Spreadsheet with Google Sheets
Google Sheets tutorial: Create tables, formulas and charts
Language: German

Google Sheets tutorial: Create tables, formulas and charts

Web-based, free and editable by multiple users simultaneously in real time - this is how spreadsheets work with Google Sheets. In this tutorial, you will learn all about the application, from the basics to the use of formulas and the creation of pivot tables and advanced charts. Over 4.5 hours of training from spreadsheet and cell juggler Fabio Basler - perfect for your professional skills!

  • The great master course on Google Sheets: from 0 to user knowledge in 61 lessons!
  • Introduction: Quickly find your way around the interface and functions.
  • Formulas, conditions and references: Master every calculation with flying colors.
  • Diagrams and visualizations: This is how captivating data storytelling works.
  • Google Sheets-specific features: Learn what other spreadsheet programs can't do.
  • Over 4.5 hours by Fabio Basler, with helpful fact sheets

Basics for getting started. Tricks for in-depth work. Practical tips for effective work. If you want to get to know Google Sheets in depth: Take this shortcut to your learning success!

  • Usable with:
  • content: 5 h Video training
  • Licence: private and commercial Rights of use
  • Bonus: including working material
Office, Business, Marketing & Sales
Created with love by:
Fabio Basler Fabio Basler

Examples of use

  • Course plan for the Google Sheets tutorial
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    Google Sheets, from the basics to proficient use: This is your tutorial agenda.


Introduction to Google Sheets.

The basics with Google Sheets

Formula calculations with Google Sheets

Best Practices

Data cleaning


Pivot analyses

Google functions

Advanced options

Details of the content

Edit tables, integrate formulas, create charts - your tutorial!

Get an overview with this 4.5-hour Google Sheets tutorial and then dive into topics such as pivot tables, data transformation and reference functions.

The right formula for professional data handling

From zero to user knowledge: Once you have familiarized yourself with the interface and basic functions of Google Sheets , you will gallantly glide through formatting, formulas, conditional and reference functions as well as data transformations in your tables .

In terms of visualization, you will get to know the simple charts of Google Sheets as well as the special ones. In this way, you can skillfully transform your flood of data into visualizations worth seeing. Finally, you will learn everything you need to know about special Google Sheets functions and increase the efficiency of your work with the help of shortcuts and macros.

Google Sheets: How spreadsheets work today (and tomorrow, by the way)

There are now web-based alternatives to more and more desktop applications that you can easily use via your browser. This saves storage space and computing power. This allows you to access your documents from anywhere. And above all, it makes team collaboration easier.

This also applies to the web alternative to Microsoft Excel - Google Sheets: While you are still checking and adjusting the latest figures, a colleague is already preparing the visualizations for them in the middle of the same spreadsheet. You work on exactly one version and say goodbye to a jumble of different file copies.

Such striking advantages of web applications have long since heralded an immense change in the world of work. So it's a good thing that you're adapting to them right now in order to stay fit in your job with online working skills.