Target group identification & Buying Persona
Target group identification & buying persona in marketing
Language: German

Target group identification & buying persona in marketing

Only when you know them and understand the purchasing decision process can you address your target group in line with their needs in order to position your products and services precisely. Take this training course as an opportunity to (re)define your target group! In 90 minutes, Matthias Petri will show you first-hand how to define a target group and create buying personas. Theory? Check! But much more important: experience from years of business practice that you can build on directly.

  • Motivating: Use the training directly as a starting point to (re)define your target group
  • Tried and tested: See how we determined the buying personas and target groups for
  • Methodical: Get to know the individual steps for target group identification
  • Practical: Let us show you where and how you can research to hone your target group
  • Tip-rich: Find out, for example, why it can also be worthwhile to exclude customer groups
  • Compact: Everything you need to know about target group identification & buying persona in 1.5 hours in a nutshell

Your target group - in other words: the foundation for the success of your business! Start the training. Define your target group. Understand their purchasing decision process. Sensitize yourself to factors that influence it. Create the basis for your marketing.

  • content: 2 h Video training
  • Licence: private and commercial Rights of use
Business, Marketing & Sales, Online Marketing & Business
Created with love by:
Matthias Petri Matthias Petri

Examples of use

  • How to hone your target group based on numbers and data.
    Open gallery
    How to hone your target group based on numbers and data.
  • Specifically: Take a look at the steps we used to define the target group for
    Open gallery
    Specifically: Take a look at the steps we used to define the target group for
  • Learn how to reach your target group and your buying persona.
    Open gallery
    Learn how to reach your target group and your buying persona.

Tutorial on target audience determination & buying persona in marketing.

Details of the content

Determine target group and buying persona: This is how it works in practice

Do you want to launch a new product? Place a service on the market? Or sell your existing portfolio better, i.e. more precisely? Then the urgent recommendation is: clarify for yourself and your company who your target group is, what really makes them tick and how they make their purchasing decisions .

How you address your customers on your website - what style you use for images and graphics - where you address potential customers in the first place ... your entire marketing will grow out of the target group you have identified . The quick rule is: the more precisely you have defined them, the more accurately you can proceed to market your products and services.

Use the training as a prelude to a fully thought-out marketing strategy

We at and the 4eck Media agency have already gone through the process of defining target groups for our projects and agency clients several times. Matthias Petri passes on the essence of years of experience to you in this training course using concrete examples. On the one hand, you will learn in theory which steps you should take when determining target groups and creating a buying persona . On the other hand, you will immediately see which methods have proven themselves in practice. For example, let us tell you ...

  • ... how you can survey your target group with a manageable amount of effort.
  • ... where you can find further information on determining your target group.
  • ... which tools you can use to create your buying personas.

Target group identification - there's so much more!

Do you have a specific target customer group in mind? Then learn how to analyze it and check whether it really fits your offer. Do you already have countless customers, but the euro doesn't really want to roll in? Then carry out an ABC analysis and determine the customer lifetime value! Are you already hitting your target group, but marketing success isn't happening? Then take a look at influencers, opinion leaders and target group owners!

Your trainer will cover all these aspects and more in this course. Tips from tried and tested practice - put together for you in a compact format.