In the dynamic world of web design, Adobe Dreamweaver is an indispensable tool for developers and designers. But to truly realize the full potential of this powerful software, keyboard shortcuts are a key element.
Keyboard shortcuts in Dreamweaver are far more than just handy shortcuts. They are a bridge to working faster and more efficiently. These shortcuts allow you to complete complex tasks with just a few keystrokes, increasing productivity and saving valuable time. They allow you to switch smoothly between different functions and views without having to navigate through cumbersome menus. This leads to a more seamless and intuitive workflow, which is a great advantage, especially when working to tight deadlines.
In this article, you'll learn how to optimize your web design and development processes with the most important Dreamweaver keyboard shortcuts. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, these commands will fundamentally improve your work in Dreamweaver. Ready to take your web design skills to the next level? Let's dive into the world of Dreamweaver shortcuts!
You want to quickly transfer the open file to the server, if this is set up via Site, then press Ctrl + + U.
There is an internal browser compatibility test in Dreamweaver that outputs all W3C-invalid errors and the browser compatibilities for all scripts. This function can be accessed via the document bar with the menu item Check page. Very helpful, so that you don't always have to call up your page with all browsers.
With Dreamweaver you can open and edit files directly from the server. This saves you having to upload files using the FTP client. Simply click in the Files (F8) => Manage sites window, then click on New and fill in all the details. The server content is then listed there and you can open the desired pages.
To make CSS backgrounds easier to recognize, you can activate CSS layout backgrounds in the View => Visual aids => CSS layout backgrounds menu. The individual blocks are now filled with a random color. However, these colors are only displayed in the design window.
The display size should not be changed if possible - the default setting is 100% - because otherwise the page will look too pixelated in the Dreamweaver display.
By default, up to 50 steps can be undone in the History layer panel. You can increase this value in the General tab of the Preferences (Ctrl + U).
It often happens that a new row is required in a table. To do this, simply click in the last cell at the bottom right and then press the tab key. If you need 10 or more new rows or columns, it makes sense to click right mouse button => Insert rows or columns.
To quickly hide or show all control panels, press the keyboard shortcut F4. Only the menu and the work window will then be displayed.
In Dreamweaver it is possible to search for and replace complete source code blocks. This is particularly useful if you want to replace more than just one line of code that occurs repeatedly.
18 tips and tricks for Adobe Dreamweaver
To quickly select the entire content of a table () or a DIV (), click Ctrl + A twice in succession.
If you are working in the source code, you can quickly close the tags by choosing Window > Results > Review). The Firefox plug-in HTML Validator ( in conjunction with Firebug ( is also very practical.
Good places to go for Dreamweaver tutorials are:, and
There are various plug-ins to extend Dreamweaver. You can also edit Joomla! based templates in Dreamweaver. See
Shortcuts for Adobe Dreamweaver - Keyboard shortcuts at a glance
Together with his brother Matthias, Stefan Petri runs the popular specialist forum and the e-learning platform, which focuses on the training and further education of digital professional skills.