An effect to attract more attention: Photoshop architectural photos
How can you stand out and arouse interest among the abundance of real estate and architectural photos? With this look, for example! Load the included pattern and action into Photoshop. Open your image. Start the action. And then adjust the colors as you wish - for example with the colors of your corporate design. In just a few clicks, you have the result, which you can now insert into your exposés, brochures and flyers or display on your website.
For your architectural photos: engraving plus color creates the eye-catching effect!
The download includes the action itself and a sample. Load both into Photoshop and you're ready to start editing your architectural photos. You can also watch the help video for this package. Use the action for a single image to display it in a social media post, for example. Or use the action repeatedly to create an entire series of images for a real estate property with a uniform look. Ideal for exceptional exposés!