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Adobe Illustrator tips & tricks: Scaling effects and contours

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The following problem: I have a beautiful sun here.

Adobe Illustrator tips & tricks: Scaling effects and contours

I would like to have it scaled a little. If you click into the rays, you can see that it is an outline with 2 pt and a variable width profile.

Adobe Illustrator tips & tricks: Scaling effects and contours

If I now scale this very small, the following problem arises: the outline is retained, the sun no longer looks like a sun, more like a sunflower. How can I prevent the contour and effects from being scaled as well? To do this, I first undo everything with Ctrl + Z.

Adobe Illustrator tips & tricks: Scaling effects and contours

Scaling contours and effects via presets

There are now two options: I go into the options with Ctrl+K. In the General tabunder Scale contours and effects, I have to put a tick in the box.

Adobe Illustrator tips & tricks: Scaling effects and contours

If I now scale the sun (by holding down the Shift key, this is also done proportionally), the effects and contours are also applied. So the sun still looks good, even if I would make it much, much bigger. That's how it should be.

Adobe Illustrator tips & tricks: Scaling effects and contours

Scaling contours and effects via transform settings

The second way to achieve this: Simply click on Transform (1), because since the CC version of Illustrator you can also activate Scale Contours and Effects (2).

Adobe Illustrator tips & tricks: Scaling effects and contours

If I deactivate this (1), it is also deactivated in the default settings (2).

Adobe Illustrator tips & tricks: Scaling effects and contours