Welcome to this comprehensive tutorial on Adobe After Effects. In this training, you will not only learn the user interface and basic functions of After Effects, but also the impressive capabilities that this program offers. My name is Peter and I have been working with After Effects for over 15 years, successfully completing numerous projects, ranging from simple to complex. Let's dive together into the exciting world of animation and visualization!

Key Takeaways

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • Master the user interface and basic functions of After Effects.
  • Implement exciting projects, including text and 3D model animation.
  • Enhance your skills in keying, camera tracking, and animation techniques.
  • Utilize professional video materials to enhance your learning curve.
  • Apply useful tips and tricks to work more efficiently.

Step-by-Step Guide

Let's start with the first step: the introduction to the user interface of After Effects.

Get to know the user interface

When you first start After Effects, you will be presented with a variety of tools and options. It is important to familiarize yourself with the user interface. Pay attention to the different panels, such as the project panel, timeline, and composition window. These elements are essential for your workflow.

Understand basic functions

Before diving into exciting projects, it is important to understand the basic functions of After Effects. You will learn how to create a new project, import assets, and perform basic animations. This knowledge forms the foundation for more complex projects.

Animating Graphics and Text

A highlight of the course will be animating graphics and text. You will learn various techniques, such as creating animated texts that move in sync with a beat. This not only adds dynamism to your project but also makes it more engaging for the viewer.

After Effects Tutorial: Introduction and first steps

Integrating 3D Models into Landscapes

An exciting topic in the world of After Effects is integrating 3D objects into scenes. You will learn how to arrange text in 3D spaces and work with different perspectives. This opens up many creative possibilities in video creation.

After Effects Tutorial: Introduction and First Steps

Effective Object Insertion or Removal

In many projects, you may want to remove certain objects from scenes or have them float in space. In this course, you will learn the techniques needed for this, including masking and keying.

After Effects Tutorial: Introduction and first steps

Creating Your Own 3D Phone Model

Another exciting project will be creating a 3D phone model. You will see how easy it is to build a model from existing assets and then use it in your scenes. This will help you realize even more complex 3D projects.

After Effects tutorial: Introduction and first steps

Simulating a Car Crash

A particularly creative project will be simulating a car crash. You will learn how to create animations for such a scene and enhance them with effects. This will significantly expand your understanding of special effects.

After Effects Tutorial: Introduction and first steps

Keyboard Shortcuts and Workflows

To work more efficiently in After Effects, you will receive a handout with the most important keyboard shortcuts. This will help you use the software faster and more effectively. Additionally, I will discuss optimal workflows to help you implement your projects quickly.

After Effects tutorial: Introduction and first steps


In this tutorial, you have gained an overview of the basic functions and tools of Adobe After Effects. You are now ready to implement exciting projects and expand your skills in animation and video creation. Use the tips and techniques to create your own unique videos. Start your journey to becoming an After Effects pro today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Adobe After Effects?Adobe After Effects is a software program for creating animations and visual effects.

How long does the course last?The course consists of different modules that allow you to learn the content at your own pace.

Do I need prior knowledge?No specific prior knowledge is required, but basic computer skills are advantageous.

What kind of projects will I work on in the course?You will work on projects ranging from animating texts to complex 3D models.

Can I use the content on my operating system?Yes, After Effects is available for both Windows and macOS.
