
Apply/remove "Bold" formattingCtrl + BCommand + B
Apply/remove "Italic" formattingCtrl + ICommand + I
Apply/remove "Underline" formattingCtrl + UCommand + U
Apply/remove "Strikethrough" formattingCtrl + 5Command + Shift + X
CenterAlt + H + A + CCommand + E
Align leftAlt + H + A + LCommand + L
Align rightAlt + H + A + RCommand + R
IndentAlt + H + 6Control + Option + Tab
Remove indentationAlt + H + 5Control + Option + Shift + Tab
Increase font size by oneAlt + H + F + GCommand + Shift + >
Decrease font size by oneAlt + H + F + KCommand + Shift + <

Shortcuts for formats

The correct formatting of numbers and data in Excel is crucial for presenting information clearly and comprehensibly. Formats such as percentage format, currency format and date format play an important role here. Shortcuts are a useful way to apply these formats quickly and accurately.

DescriptionExcel shortcuts Windows/PCExcel shortcuts Mac
Apply general formatCtrl + Shift + ~Control + Shift + ~
Apply currency formatCtrl + Shift + $Control + Shift + $
Apply percentage formatCtrl + Shift + %Control + Shift + %
Apply scientific formatCtrl + Shift + ^Control + Shift + ^
Apply date formatCtrl + Shift + #Control + Shift + #
Apply time formatCtrl + Shift + @Control + Shift + @
Apply number formatCtrl + Shift + !Control + Shift + !

Keyboard shortcuts for dialog boxes

Dialog boxes play a crucial role in Excel as they allow for detailed settings and customizations. By using dialog boxes, users can select specific options and precisely configure their worksheets.

DescriptionExcel shortcuts Windows/PCExcel shortcuts Mac
Show "Insert Special" dialog boxCtrl + Alt + VCommand + Control + V
Open "Insert function" dialog boxShift + F3Fn + Shift + F3
Show "Function arguments" dialog boxCtrl + AControl + A
Open "Insert" dialog boxCtrl + ShiftCommand + Shift
Show "Delete" dialog boxCtrl + -Command + -
Open "Group" dialog boxAlt + Shift + right arrow keyCommand + Shift + K
Show "Ungroup" dialog boxAlt + Shift + left arrow keyCommand + Shift + J
Open "Spelling" dialog boxF7Fn + F7
Show "Thesaurus" dialog boxShift + F7Fn + Shift + F7
Open "Macro" dialog boxAlt + F8Fn + Option + F8
Show "Change cell style" dialog boxAlt + 'Command + Shift + L
Close dialog boxEscEsc

Shortcuts for formulas

Formulas are at the heart of Excel and enable complex calculations and the automation of data processing. The use of formulas is essential in order to process data precisely and achieve meaningful results.

DescriptionExcel Shortcuts Windows/PCExcel shortcuts Mac
Copy formula from cell aboveCtrl + 'Control + '
Toggle formulas on and offCtrl + `Control + `
Enter array formulaCtrl + Shift + EnterControl + Shift + Return
Evaluate part of a formulaF9Fn + F9
Expand or collapse the formula barCtrl + Shift + UControl + Shift + U
Insert name in formulaF3
Display formulasCtrl + Shift + 'Control + `
Accept suggestion for function by autocompleteTabTab + down arrow key

Position functions in Excel

Position functions are a key category of functions that allow you to retrieve or manipulate data based on its position in a table.

FunctionFunction DescriptionFormula
REFERENCEFinds unknown information based on known information
and outputs the result.
=REFERENCE(search criterion; search vector; [result vector])
=REFERENCE(search criterion; matrix)
REFERENCEFinds unknown information on the basis of known information
and outputs the result (searches vertically in the first column).
SVERWEIS(search criterion; matrix; column index; [range_reference])
REFERENCEFinds unknown information on the basis of known information
and outputs the result (searches horizontally in the first row).
WWEIS(search criterion; matrix; row index; [range_reference])
INDEXGoes to a position in a range based on a given row
and column to a position and returns the value.
=INDEX(Matrix; Row; [Column])
=INDEX(Reference; Row; [Column]; [Range])
COMPARESearches for a criterion
and returns the relative position of the value.
COMPARE(search criterion; search matrix; [comparison type])

Basic functions in Excel

Basic functions are essential tools in Excel that are used to perform basic calculations or change data in a simple way.

