Welcome to this comprehensive tutorial where you will learn how to best utilize collections in Lightroom Classic CC. Collections are an excellent tool to organize your images not only by folders but also by specific criteria. You can use automatic collection options to keep track of your photos and work efficiently. Let's dive right in and explore how you can make the most of this feature.

Main Insights

  • Collections help you organize images efficiently and find them quickly.
  • You can create regular and smart collections to select specific images.
  • Using metadata and keywords allows for flexible and detailed sorting.

Step-by-Step Guide

Opening and Creating Collections

Once you have calculated your previews in Lightroom, you can view the collections. On the left side of the screen, you will find the "Collections" tab. If it is not visible, click on the small arrow next to it to access the sidebar. Here, you can then click on the plus sign (+) to create a new collection.

Lightroom Classic CC: Effectively using collections

Select the option for a regular collection. In the next step, you will be asked what to name the collection. For example, name it "Drone" if you want to collect your drone pictures from Scotland there. You also have the option to automatically include all currently selected images into the collection. If you have already marked drone pictures, it would be useful to activate this.

Lightroom Classic CC: Using Collections Effectively

Now click on "Create." You will see the collection appear like a folder in the catalog with the title you assigned. You can now move different images into this collection regardless of which subfolder they are located in.

Lightroom Classic CC: Using Collections Effectively

Adding Images to Collections

To add images to your newly created collection, you can simply navigate through your catalog and select the desired images. You can also add entire groups of photos as desired. The process is simple: drag the images you want to include in the collection into the collection folder.

Lightroom Classic CC: Utilizing Collections Effectively

Creating Smart Collections

Now let's take a look at the "Smart Collections," located directly below the regular collection. Smart Collections allow you to automatically filter images based on specific criteria, such as keywords, ratings, or metadata.

Lightroom Classic CC: Effectively using collections

To create a smart collection, click on the plus sign again, select the "Smart Collection" option, and configure the filter criteria you want to use, such as by the date the pictures were taken or by the camera used. When importing images, they will be immediately included in this smart collection according to the set criteria.

Lightroom Classic CC: Utilizing Collections Effectively

Selecting and Tagging Photos

To add images to a smart collection, you first need to select the desired images. You can easily make the image selection by pressing the "P" key (for "Pick"). Each time you select an image, the number of marked photos will be displayed. This method is particularly useful when you want to make a selection for a portfolio or when you want to filter images based on specific quality criteria.

Lightroom Classic CC: Using Collections effectively

Utilizing Metadata

An essential part of working with collections is the metadata of the images. You can use them to create more precise filters for your smart collections. So, if you want to see all images taken with a specific drone, you can edit the camera information field in the smart collections. For example, select the brand of your drone and save the selection.

Lightroom Classic CC: Effectively use collections

If you want to see all photos taken from a drone with a special lens, you can also do this based on the focal length of the lenses. Set the filters accordingly and check if the images are correctly integrated into the smart collection.

Lightroom Classic CC: Using collections effectively

Complex Structure with Collections

If you want to further organize your collections, you can also create collection sets that function like folders. Create a new collection set, give it a name, and move different collections into it to categorize your images even more effectively. This allows you to create more complex structures, which are particularly beneficial when you have many images.

Lightroom Classic CC: Using collections effectively

It is useful to have a clear folder structure in which you create not only collections but also collection sets. This can help you quickly find what you are looking for and give you an efficient overview of your entire image library.

Lightroom Classic CC: Using collections effectively


In this tutorial, you have learned how to create and manage collections and smart collections in Lightroom Classic CC. You have seen how important it is to systematically organize your images in order to quickly access them. Use the possibilities offered by metadata and keywords to further refine your collections and work more efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create a regular collection?Click on the "Collections" tab, then on the plus sign, select "Create Collection," and name the collection.

What are smart collections?Smart collections are collections that automatically filter images based on specific criteria such as keywords or ratings.

How do I add images to a collection?You can select images and simply drag them into the collection or use "Pick" to select them.

How do metadata work in smart collections?You can create smart collections based on metadata such as camera, date, or focal length to filter specific images.

Can I organize collections in sets?Yes, you can create collection sets to organize multiple collections and create a clear structure.
