In the world of digital image editing, Adobe Photoshop Elements is an indispensable tool for amateur photographers and design enthusiasts. However, in order to utilize the full potential of this software, it is crucial to master the keyboard shortcuts.
Keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop Elements are more than just handy shortcuts; they are the secret to a fast, smooth and efficient workflow. With these commands, you can reduce time-consuming mouse clicks, speed up your editing processes and gain more time for your creative development. They allow you to perform complex actions with just a few keystrokes, not only saving you time but also taking your editing skills to the next level.
In this article, we'll discover together the most powerful keyboard shortcuts in Adobe Photoshop Elements. Whether you're a beginner or looking to develop your skills, these commands will revolutionize your editing process and make your work with Photoshop Elements more efficient and enjoyable. Let's dive into the world of keyboard shortcuts and take your Photoshop Elements skills to the next level!
that you can perform batch processing for many images in the Organizer? For example, if you want to send images in a smaller resolution by e-mail, select all the images and save them in the batch as a JPEG in a smaller resolution using Ctrl + E.
that you can intuitively control the size of a tool tip with Alt + right-click + left/right movement with the mouse? Moving the mouse to the left makes the tool tip smaller and moving it to the right makes it larger. If you also hold down the button, you can vary the degree of hardness. The tool tip becomes softer when moving to the left and harder when moving to the right.
that you can easily merge several group images in Elements' assistant mode? In one image, person A is looking away in the second, person B. A familiar problem. Solution? Simply open both images and call up the function via Photomerge > Group image. Follow the instructions and you're done.
that you can assign different blending modes to the painting tools (e.g. the brush) with the same shortcuts as for the layers panel?
that you can use the Alt key to activate the eyedropper while editing as long as the key is pressed. This is particularly useful when painting with brushes and the like to quickly set additional colors from the document as foreground colors.
that you can also pick up colors outside of Photoshop Elements? Hold down the Alt key and the mouse button and go to the area outside of Elements where the desired color is located. The color picker immediately adjusts the color to the movement of the eyedropper. When you release the mouse button, this color remains in the color picker.
that you can hide all other layers by pressing Alt and clicking on the eye symbol in the layer control panel?
that you can also intuitively adjust the opacity slider? To do this, move the mouse pointer over the slider. When the hand with the double arrow appears, you can set the slider value with a left/right movement.
that you can copy layers and effects via drag & drop by holding down the Alt key?
6 points for working effectively
Always name layers If a document contains more than three layers, name them according to their content. This way, you can always keep track of extensive documents with many adjustment layers, fill layers, layer masks etc. and very small layer contents.
Layer masks The layer mask specifies what of a layer should be visible (white) and what should be hidden (black). Black color in the mask hides layer content, while white color makes it visible again. Layer masks are therefore very effective for clipping and collages.
Adjustment layers Use the adjustment layers for corrections! Almost all correction tools are available as adjustment layers. The desired effect is calculated with the adjustment layer. All pixels are retained and the settings can be changed at any time without loss.
Clipping masks If adjustment layers should only affect the underlying layer, a clipping mask can help. You can also create great text-image effects with clipping masks.
Using editing modes Many advanced users of Photoshop Elements usually only work with the "Full" editing mode and don't even know that there are some very useful and time-saving functions hidden behind the "Assistant" mode, for example. For example, the group image photomerge or effects such as out-of-bounds and the image stack.
Sharing functions It is very easy to share single or multiple files directly from Photoshop Elements. If you want to upload your images directly to a Facebook or Flickr album, for example, or perhaps send your customer all the images from a shoot by e-mail, you can do this easily using this module. All images are automatically reduced in size, compressed and sent to multiple recipients with a personal message. So you can quickly and easily share your share your own work with others!
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Shortcuts for Adobe Photoshop Elements - Keyboard shortcuts at a glance
Together with his brother Matthias, Stefan Petri runs the popular specialist forum and the e-learning platform, which focuses on the training and further education of digital professional skills.