Sports photo before: fit and dynamic - sports photo after: fit, dynamic, vital, powerful, expressive ... How to add sporty, athletic attributes to any portrait! Join Michael Stifter in the Photoshop training center for over three hours and equip yourself with image-editing PS vitamins in 38 lessons. Want more tan on your skin? More tension in the subject? More contrast, glowing edges or backgrounds that bring movement into the scene? Then jog to the finish line alongside your trainer!
Work-out for your workflow! Gyms will love your pictures, you'll be able to promote sports events with flying colors and you'll learn techniques for other sports photos that will turn you into a Photoshop champion!
People in motion, captured in a moment of excitement - sporting motifs are usually intended to convey health, strength and vitality . If your photos already focus on ball players, joggers, boxers or other athletes, then you can enhance the pictures afterwards with a gain in liveliness and dynamism. Your trainer Michael Stifter uses three specific examples to show you which methods are suitable for this.
Image editing for the sake of image editing? Not at all! The Photoshop workflows that you will learn in three hours with 38 lessons can be used immediately to either give your private shots even more shape and momentum or, above all, to open up new professional opportunities. Whether for health magazines, health insurance websites, fitness studios, as a sports photographer or various sporting events - your images will be bursting with the above-mentioned qualities! Healthy, powerful and vital ...
To achieve this, you will increase the color and contrast, incorporate exciting effects with light, exchange backgrounds and create shadows or reflections. Michael Stifter explains the tools and techniques required for this in detail: clipping, dodge & burn, frequency separation, adjustment layers or filters - you will soon be playing the Photoshop keyboard with an athletic edge and making every portrait shine.
And so that you don't just passively listen and watch, but become active yourself, you can edit each example yourself with mouse, keyboard, working file and Photoshop . Move your know-how and turn a good before into a masterful after.
You will learn numerous professional Photoshop techniques that you can use in general image editing. In particular, you will learn how to transform sports portraits and sports photos into dynamic and convincing sports images and how to create high-quality portrait effects. This gives you the opportunity to expand or refine your portfolio, for example, and to make your images even better for the sports/health/fitness sector in the future.
More style, more power, more templates!
Adjust your knowledge to AI!
Follow an instructive path of image editing!
Simply edit images professionally
Save time with artificial intelligence
Photo editing & image composition
Neatly cut out!
Full power, more inspirations, maximum WOW effect!