Cover page templates for your application
Cover page for the application: high-quality templates for Word & Co.

Cover page for the application: high-quality templates for Word & Co

Are you still looking for a modern, beautiful cover sheet for your application? Then take a look at our templates and discover exactly the layout you desire. You can easily customize the cover sheets in Word, among other things. Just download, edit, and submit!

  • Modern cover letter templates for job applications in various styles
  • Available in the formats A4 and US-Letter
  • Fully and easily editable in Word, InDesign or Affinity Publisher
  • Prepared placeholders: application photo, contact information, headlines, job title

Strong designs for the cover page of your application! Grab your template now and create an eye-catching cover page in no time.

In der Mitgliedschaft ab * € monatlich
Sofort-Download nach Kauf: einmalig * €
  • Usable with:
  • content: 11 Assets/Templates
  • Licence: private and commercial Rights of use
Application templates (CV)
Created with love by:
4eck Media Germany 4eck Media Germany

Examples of use

  • Cover page templates for job applications available for download, editable in Word and other programs.
    Open gallery
    Choose the appropriate cover sheet for your application from various templates.
  • Deckblatt-Vorlagen für die Bewerbung zum Download, bearbeitbar in Word und Co.
    Open gallery
    Die Deckblätter bieten hochwertige Designs in verschiedenen Stilen, verfügbar in den Formaten A4 und US-Letter.
  • Cover page templates for job applications available for download, editable in Word and other programs.
    Open gallery
    You can edit the cover page templates in Word, InDesign, and Affinity Publisher.