300 splash brushes for Photoshop with splashy milk brushes: Create liquid layouts or add the wet white to your images, composings and photos. You don't have to cut anything out! Select one of the motifs, set the size and click once - done. You can also use each brush in GIMP, Affinity Photo, PaintShop Pro, Adobe Fresco and Photoshop Elements.
An angel with milk wings? A vitalizing effect for a food photo? No problem! Expand your brush repertoire now and add a motif-rich milk bar.
Do you need milk images that you can easily incorporate into your own work? Then treat yourself to this brush set, consisting of 300 splash brushes with different formations of flying milk.
You get 300 high-resolution Photoshop brushes that you can also use in GIMP, Affinity Photo, PaintShop Pro, Adobe Fresco and Photoshop Elements. The size of the milky splash brushes can be adjusted up to 2,500 px. In this way, you can use them as a motif for your image or create small, splashy additional effects. Get inspired by our brush training and find out how you can use brushes for your work .
Whatever you're looking for, you're sure to find it here. Included are brush tips with thin, milky rivulets, with white and wide milk curtains and with drops of milk . Alternatively or as a supplement, you can find even more "liquids" for your image editing or design in our brush set for watercolors and in our ink overlays.
Load the brushes into your editing program. In Photoshop, for example, simply double-click on the ABR file. Open the brush tool, select the motif, adjust its size and simply place the milk image.
Tim: Party time!
Beautiful half-tone ornaments
Click, art, wow!
For pictures in the best party mood
Draw artistic textures
For burning hot drawings
Bright colors!
Kind instead of well-behaved