The large brush package: Water splashes
Brush set water images, water splashes, water droplets: Brushes for Photoshop, GIMP & Co

Brush set water images, water splashes, water droplets: Brushes for Photoshop, GIMP & Co

A lively brush set with 232 Photoshop brushes, also usable in GIMP, Affinity Photo, PaintShop Pro, Photoshop Elements and Adobe Fresco. Load the brushes into your program, open the brush tool and create your desired motif with just one click. Water splashes and water droplets - ideal for photos, backgrounds and designs.

  • 232 Brushes for Photoshop, GIMP, Affinity Photo, PaintShop Pro, Photoshop Elements and Adobe Fresco
  • Adjustable in size up to 2,500 px
  • Diverse motifs: water pictures, water splashes, water droplets, splashes
  • Easy to use: Select motif, set size and color, click into picture
  • Create lively layouts and add water effects to your photos and composings

Whenever you need splashes and drops of water - with this brush set you have the right motif at hand. Refresh your brush repertoire now!

Created with love by:
Stefan Kohler Stefan Kohler

Examples of use

  • Display of the 232 brushes with water splashes and water droplets for use in Photoshop, GIMP and Co.
    Open gallery
    232 brushes with water splashes for Photoshop, PSE, Ps Sketch, Affinity Photo, PaintShop Pro, GIMP:
  • Artwork based on the use of brushes with water splashes.
    Open gallery
    Use the brushes to create such an artword, for example.
  • The brushes are suitable for refreshing food photos, for example.
    Open gallery
    Example: Looks even fresher! Use the brushes for food photos, for example.
  • Open gallery
    Example: One click and you animate your photos with realistic water splashes.

help video for application

Brush set water pictures, water drops.

Details of the content

Water splashes: Brushes for Photoshop, GIMP, Affinity Photo & PSE

The drop of water on your hot design? Nothing could be easier! - This brush set gives you all the formations water has to offer in free flight.

Water brushes - use the brushes in your program!

You get 232 brushes with representations of water splashes, water images and water droplets for Photoshop, GIMP, Photoshop Elements, PaintShop Pro and Affinity Photo. You can set their size to up to 2,500 px. This allows you to place the motifs small and unobtrusive or display them in all their glory. We show you how to use brushes creatively in layout, design, composing and photo editing in our brush training.

Variety of formations: Water splashes, water images and water droplets

In the brush motifs, fountains of water fly through the air. Should it be thin threads of small droplets and large drops or should it be transparent, watery curtains? Simply choose the water picture you need and click the water splashes into your picture. You can also create further liquid effects with our ink textures and milk overlays.

Inserting water splashes - how to use the brushes

Load the brushes into your editing program. Activate the brush tool there. Select a brush , set the size and color and you're ready to add the water splashes.