Children's photography: from baby to teenager
Children's photography: from babies to teenagers
Language: German

Children's photography: from babies to teenagers

The magic of becoming - few things can give a photographer as much pleasure and challenge at the same time as a shoot with the little ones. If you want to expand your portfolio to include children's photography or increase your expertise in this area, Brüggemann's training course is the right place for you! Ten lessons with over 350 PDF pages and numerous sample images: whether the focus is on the individual, together as a family, a few days young, gradually outgrowing the parental home, indoors at school and in the party room or outdoors in the great outdoors - with the right equipment, a professional approach and practical tips from an experienced professional photographer, you can create unique moments that parents and their children will look back on with fond memories.

  • Photography fun with the little ones: ten illustrated lessons with over 350 pages in PDF format
  • Comprehensive view: Equipment, shooting behavior, indoor, outdoor, baby to teenager, in family ...
  • From professional photographer Jens Brüggemann, who turns years of experience into concrete practical tips for you

A much sought-after area: children's photography. Expand your offer or enhance your pictures even further with the knowledge of an expert! For a grateful smile not only from the children, but also from your customers!

  • content: 403 PDF pages
  • Licence: private and commercial Rights of use
Birthday & Anniversary, Photography & image editing
Created with love by:
Jens Brüggemann Jens Brüggemann

Examples of use

  • Children photography
    Open gallery
    The e-book on children's photography!
  • Children photography
    Open gallery
    The perfect shoot with a child: exuberant play, heart-warming results.
  • Children photography
    Open gallery
    Space for the little ones - then the smile will work too!
  • Children photography
    Open gallery
    Create moments that will be remembered and enjoyed again and again!
  • Children photography
    Open gallery
    The tutorial gives advice on every stage of children's development, from baby ...
  • Children photography
    Open gallery
    ... up to the age at which the little ones "fledge".
  • Children photography
    Open gallery
    Photograph the children and set them alone ...
  • Children photography
    Open gallery
    ... or together with your loved ones: This is how you arouse emotions!
  • Children photography
    Open gallery
    Children in action: between staged scenes and "snapshots" from life.
  • Children photography
    Open gallery
    Practical tips: A guarantee for better results!

Children's photography

Details of the content

Photographing children: playful, but by no means easy!

Children's photography is both beautiful and challenging at the same time. The beautiful aspects are easy to imagine and will soon make you smile yourself during the shootings. However, in order to be able to successfully master the challenging aspects, you need a professional approach and a good dose of "how to" despite all the "childishness"! That's exactly what professional photographer Jens Brüggemann equips you with in this training course!

The tutorial contains a total of ten lessons with over 350 PDF pages. Numerous sample photos have been included so that you don't just encounter a desert of text, but also have the explanations directly and visually before your eyes.

You will learn what equipment you need for children's photography, how to deal with both the little ones and the grown-ups during the shoot and what special features you need to consider at different locations such as schools or outdoor areas. Again and again, the differences to adult photography are emphasized - so the little ones either bring fun and joy or immediately express their reluctance. Your trainer will explain what to do next!

Jens Brüggemann addresses the entire process of "growing" and gives advice on how to take photos of baby bumps, babies, the youngest and those already "fledgling". So you have every stage of development professionally in view. Various scene options are also played through so that you can better capture the liveliness of family life together, the pride of the parents or the love of the grandparents, for example.

The tutorial is rounded off with two detailed lessons full of tips and tricks from your trainer's many years of experience: win the "race against time", show "courage to get close" or let practice make perfect - Brüggemann says: "Tips that may not automatically guarantee good photos if followed - but which are guaranteed to lead to less good photos if not followed!"

What will you gain from this course?

Use the training to prepare yourself professionally for baby and child photography or to expand your expertise in this field. This will make you more confident from the start of your shoot or give your photos the finishing touches. Added value for your portfolio, which is also reflected financially in the end when your customers go home with memories in their hands and a smile on their face.