Microsoft Copilot (Video-Training) – mit KI effektiver arbeiten

Microsoft Copilot: Creating chatbots yourself and exploring alternatives

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In this section of the course, we will take a look at the possibilities that Microsoft Copilot offers you to create chatbots. Chatbots can be used in various interfaces and provide an interesting way for interaction between humans and machines. This tutorial focuses on whether and how you can build chatbots directly with Microsoft Copilot without needing profound programming knowledge. We will also clarify what requirements you need to meet and what alternatives are available that might be more cost-effective.

Key Takeaways

  • In this section, you will learn how to create chatbots with Microsoft Copilot
  • what functions are available to you
  • what alternatives may lead to a better value for money

Step-by-Step Guide

The first step you should consider before starting to build a chatbot is to understand the functions that Microsoft Copilot offers. The software is designed to enable you to develop chatbots easily and efficiently. However, you first need to check if the necessary tools and data are available to create a functional bot.

Once you are familiar with the functions, it is important to clarify that this section is not dedicated to publishing chatbots on websites. This topic could be addressed in a separate course. The focus here is on developing and testing chatbots in the Microsoft Copilot interface.

In the upcoming lessons, we will delve deeper into what this development actually looks like and what you need for it. It is also crucial to be aware of the costs of this system. Some might be dissatisfied with the price of the feature, which is understandable, as using Microsoft Copilot is not exactly cheap.

Therefore, in the next video, there will be an alternative solution that might be more suitable if financial resources are a limiting factor. This is particularly relevant if you are working as an individual or a small company and want to keep your budget in check.

We will also try out a free demo in the next video. This will give you the opportunity to explore the capabilities of Microsoft Copilot without any financial commitments and see if the tool meets your requirements.


In this guide, you have learned how Microsoft Copilot allows you to create your own chatbots. Additionally, the costs of the respective tools were addressed, as well as the upcoming opportunity to try a free demo.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are chatbots?Chatbots are programs that simulate human-like conversations and can be used in the frontend of various applications.

Can I create chatbots with Microsoft Copilot?Yes, Microsoft Copilot allows the creation of chatbots, but you should consider the costs and requirements for it.

How expensive is using Microsoft Copilot?Using Microsoft Copilot can be perceived as expensive; hence, alternatives can be helpful.

Will there be alternatives to Microsoft Copilot?Yes, in another section of the course, more cost-effective alternatives to Microsoft Copilot will be presented.

Where can I publish the chatbots?In this specific section, we do not cover the publication of chatbots; this will be addressed in another course.