Application Social Work, social pedagogy
Application for social work, social pedagogue (design sample)

Application for social work, social pedagogue (design sample)

Your shortcut to the finished application: You can quickly customize this design template for the fields of social work and social pedagogy in Word, InDesign or Affinity Publisher. Download, insert your details and send! Apply today as a social worker or social pedagogue ...

  • Template for applications in the field of social work and social pedagogy
  • With designs for cover sheet, cover letter, CV and list of attachments
  • Prepared in 5 customizable colors, editable in Word, InDesign and Affinity Publisher
  • Simply adapt and apply as a social worker or social pedagogue

From the cover sheet to the pages for your cover letter and CV to the list of attachments: everything is ready - start the download now.

  • Usable with:
  • content: 5 Assets/Templates
  • Licence: private and commercial Rights of use
Application templates (CV), Curriculum vitae & resume
Created with love by:
4eck Media Germany 4eck Media Germany

Examples of use

  • Application for social work, social pedagogue: Design sample for Word and InDesign
    Open gallery
    Edit the design pattern easily in Word or InDesign.
  • Application for social work, social pedagogue: Design sample for Word and InDesign
    Open gallery
    Ideal for applications in the field of social work and as a social pedagogue.
  • Application for social work, social pedagogue: Design sample for Word and InDesign
    Open gallery
    Cover sheet, CV, cover letter, list of attachments: the layouts for your application are ready!

Templates for applications in social work, social educator, social worker.

Details of the content

Social work and social pedagogue - the quick way to a completed application

Clear structure. Maximum overview. Modern design. Fast results. This application template for a job application in the field of social work or as a social pedagogue offers you all of this. So you no longer have to worry about layout and design - download the template and create your application documents quickly and easily.

Design template for cover sheet, cover letter, CV and list of attachments

A cover sheet that puts you in the limelight - a cover letter layout that presents your text in an easy-to-read way - a double-page CV that you can customize to your exact specifications - and a page for your list of attachments : The design templates provide you with layouts for your entire application documents.

Everything is prepared - and just as customizable. Want to do without the cover page? Then simply leave it out. Do you only want a one-page CV instead of a two-page one? Simply shorten it. And another small note: In our layout, we deliberately avoid a design structure according to DIN 5008. Instead, we want to give your individuality the leeway it deserves.

Simply customize and apply as a social worker or social pedagogue

The design samples for your application as a social pedagogue and in the field of social work are available in turquoise, red-brown, blue, saffron and mint green. You can freely customize the colors. And of course you can also edit all other elements in Word, InDesign or Affinity Publisher. Place your application photo. Add your cover letter. Fill in the sections of your CV. Your application will be ready in no time! If you need help writing your cover letter, take a look at our application e-book.