Better in Excel: become a spreadsheet hero
Excel basics - introduction for beginners
Language: German

Excel basics - introduction for beginners

Excel instead of chaos and confusion! In this three-hour introduction, you will learn the basics of Excel. Perfect for beginners - add much sought-after software skills to your CV. Use cells, tables, references and formatting to tame your flood of numbers and information.

  • 32 lessons in a three-hour introduction to using Microsoft Excel
  • All the important Excel basics: lists, references, formatting, formulas, calculations
  • Use the program's shortcuts to work efficiently and save time right from the start
  • A practical course, perfect for beginners: collecting, analyzing and visualizing data
  • From IT professional René Fürst, who turns mere information into informative aha moments

Whether it's a simple inventory list or a complex world of numbers - with Excel you can find your way out of any data labyrinth! Get the formula for your personal success and enter numbers and texts to gain clarity!

  • Usable with:
  • content: 3 h Video training
  • Licence: private and commercial Rights of use
  • Bonus: including working material
Office, Business, Marketing & Sales
Created with love by:
René Fürst René Fürst

Examples of use

  • Microsoft Excel logo to illustrate the introduction to Excel basics for beginners
    Open gallery
    Learn the basics of Excel in a comprehensive introduction.

Course introduction


Calculating with Excel

Formatting: Lines and columns

Formatting: Cells and Appearance

VLOOKUP: Search and Retrieve


Details of the content

All the important Excel basics in one introduction

The Excel office program offers almost endless functions for presenting data clearly and graphically. A structure that not only keeps things tidy in your private life, but also at work. So it's no wonder that many companies rely on the popular Microsoft software. Anyone who masters spreadsheets delivers excellent performance in the Office! This introduction will take you straight from beginner to user !

Excel basics plus tips and tricks for beginners

Despite its scope, Excel is easy to learn and use! Once you have understood how the program "thinks", the rest is effortless. With this introduction to Excel , René Fürst opens the door to cells, rows and columns so that you can learn all the important basics in a short space of time. The whole thing is garnished with tips and tricks from an experienced Excel user so that you can use the software efficiently! Incidentally, the introduction is also ideal for preparing for the ECDL exam. Become a spreadsheet and formula pro!

With this introduction, you'll have your data under control!

A step-by-step introduction for beginners by IT professional René Fürst: At the end of the training, you will be able to navigate confidently through the tables, create lists, maintain databases, work with formulas and cell references and be able to use formatting to highlight the relevant from the less important.

Learn how Excel thinks and how to think like Excel by understanding the concept of cells and formulas and linking them together with relative, absolute and conditional references! Speed up your work with automatic functions and find exactly the information you are looking for quickly and easily, even in thousands of entries and tables! Finally, you can mark your results with font, color and borders to make them even clearer.

An important aspect of basic training

Use the shortcuts and tricks in Excel to save time right from the start! Did you know, for example, that you can show and hide, copy or move entire rows and columns with just a few clicks? That you don't necessarily have to store data in a single file, but can also create three-dimensional links across files? Or that you can easily use Excel as a calculator? In the introduction, you will learn how all the formulas and tables work!

What's next for you

Your journey doesn't end after the basics. Become even more adept at working with Excel and improve your efficiency with these advanced training courses, for example:

What you will learn in the Excel introduction

In the introduction, you will learn the basics of Excel, numerous professional tips and tricks and how to use the program efficiently right from the start. This will give you skills that you can use in both your private and professional life. Excel skills for your CV!