Nude and erotic photography
Nude and erotic photography in color and black and white
Language: German

Nude and erotic photography in color and black and white

Sensual desire, direct confrontation or lascivious playfulness - erotic photography requires far more than just a body, a camera and a simple click. Jens Brüggemann takes you into the shape-shifting world of nude and erotic photography and provides knowledge-enriching lessons on topics such as equipment, accessories, finding a model, lighting and location. The tutorial is also spiced up with practical tips and numerous image examples. In ten chapters with over 250 PDF pages, you will learn how your photos not only catch the eye, but hold it! Because: mere nudity may excite the mind, only to melt into oblivion all too quickly - artistic quality, on the other hand, resists transience and works!

  • Ten illustrated lessons with over 250 pages in PDF format on nude and erotic photography
  • Complete content: equipment, lighting, different styles, model search, practical tips ...
  • From Jens Brüggemann, a professional photographer with an eye for that special something

Dare to capture more than a fleeting moment! This is how you conjure up sophisticated wickedness and delicate aesthetics in tongue-in-cheek portraits and provocative poses.

  • content: 289 PDF pages
  • Licence: private and commercial Rights of use
  • Bonus: including working material
Photography & image editing
Created with love by:
Jens Brüggemann Jens Brüggemann

Examples of use

  • Nude and erotic photography tutorial
    Open gallery
    The e-book on nude and erotic photography!
  • Nude and erotic photography tutorial
    Open gallery
    Camera, pose, light, accessories - master all the elements of erotic photography!
  • Nude and erotic photography tutorial
    Open gallery
    Whether in the studio, for outdoor shots or in front of a special backdrop - your model will be the center of attention!
  • Nude and erotic photography tutorial
    Open gallery
    In color or in black and white? The tutorial deals with different display formats.
  • Nude and erotic photography tutorial
    Open gallery
    Playing with light and shadow - learn how to light your model perfectly!
  • Nude and erotic photography tutorial
    Open gallery
    Special effects: With the "sweat effect" you can create brilliant shots!
  • Nude and erotic photography tutorial
    Open gallery
    Use accessories and props to give the picture that special something.
  • Nude and erotic photography tutorial
    Open gallery
    Working with the model - get to know each other, clarify contracts and create a work of art!

Nude and erotic photography

Details of the content

The joy of photography

Model, photographer and the fine line between too much and too commonplace - nude and erotic photography places the highest demands on you, your camera and your creative ideas! In this PDF tutorial, you will find out how to turn a pose into a convincing pose and how to awaken a real desire for your photos with a professional approach and the right equipment!

The tutorial is divided into a total of ten lessons, supported by illustrative images that show you how successful nude and erotic photography works . Your trainer, Jens Brüggemann, covers a wide range of content and provides detailed value-added information under each aspect addressed:

First, it should be about your equipment - from the choice of camera and lens to the use of additional pieces of equipment such as reflectors, diffusers and light meters to the use of system flash or the flash unit - what is suitable and what you need it for!

Another important aspect in this area of photography is the search for a model , as you will be focusing on him or her a little more than usual. How do you organize the meeting, how do you deal with the model and - this also needs to be clarified - what legal framework conditions need to be observed. The tutorial also includes a sample contract in this regard. (Note on legal aspects and the sample contract: as of 25.05.2018, the GDPR information has not been taken into account)

Then it's on to the practical side: whether in the studio or when shooting outdoors - you need to either control the light and lighting or know how to use it correctly. Jens Brüggemann won't leave you standing in backlighting, grazing light and sidelight, or in the sun and rain. He also addresses different locations and gives professional advice on what to consider in the studio, in the home, in factories and ruins, in nature and by the sea as well as in private and public places.

Whether a woman alone, a man all to himself or several models in a shared experience - this is how you photograph individuals, couples and group arrangements . Use accessories such as fabrics, scarves, jewelry and plants, wrap bodies in charming clothing and add detail with props. Practical tips from a professional, which will be expanded on in another lesson: Find the right pose with your model, use the "sweat effect" for glamorous skin shots, put the actors into action and movement or bring a particularly intimate look to your pictures with the wipe effect.

The course is rounded off with a look at the different styles in erotic photography . Enchant the viewer with seductive portraits and classic nudes, focus on reality and intimacy or provoke with glamor, gothic and fetish. In a final chapter, your trainer will explain how to compile and present your photos digitally and in analog form on the Internet or in print products such as photo books and calendars.

What will you gain from this course?

You will learn the special features of nude and erotic photography. Every relevant aspect is discussed in detail, from equipment and location to model search and posing to possible looks and styles. Increase your photography know-how and broaden your perspective to include the erotic facet of photography! A tutorial not only worth knowing, but also worth seeing!

Legal information

Note on legal aspects and the sample contract: Status as of 25.05.2018, the information of the GDPR has not been taken into account