High-resolution images: Dust & Particles
Images & textures of dust and dust clouds

Images & textures of dust and dust clouds

These 384 dust, dust cloud and particle shots are guaranteed to create a whirlwind of effects in your photos and composings. You can expect textures with an almost bokeh-like effect, dense fog, spraying fountains and galaxy-like formations. Fascinating formations of particles!

  • 384 images with dust and particle formations against a black background
  • Quick and easy to use as an overlay in your photos and composites with the help of blending modes
  • JPG files, applicable with any image editing software

Whether portraits, fantasy compositing, architectural or nature shots - you can fine-tune pretty much any image with a "dusting". You'll get the magic dust for this with this package!

  • Usable with:
  • content: 384 Assets/Templates
  • Licence: private and commercial Rights of use
Textures & Overlays
Created with love by:
Stefan Kohler Stefan Kohler

Examples of use

  • Dancing couple in black and white, photo was provided with a dust effect by means of texture.
    Open gallery
    Dance of the particles - the JPG files can be used in any image editing software.
  • Dust, dust clouds and particles against a black background - dust images for image processing.
    Open gallery
    The finest particles in fine shots: Dust & dust clouds for your compositing.
  • Open gallery
    Example: Create a lot of effect dust with these textures in your pictures!
  • Open gallery
    Example: Set the blend mode to multiply negative to incorporate the dust clouds!

Dust and particles

Details of the content

Dust, dust clouds and particles for whirring compositing effects

Is the dust cloud missing when a car takes off? Does your image need more dynamics? Would your scene generally exude more charm in a dusty atmosphere? Then get this powerful dust pack with breathtaking textures!

How to stir up dust with the textures? Here's how:

It's that easy to make the dust float and fly : Select your desired dust texture. Place it over your image. Set the blend mode to multiply negative so that the black background disappears. Move the dust to the right place, adjust the size - done! Of course, you can also crop and process individual areas of the dusty exceptions. Incidentally, you can also use our fog and smoke brushes to create dusty effects.

Dusty images for your still undusted photos and composings

Because not all dust is the same and you will certainly want to keep adding new particles from picture to picture, you will receive no less than 384 high-quality images with this extensive package. The JPG textures, which can be used in any image editing software, are available with a resolution of 300 ppi to ensure that even the smallest particles pop.

Get magnificent images with dust and dust clouds from the photography professionals at RAWexchange and use the motifs as an effect, overlay, image element or background.