In Adobe Illustrator, graphic styles can be stored in AI files. This is how you install and apply the graphic styles:

Importing graphic styles into Adobe Illustrator

To avoid having to reload them every time, save them in your graphic style libraries. After downloading the files, copy them to the Graphic Styles folder, which is located under the default settings in your Illustrator directory. To find out exactly where the folder is located, click on Window>Graphic Style Libraries>Other Library... in Illustrator and the corresponding path will be displayed.

Applying graphic styles in Adobe Illustrator

After copying the files, the graphic styles are available to you at any time: Open the Graphic Styles panel in Illustrator under Windows. Click on the icon for the "Graphic style libraries" menu at the bottom left and select the desired library. Activate the text or vector graphic to which you want to apply the graphic style and click on the graphic style.

Tip for scaling: If you subsequently change the size of your design element, pay attention to the Scale contours and effects setting in the Transform control panel. Whether this is activated or not affects the behavior of the graphic style when scaling.

Graphic styles with fonts

In some graphic styles, we use certain fonts by default. In principle, you can use any font you wish. If you still want to use the font we use and it is not yet available on your computer, take a look here at how to find and install the fonts we use.

Applying graphic styles in Adobe Illustrator (AI files)