Create a podcast - the practical guide
Create your own podcast - the ultimate practical guide
Language: German

Create your own podcast - the ultimate practical guide

Millions of people listen to podcasts - would you like to take a big slice of this growing market? Then listen up: with this practical guide, you'll learn everything you need to know to get your own podcast talked about. From equipment and the first recording to cutting and editing, uploading and successful marketing - in 9 hours, you will put your new podcast show in the ears of your listeners together with trainer Tobias Becker.

  • The ultimate practical guide: How to start your own podcast
  • Learn how to create your own podcast professionally and place it successfully
  • Podcasting in over 9 hours: Equipment, recording, editing, uploading and marketing
  • Including numerous tips and tricks from trainer Tobias Becker's wealth of experience

What you want to say ... Say it. Record it. And let it out! Press the play button on this video training now and keep your headphones glowing with your own podcast.

  • content: 9 h Video training
  • Licence: private and commercial Rights of use
Online Marketing & Business, Business, Marketing & Sales, 3D, Audio & Video
Created with love by:
Tobias Becker Tobias Becker

Examples of use

  • Icon of a microphone in front of the photo of a microphone
    Open gallery
    The microphone is waiting for you! Get started now with your own podcast!


Basics - There is a good reason for them.

First impulses & motives

The equipment of a podcast

First steps on the way to success

The podcast recording: step by step

The podcast follow-up.

Audacity - Further information

Podcast recording: Intro

Everything you still need to know

Graphics & descriptions for beginners

Podcast platform & free hosting.

Podcast platform: Further information

Upload podcast - Step by step

Idea generation & important tips

Make podcast more well-known with social media promotion.

More tips & tricks

Making money with a podcast


Details of the content

An ear-tip guide - learn how to create your own podcast

That's quite a number: 33% of all Germans listen to a podcast at least once a month. We're not making this up. Says statista. And it's safe to assume that there's still a lot of room for improvement. So the best time for a new podcast is when? That's right! Right now. This training is more than timely for you. This is your trainer Tobias Becker:

The W-questions of successful podcasting: Here you'll get non-stop answers!

Does it have to be the most expensive microphone? Can you get the hiss and the little slips of the tongue out of your recording? How do you publish your first, second and third podcast episode? What do you want to talk about? How often? And with whom?

Leave all these questions and many more behind you and get tried and tested answers in just one training course with 92 lessons. After the course, you'll know the answers and be able to create and publish your own podcast episodes .

In on the left and definitely not out on the right: this know-how stays in your head!

This course is perfect for you if you want to create your first podcast . You should also tune in if you want to improve the quality of your previous episodes. And even if you're still lacking listeners, your trainer will give you a warm welcome with tips on all aspects of podcast marketing.

This practical guide covers all aspects of successful podcasting. Whether it's removing noise from your recording. Whether it's creating a logo for your show. Or placing your podcast on Spotify, YouTube and co. It's all here:

  • Microphone: Which one you really need.
  • Recording: What you should definitely pay attention to.
  • Editing (with Audacity): How to increase your listening pleasure with high audio quality.
  • Uploading (with AnchorFM): How and where to place your podcast episodes online.
  • Marketing: Which measures will increase your listenership.

By the way: Your trainer will make sure that the programs used in the training are available free of charge. For example, you use Audacity to edit your podcast episodes . You prepare your image material with Canva. Your podcast is uploaded via AnchorFM. This way, you get to know suitable, professional tools that cost you nothing. And now get going and start your podcast training!