Welcome to our comprehensive guide on keyboard shortcuts for Google Slides! In this article, you'll discover how to make your presentations faster and more effective by harnessing the power of keyboard shortcuts. Whether you're just starting out or you're an experienced user, these keyboard shortcuts will revolutionize the way you work in Google Slides. We'll show you how to master everything from formatting to quickly switching between slides with simple keystrokes. Get ready to maximize your productivity and perfect your presentations with ease!

Table of Contents

Frequently used actions

Keyboard shortcut description Keyboard shortcut (Mac) Keyboard shortcut (PC)
Create new slideControl + MCtrl + M
Duplicate slideCommand + DCtrl + D
Undo actionCommand + ZCtrl + Z
Repeat actionCommand + YCtrl + Y
Copy slide or elementCommand + CCtrl + C
Cut slide or elementCommand + XCtrl + X
Insert slide or elementCommand + VCtrl + V
Open window for linksCommand + KCtrl + K
Open selected linkOption + EnterAlt + Enter
Paste unformatted textCommand + Shift + VCtrl + Alt + V
Save presentationCommand + SCtrl + S
Print presentationCommand + PCtrl + P
Call up open presentationsCommand + OCtrl + O
Start searchCommand + FCtrl + F
Search & replaceCommand + Shift + HCtrl + H
Find nextCommand + GCtrl + G


Keyboard shortcut Keyboard shortcut (Mac) Keyboard shortcut (PC)
Zoom inCommand + Option + +Ctrl + Alt + +
Zoom outCommand + Option + -Ctrl + Alt + -
Switch to slide arrangementCommand + Option + Shift + FCtrl + Alt + Shift + F
Switch to workspaceCommand + Option + Shift + CCtrl + Alt + Shift + C
Switch to HTML viewCommand + Option + Shift + PCtrl + Alt + Shift + P
Open animation areaCommand + Option + Shift + BCtrl + Alt + Shift + B
Presentation of the slidesCommand + EnterCtrl + F5
Presenting the slides from the beginningCommand + Shift + EnterCtrl + Shift + F5
Exit selected modeEscEsc

Format text

Format text Description Keyboard shortcut (Mac) Keyboard shortcut (PC)
Bold textCommand + BCtrl + B
Italic textCommand + ICtrl + I
Underlined textCommand + UCtrl + U
Strikethrough textCommand + Shift + XAlt + Shift + 5
Superscript textCommand + .Ctrl + .
Subscript textCommand + <Ctrl + ,
Enlarges fontCommand + Shift + >Ctrl + Shift + >
Reduces font sizeCommand + Shift + <Ctrl + Shift + <
Centers paragraphCommand + Shift + ECtrl + Shift + E
Aligns paragraph to the rightCommand + Shift + RCtrl + Shift + R
Aligns paragraph left-justifiedCommand + Shift + LCtrl + Shift + L
Creates justificationCommand + Shift + JCtrl + Shift + J

Working with comments

Keyboard shortcut Keyboard shortcut (Mac) Keyboard shortcut (PC)
Opens window for entering commentsCommand + Option + MCtrl + Alt + M
Opens current commentControl + EnterCtrl + Enter
Switches to the next comment in the presentationControl + Command (hold down) + N + CCtrl + Alt (hold down) + N + C
Switches to the previous comment in the presentationControl + Command (hold down) + P + CCtrl + Alt (hold down) + P + C

Work with screen reader (For Mac: Please activate the voice-over function first)

Description (Mac) Keyboard shortcut (Mac) Key combination (PC)
Activating the screen readerOption + Command + ZCtrl + Alt + Z
Reads out selectionControl + Command + XCtrl + Alt + X
Reads out from the position of the cursorControl + Command + RCtrl + Alt + R

Working with objects

Keyboard shortcut Keyboard shortcut (Mac) Keyboard shortcut (PC)
Place object one position behindCommand + down arrow keyCtrl + down arrow key
Place object one position in frontCommand + up arrow keyCtrl + up arrow key
Place object at the last positionCommand + Shift + down arrow keyCtrl + Shift + down arrow key
Place object at front positionCommand + Shift + up arrow keyCtrl + Shift + up arrow key
Move object left, right, up or downCorresponding arrow keyCorresponding arrow key
Move object to the left, right, up or down with pixel accuracyShift + corresponding arrow keyShift + corresponding arrow key
Rotates object 1° clockwise or anti-clockwiseOption + Shift + arrow key left or rightAlt + Shift + left or right arrow key
Rotates object by 15° clockwise or anti-clockwiseOption + arrow key left or rightAlt + arrow key left or right
Enlarges objectCommand + Control + KCtrl + Alt + K
Reduces objectCommand + Control + JCtrl + Alt + J
Enlarges object horizontallyCommand + Control + BCtrl + Alt + B
Shrinks object horizontallyCommand + Control + WCtrl + Alt + W
Enlarges object verticallyCommand + Control + ICtrl + Alt + I

Actions during a video presentation

Keyboard shortcut Keyboard shortcut (Mac) Keyboard shortcut (Windows)
Play or pauseKK
10 seconds backUU
10 seconds forwardOO
Reduce playback speedCommand + Option + ,Ctrl + Shift + ,
Increase playback speedCommand + Option + .Ctrl + Shift + .
Show subtitlesCC
Activate or end mutingMM

Actions during the presentation

M Description Keyboard shortcut (Mac) Keyboard shortcut (Windows)
Exit full screen modeEscEsc
Advance one slideRight arrow keyRight arrow key
Back one slideLeft arrow keyLeft arrow key
Switch to a specific slideSlide number + EnterSlide number + Enter
Go to the first slideFn + left arrow keyHome
Go to last slideFn + right arrow keyEnd slide
Open notesSS
Show black blank slideBB
Show white blank slideWW
Switch from the blank white or black slide back to the presentationAny buttonAny key
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Shortcuts for Google Slides - Keyboard shortcuts at a glance

Published on by Stefan Petri
Published on: From Stefan Petri
Together with his brother Matthias, Stefan Petri runs the popular specialist forum PSD-Tutorials.de and the e-learning platform TutKit.com, which focuses on the training and further education of digital professional skills.