Microsoft Copilot (Video-Training) – mit KI effektiver arbeiten

Dealing with Microsoft Copilot: Data privacy, ethics, and the future of AI

All videos of the tutorial

Data protection, ethics, and copyrights are crucial, especially in the context of Artificial Intelligence (AI). In this tutorial, we delve into the key insights that have emerged from the previous videos on these topics. You will learn how to responsibly handle AI to protect your own data and to respectfully deal with the intellectual property of others. At the same time, we will take a look at the future of AI and what it holds for us.

Key Insights

  • Data protection and copyrights are essential aspects that must be considered when working with AI.
  • Microsoft strives to protect users and ensure data security.
  • Artificial intelligence will change many industries and may even replace jobs.
  • The concept of "Artificial General Intelligence" (AGI) raises new questions about the future role of machines.
  • Responsible handling of AI requires common sense and an awareness of potential risks.

Step-by-Step Guide

Dealing with AI and its challenges requires a reflective approach. Here are some steps to consider:

1. Understand the Data Protection Regulations

Before using AI tools like Microsoft Copilot, it is important to understand the data protection regulations that apply to the platform. Pay attention to what data is collected and how it is used.

2. Handle Your Data Responsibly

It is important not to upload sensitive information or data that you do not want to share. Make sure you only provide the necessary information and protect your privacy.

3. Consider Copyrights

When creating or using content, be aware of copyrights. Ensure that you have permission to use materials from others and provide correct sources to avoid plagiarism.

4. Think About the Ethical Implications

AI has the potential to change or even replace many professions. Consider the ethical implications this could have and how you can prepare for changes.

5. Stay Vigilant About the Future of AI

The development towards Artificial General Intelligence will raise exciting but also challenging questions. Stay informed about advances and trends in AI research to act proactively.

6. Apply Common Sense

In everything you do, be aware and apply common sense. Avoid generating content or data that could potentially harm others.

7. Share Your Knowledge

If you have gained knowledge from this course, share it with others. This can not only help others but also enhance your own standing among colleagues.


In summary, when dealing with Artificial Intelligence, it is important to be aware of data protection, copyrights, and ethics. Through responsible action and the use of common sense, you can ensure that you deal with AI responsibly and make optimal use of the potential it offers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the tutorial?The tutorial aims to inform you about data protection, ethics, and copyrights in relation to Artificial Intelligence.

How can I protect my data?Avoid uploading sensitive information and understand the data protection regulations of the platform.

How will AI influence the working world?AI will change many professions and may replace some, leading to new ethical questions.

What is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)?AGI refers to AI systems that can reach or surpass human intelligence broadly.

How should I deal with copyrights?Ensure you have permission to use materials and provide appropriate sources.