Microsoft Copilot (Video-Training) – mit KI effektiver arbeiten

Understanding and applying artificial intelligence - Your outlook on the future

All videos of the tutorial

Welcome to this final tutorial! You have made it to the end, and for that, you have earned my utmost respect. Not only have you invested your time, the most precious commodity, but you have also gained valuable knowledge about artificial intelligence and Microsoft Copilot. In this last part of the course, I want to not only thank you for your commitment but also summarize some important insights and show you how you can continue to use what you have learned. Let's look together at what you can do with this knowledge in the future!

Main Insights

  • You already belong to the top 20% of those engaging with artificial intelligence.
  • This technology will significantly influence our future.
  • It is important that you continue to apply what you have learned and want to learn more about this exciting topic.
  • If you need further assistance or simply want to exchange ideas, do not hesitate to contact me.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Stay Informed about Artificial Intelligence

The first step you should take after this course is to continue delving into the topic of artificial intelligence. Stay updated on news and developments by reading articles, watching more tutorials, or participating in webinars.

Step 2: Apply What You've Learned

It's not enough to just listen; the goal is to apply what you have learned. Think about how you can implement the concepts you have learned in your daily life or in projects. Try to find a small, practical approach to directly apply your learned skills to a problem or challenge.

Step 3: Use Chat GPT

If you feel stuck, consider using an AI like Chat GPT. Even if it's only sporadically, checking in with Chat GPT from time to time can be helpful in gaining new perspectives and ideas. You might be surprised by how much you can learn from it.

Step 4: Connect with Others

One of the best ways to learn and grow is to engage with others. Reach out to other course participants or like-minded individuals who are also interested in artificial intelligence. Together, you can implement projects or support each other in facing challenges.

Step 5: Support the Course

If you enjoyed the course, leave a review! A positive review not only helps the course but also helps other users find it. As more people become aware of the course, the community grows larger and more diverse. You might just find the person who can help you with a project.

Step 6: Stay Informed about Updates

Finally, I invite you to continue checking back on the course in the future. I plan to add regular updates and new content. This way, you have the opportunity to constantly expand your knowledge and stay up to date.


In this guide, you have learned how important it is to continue applying what you have learned from this course. The topic of artificial intelligence is far from finished, and you should ensure that you are able to further educate yourself and engage with others in this exciting field. I hope you will continue to stay engaged in the future and make the most of the opportunities this technology offers you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do after completing the course?Stay informed about current developments in artificial intelligence and apply what you have learned.

How can I apply what I've learned?Think about practical projects you can implement with the newly acquired knowledge.

Where can I find like-minded individuals?Look for others interested in artificial intelligence in online communities or networks.

How can I support the course?Leave a positive review to help other users find the course.

Will there be updates to the course?Yes, I plan to add regular updates and new content to keep the knowledge current.