Imagine you are working on an important project and suddenly you need a special character. You know it exists, but where? In which menu is it hidden? This is where keyboard shortcuts come into play! They are like secret superpowers for your keyboard. They give you lightning-fast access to a huge selection of special characters without taking your hands off the keyboard. This not only saves time, but also keeps the creative flow going. You stay in your workflow instead of clicking through endless menus. And the best part? Once learned, these shortcuts are like riding a bike - you don't forget them. In short, knowing the most important keyboard shortcuts for special characters is a real game-changer for efficiency and productivity in any digital project!

Quotation marks - keyboard shortcuts

CharacterKeyboard nameWindowsMac
"German openingAlt + 0132Alt + ^
"German closing/ English openingAlt + 0147Alt + 2
"English closingAlt + 0148Shift + Alt + 2
"French openingAlt + 0187Shift + Alt + Q
"French closingAlt + 0171Alt + Q
'German single opening (elegant)Alt + 0155Shift + Alt + N
'German single closing (elegant)Alt + 0139Shift + Alt + B
'German single openingAlt + 0130Alt + S
'German single closing/English single openingAlt + 0145Alt + #
'Apostrophe/English single closingAlt + 0146Shift + Alt + #

Other special characters - keyboard shortcuts

©CopyrightAlt + 0169Alt + G
®RegisteredAlt + 0174Alt + R
TrademarkAlt + 0153Shift + Alt + D

Spaces - keyboard shortcuts

Space nameWindowsMac
Four space characterShift + Ctrl + MShift+ Cmd + M
1/2-spaceShift + Ctrl + NShift+ Cmd + N
Protected spaceAlt + Ctrl + X / Alt + 0160Alt + Cmd + X / Alt + Spacebar
1/8-spaceAlt + Shift + Ctrl + MAlt + Shift + Cmd + M

Mathematical characters - Keyboard shortcuts

CharacterCharacter nameWindowsMac
÷Split characterAlt + 0247Shift + Alt + .
×paint characterAlt + 0215
±PlusminusAlt + 0177Alt + +
Almost equalAlt + X
UnequalAlt + 0
~TildeAlt Gr + +Alt + N
½One and a halfAlt + 0189
¼A quarterAlt + 0188
¾Three quartersAlt + 0190
¹Superscript 1Alt + 0185
²Superscript 2Alt Gr + 2
³Superscript 3Alt Gr + 3

Punctuation (punctuation marks) - Keyboard shortcuts

CharacterKeyboard nameWindowsMac
-dashAlt + 0150Alt + -
-En dashAlt + 0151Shift + Alt + -
-Bold centered dotAlt + 0149Alt + Ü
-Centered dotAlt + 0183Shift + Alt + 9
...Omission points ("ellipse")Alt + 0133Alt + .

Wrap character - keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard nameWindowsMac
Frame wrappingShift + Enter (on numeric keypad)Shift + Enter (on numeric keypad)
Page breakCtrl + Enter (on numeric keypad)Cmd + Enter (on numeric keypad)
Hard line breakShift + EnterShift + Enter

Currency characters - key combinations

CharacterCharacter nameWindowsMac
¢CentAlt + 0162Alt + 4
EuroAlt Gr + EAlt + E
$DollarShift + 4Shift + 4
£PoundAlt + 0163Shift + Alt + 4
¥YenAlt + 0165Alt + Y


99 below, 66 above!
Correct: I specifically said: "Please prepare for the tutorial properly and conscientiously!"
Correct: I specifically said: "Please prepare for the tutorial properly and conscientiously!"
Perfect: I specifically said: "Please prepare for the tutorial properly and conscientiously!"

Quotation marks and kerning
Incorrect: "Please prepare for the tutorial properly and conscientiously!"
Correct: "Please prepare for the tutorial properly and conscientiously!"

Hyphen and dash

  • Hyphen as a hyphen (word separator)
  • Hyphen as a complementary dash (rising and falling)
  • Hyphen in compounds with numbers and letters (30-year, 3-hour)
  • Hyphen as a linking dash (video tutorial trainer)
  • Hyphen for standardized spelling of the date (2015-10-02)
  • Hyphen to clarify compounds (before and after comparison)

Incorrect: Three, two, one - action!
Correct: Three, two, one - action!

Incorrect italics

Letters should never be italicized by manual editing such as stretching or elongation.


When using justified text, make sure that the spaces between the words are evenly distributed. So-called casting streams and irregularly occurring exclusions considerably impede the flow of reading. For this reason, automatically created justified text must always be edited manually. Methods such as "expel", "insert", "expand" and "condense" are suitable for this. Remember: uniformity increases readability!

Spacing and line spacing
The space between the lines, together with the line length, has a direct effect on the readability of a text. Here it is important to ensure a harmonious overall picture.

The line length

  • Left-aligned text is usually easier to read than justified text
  • Justification should always be avoided with very short lines
  • Larger line spacing makes it easier to read very long lines
  • Short line lengths are suitable for very narrow text
  • Multi-column texts are used more frequently than single-column texts - however, there is no difference in reading speed - Single-column text: 50 to 70 characters per line
  • Multi-column text: 40 to 50 characters per line - Optimal readability: eight to twelve words per line

Shortcuts for special characters - Keyboard shortcuts at a glance

Published on by Stefan Petri
Published on: From Stefan Petri
Together with his brother Matthias, Stefan Petri runs the popular specialist forum and the e-learning platform, which focuses on the training and further education of digital professional skills.