In this tutorial, you will learn how to professionally remove skin redness in Photoshop. Often, images of people have unwanted redness that can be distracting or diminish the overall impression of the photo. However, with the right techniques and tools in Photoshop, you can achieve a natural and appealing skin tone. Let's dive right into the steps to achieve this goal.
Key Takeaways
To effectively remove skin redness, we will be using an Adjustments panel, a Hue/Saturation layer, and applied masking techniques to make precise adjustments at the desired location.
Step-by-Step Guide
First, you will need the "Adjustments" panel, which provides you with tools to edit the colors. To open this panel, navigate to "Window" and choose "Adjustments". Тepерь you should see a window that offers various color adjustment options.

Once the panel is open, we need to adjust the Hue/Saturation layer. Click on the "+" symbol in the Adjustments panel to create a new Hue/Saturation layer. Make sure to select the red tones. Depending on the image, this can also go in the direction of magenta tones. This step is crucial as we want to modify the redness selectively.

Now that you have selected the right color, it is important to check the calculation of the redness. Initially, increase the saturation to 100 to maximize the effects and clearly define the areas you want to adjust. Look at the areas showing redness and adjust the sliders all the way to the left and right to capture the selective colors optimally.

Once you have defined the desired area, reduce the saturation back to 0. This will allow you to work precisely. Take a moment to see how far you need to slide the settings to the right. In my example, the best setting corresponds to a shift of about 44. You will notice that the redness is significantly reduced.

The next step involves detailed work. Make sure that the redness is largely gone at this stage. However, there is a risk that other elements in the image, such as stars or flowers, may also be affected. By activating the mask on the Hue/Saturation layer, you can address this issue.

Now, press the "X" key to set the color to black. This allows you to restore the original colors of the image. Take the brush and carefully paint over the areas you wish to restore. Be especially careful not to paint over the redness as you want to neutralize it selectively.

For specific details in the image, such as areas like the neck or lips, you may need to further adjust the color mask. If necessary, reset the color to white in these parts to ensure a harmonious skin tone. This will give you a coherent overall image.

In this tutorial, you have learned how to selectively adjust and remove skin redness in Photoshop. The steps include opening the Adjustments panel, adjusting the Hue/Saturation layer, and utilizing masking techniques to optimize the image.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I ensure the skin tone looks natural?Make sure not to drastically change the saturation to avoid an artificial look.
Is it necessary to edit each redness individually?In many cases, it is sufficient to eliminate redness in general without adjusting each spot individually.
Which tool is best suited for post-editing?The brush in the mask option is ideal as you can paint over the skin areas selectively.
Can I apply this technique to other areas in the image?Yes, this technique can also be applied to other creative color corrections.