FunctionFunction DescriptionFormula
ANDReturns TRUE if all truth values are TRUE.=AND(truth value1; [truth value2]; ...)
ORReturns TRUE if at least one truth value is TRUE.=OR(truth value1; [truth value2]; ...)
IFPerforms a truth check.=WENN(Check; [Then_Value]; [Else_Value])
MAXFinds the largest value of a value set.=MAX(number1; [number2]; ...)
MINFinds the smallest value of a value set.=MIN(number1; [number2]; ...)
MAXAFinds the largest value of a value set (including text
and logical values).
=MAXA(value1; [value2]; ...)
MINAFinds the smallest value of a value set (including text
and logical values).
=MINA(value1; [value2]; ...)
KGLARGESTSearches for the k largest number in a range (e.g. the third largest number).
the third largest number) and returns it.
=KLARGEST(Matrix; k)
KKLEINSTSearches for the k smallest number in a range (e.g. the third smallest number) and returns it.
the third smallest number) and returns it.
=KLEINST(Matrix; k)
RANGE.MOVEDisplays a reference that is offset from the specified
=RANGE.SHIFT(reference; rows; columns; [height]; [width])

Date functions in Excel

In Excel, date functions play a crucial role in the analysis and organization of time-related data. These functions can be used to change date values, perform calculations and track time intervals.

FunctionFunction DescriptionFormula
DATEDefines a date.=DATE(year; month; day)
DAYConverts a number into the day of a month (1 to 31).=DAY(number)
DAYSCalculates the number of days between two dates:=DAYS(target date; source date)
MONTHConverts a number into the month of a year (1 to 12).=MONTH(number)
YEARConverts a number into a year (1900 to 9999).=YEAR(number)
NOWDisplays the current date and time.=NOW()
TODAYDisplays the current date.=TODAY()
CALENDAR WEEKSpecifies the calendar week of a date (number_type for specifying the
of the calendar week according to ISO 8601: 21).
=CALENDARWEEK(consecutive_number; [number_type])
ISOCAL OF THE WEEKSpecifies the calendar week of a date according to ISO 8601.=ISOCALENDERWEEK(date)
EDATUMIndicates a date that is a number of months before or
after the starting date.
=EDATUM(starting date; months)

Calculation functions in Excel

Calculation functions in Excel form the basis for a wide range of calculatory tasks and data analyses. They enable complex calculations to be performed and data to be processed efficiently. Below you will find some basic calculation functions that you can use in Excel:

FunctionFunction DescriptionFormula
SUMSums the values of a selected range.=SUM(number1; [number2]; ...)
SUMWENNSums values that fulfill a search criterion.=SUMWENN(range; search criteria; [sum_range])
SUMWENNSSums values that fulfill several search criteria.=SUMWENNS(sum_range; criteria_range1; criteria1; ...)
DBSUMMESums values that fulfill several search criteria.=DBSUMME(database; database field; search criteria)
PRODUCTMultiplies all values in a range.=PRODUCT(number1; [number2]; ...)
QUOTIENTDisplays the result of a division (integer part).=QUOTIENT(numerator; denominator)
AVERAGEDisplays the arithmetic mean:=AVERAGE(number1; [number2]; ...)
STABWAEstimates the standard deviation (for samples).=STABWA(value1; [value2]; ...)
STABWNACalculates the standard deviation (for population).=STABWNA(value1; [value2]; ...)
CONVERTSwitches from one measurement system to another.=CONVERT(number; from_unit_of_measure; to_unit_of_measure)

Rounding and counting functions in Excel

Rounding and counting functions play an important role in the precise processing of numbers and the recording of data. These functions make it possible to round numerical values in various ways and to count the number of cells with certain criteria.

FunctionFunction DescriptionFormula
ROUND UPRounds up a value.=ROUND UP(number; number_digits)
ROUNDRounds up a value.=RUNDEN(number; number_digits)
ROUND DOWNRounds a value down.=ROUND(number; number_digits)
COUNTCounts all cells in a range that contain a number.=ANZAHL(value1; [value2]; ...)
COUNT2Counts all cells in a range that contain information.=ANZAHL2(value1; [value2]; ...)
COUNT EMPTY CELLSCounts all empty cells in a range.=ANZAHLLEEREZELLEN(range)
COUNT IFCounts cells that fulfill a search criterion.=CANCLECELLS(range; search criteria)
NUMBERSCounts cells that fulfill several search criteria.=COUNTIFYCENTS(criteria range1; criteria1; ...)
ROWReturns the row number of a reference cell.=ROW([reference])
COLUMNReturns the column number of a reference cell.= COLUMN([reference])
274, 866, 851, 605, 594, 588, 333

Shortcuts Excel - Keyboard shortcuts & shortcuts

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