"Teach" corporate design for workshop providers
Corporate Design "Teach": Templates for lecturers, tutors, consultants & workshop providers

Corporate Design "Teach": Templates for lecturers, tutors, consultants & workshop providers

Ideal for players in the education, training and further education sector, for lecturers, tutors, consultants, seminar and workshop providers: Get a corporate design package to quickly and easily create flyers, business cards, stationery and more using the templates. This will save you a lot of time when designing your business stationery!

  • "Teach" - design templates for lecturers, tutors, consultants, seminar & workshop providers
  • All templates in a modern and appealing look
  • With flyer, stationery, business card, advertisement, roll-up & Facebook cover picture
  • Plus presentation slides for PowerPoint, Keynote and Google Slides
  • Create business stationery in a uniform corporate design

You impart knowledge - we provide the right design. Download the templates now and use them to prepare your marketing and communication materials.

In der Mitgliedschaft ab * € monatlich
Sofort-Download nach Kauf: einmalig * €
Flyer & Folder, Business cards, Roll-ups, Stationery & Invoices, Presentation templates, Corporate Design, Business, Marketing & Sales, Facebook cover image
Created with love by:
4eck Media Germany 4eck Media Germany

Examples of use

  • Open gallery
    Whether it's a business card, flyer or letterhead - equip yourself with a full range of communication materials with a strong design.
  • Corporate design templates for lecturers, tutors, consultants & workshop providers: Letterhead, business card
    Open gallery
    The templates are ideal for the education and training sector.
  • Corporate design templates for lecturers, tutors, consultants & workshop providers: Presentation slides
    Open gallery
    Also included: Presentation slides for PowerPoint, Keynote and Google Slides.
  • Open gallery
    You can freely edit the roll-up and all other layouts.
  • Open gallery
    Use the display, for example, to announce the dates for your next workshops.
  • Corporate design templates for lecturers, tutors, consultants & workshop providers: Flyer
    Open gallery
    Use the flyer to showcase your services as a tutor, lecturer, consultant and seminar and workshop provider.
  • Corporate design templates for lecturers, tutors, consultants & workshop providers: Facebook cover picture
    Open gallery
    Are you on Facebook? Then use this cover design too!
  • Corporate design templates for lecturers, tutors, consultants & workshop providers: Advertisement, stationery, flyer, business card
    Open gallery
    Download once and customize - your business stationery in a uniform corporate design is ready.