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Adobe Lightroom Classic

Specifications for beautiful photos
Specifications for beautiful photos

Using Lightroom Classic - with many tutorials and presets

Want to get to know Lightroom Classic or take it to the next level? In our hands-on video tutorials , our experienced photographers will guide you step by step through each Lightroom Classic level. This will help you become proficient in photo management and image editing on the desktop. Our professional presets will also get you excited. With them, you have all settings under control if required, saving time and therefore costs for your own image editing. Put your focus on it:

39 presets for duplex and magic looks in Lightroom and Camera Raw

Two-tone and luminous effects

50 presets for landscape photos (Lightroom, Camera Raw)

From black and white to intense color

Presets for vintage and retro looks in Lightroom and Camera Raw

Charming as-if looks

Lightroom presets for portraits

Modern looks for your pictures

Dreamy Kids: 40 Lightroom presets for enchanting baby photos

For magical moments

43 Light effects in Lightroom and Camera Raw: presets for beautiful light leaks

Presets for beautiful light leaks

50 fashion presets for Lightroom and Camera Raw

A catwalk of stylish specifications

Photo presets for film and action looks (Lightroom, Camera Raw)

For cinematic photos

Lightroom Classic CC - the great photo editing tutorial

From raw import to image export

Wedding photography: tips and tricks on technology, business and photography practice

Expand your photographic portfolio

Lightroom brushes for beauty retouching of portraits

Specialized specifications for skin, eyes and co.

Dark Fantasy presets for Lightroom and Photoshop with Camera Raw

For the dark side of photo editing

Lightroom & Camera Raw presets: 4 seasons

Matching photo looks for the whole year

Winter photography: presets, overlays, textures, actions - 700 assets for cool winter photos

Over 700 assets for cool pictures

Baby and children's photography: presets, textures, brushes, actions - 750 assets for children's photos

Digital camera bag!

30 Instagram filters as Camera Raw and Lightroom presets

Create trendy looks in your photos!

Presets collection for wedding photographers

Presets, actions, mockups, bokehs and brushes

Photography course: Long exposures from A to Z

Equipment, motifs, effects

Lightroom Tutorial - Tips for photo editing

For even more efficient and creative photo editing

Night photography: technique, motifs & practice

How to create fascinating night shots

Create posters in the style of Game of Thrones - the Photoshop and Lightroom tutorial

Create the winter cinema effect!

Photographing dog portraits - photo shoot in the studio

Studio setup, shooting, post-production

Photographing dogs at rest and in motion: Outdoor dog shooting

Preparation, shooting & post-processing

Optimal development of vacation photos

The best of your pictures

Cat photography: photograph epic cat portraits yourself

Cat photos with drama and expression

Learning to photograph nudes - tips for shooting classic nude photography

Because naked is not the same as nude

Food photography workshop: food styling, equipment & tips

From arrangement to post-production

Black and white image editing in Photoshop: Architectural photo

From color photo to black and white artwork

Camera Raw & Lightroom presets for photographers and photo editors

Looks & styles for your pictures

Lightroom course with tips for an efficient photo workflow

Digital image development from a single source!

Adobe Lightroom presets for download

295 wonderful picture looks created quickly

Ideal for your photo editing

Tutorials & Presets for Adobe Lightroom Classic

Quickly achieve high-quality photo looks with specifications

Have what it takes to become a classic: our presets for download

Start your work with Lightroom Classic with a good preset. Our Lightroom presets open up a whole cosmos of possibilities. You can apply the settings in full or tweak them yourself to suit your taste. Get a clearer picture of our large selection of presets - and discover, for example, presets for fashion or for film and action looks, for retro and vintage looks or for seductive nude and boudoir looks. Curiosity aroused? Download and use now!

Check out our Lightroom Classic trainings